Status: Finished!


Chapter Eight: The chase is on

*Gabe’s POV*

I knew that Phire’s Uncle Xavier liked guys. He was MARRIED to one for shit’s sake!
But my wolf didn’t seem to know and pitched a fit.
To it, nothing with a penis was going anywhere near my Sapphire, gay or not.
So when I suddenly changed into my wolf form, it startled even me ,but my wolf was so angry that he just took control.
So there I stood, fangs bared and growls vibrating from my throat.
Phire glanced up at me from Xavier’s embrace, her expression confused.
She disentangled herself from the hug and once she was a step or two away from him, my wolf calmed immediately.
That doesn’t mean that his growls subsided.
She looked at me, seeming really confused.
Suddenly her confused expression dissipated into a expression of total comprehension and she unconsciously let out a small gasp.
Her lips parted slightly as the sound came from her and the sight of her with her lips parted caused my wolf to literally leap into action.
One minute I was standing up staring at Phire, the next she was pinned beneath me.
My wolf growled at the sight of her beneath me.
He controlled me and forcefully shoved me back into control, shifting my form.
So I sat astride Phire, absolutely naked.
Her cheeks flushed at the contact of my naked body against hers.
She felt even better than I had imagined.
Suddenly I couldn’t take it anymore, I just had to kiss her.
And what do you know?
That’s exactly what I did.
I groaned at the sweet female taste of her lips against mine, the slow pleasing friction.
I’ve dreamed of this for so long…
I couldn’t just have a fill of her lips alone-it’s just not enough.
A kiss alone will NEVER be enough.
I slowly trailed my lips down to her throat, nuzzling and nipping.
I peeked up at her face which for once not flushed with embarrassment.
Instead it was flushed with pleasure and if I have anything to do with it, it will remain on her face for quite sometime.
I heard a throat clear and choose to ignore it.
Too bad Phire didn’t.
She quickly pushed me off of her, blushing adorably.
There stood a very amused Xavier and Justin.
“Damn, girl. You are so lucky. That made me hot just watching.”
She gaped at Xavier in humiliation.
“Xavier!” she exclaimed.
She was so cute!
He came up to me and put his arm around my waist.
I have to admit this is pretty awkward.
“Ummm.” I said smartly.
Xavier just grinned up at me.
“I’d just eat you up but Justin is feeding me when we get home.” he said, winking at me.
By now Phire had grabbed a pillow and hid her face.
She wasn’t the only one blushing.
Justin’s blush was less visible than Phire’s but it was definitely there.
“Xavier! Just for that I should make you sleep on the couch!”
Xavier’s face was horrified.
“No! Please don’t! I’ll do anything!”
Justin seemed to contemplating.
“Well…You could…”
Xavier waited anxiously.
“Well, I ain’t got nothing but when I think of it, you’ll know.” he smiled mischievously.
Xavier gulped but we all knew that it was fake.
He turned to me.
“Well, since you kiddoes are all “situated” we’re going to go and get…well… “situated”.
Phire and me walked them to the front door.
“Love you Sapp!” Xavier said, kissing her cheek (My wolf growled warningly.)
Justin came tentatively forward, putting his arms around Phire in a small embrace, watching my reaction.
Since he was taking me into consideration, my wolf remained silent.
“Well, it was good to see you!” Xavier came to me and shook my hand.
“If I hear of so much of a scratch appears on her, I will rip your balls of and fed them to a wood chipper.” His voice was deadly calm.
Even though I could easily kick his ass, that had me scared.
They were finally out of the door and heading to their car.
I closed the door softly.
Now I had Phire all to myself.
I turned and looked at her, staring at her greedily.
She gazed back cautiously.
Then she bolted, running for the back door.
The chase was on.
♠ ♠ ♠
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