Status: Finished


Painless Part 1.

Frank’s POV

”Thanks but I’ll have to tell him soon Bob. He needs to see what’s happening before it goes too far to undo.” I say quietly looking back at the television; if it was even on I don’t know. It was sunny outside, 21 degrees, quite hot for spring in London. I would have usually been swimming or skateboarding, outside. I couldn’t do that any more though, thanks to him. Gerard. My older, by six years, boyfriend. I loved him, He still loves me. I don’t know how to break it to him that my love for him is over, in a way that,., that he wont respond badly.

“Frank… Can I talk to you?” I looked up slowly at Gerard. He was standing at the doorframe of the front room. He had a shirt and tie, and some fancy trousers with a black belt. It looked too smart for him if you know the real Gerard Way. “Now please.” He added when I didn’t respond. I glanced over quickly at Bob who sat watching, a sorrowful look on his face. A light wave of panic came over me as I stood up, walking over to where Gerard was. I smiled a little and walked out into the hall, shutting the front room door behind me.

“You respond when I talk to you! Don’t ignore me when I talk to you!” He shouted in my face. I turned away from him, the saliva from his mouth splattering around on the side of it. “You never ignore me when I’m talking to you! Do you understand that?!” He practically screamed the last part in my ear, causing me to wince and recoil a little from the volume. I nodded slowly, words not being able to form in my brain at this current situation.

I jumped a little as he put his hands on my fore arms, pushing me forcefully back into the door. He repeated his last line but this time only quieter.

“Yes Gerard, I understand.” I screeched out as his already hard grip on my arms tightened. “I’m sorry baby, I’ll respond when you talk to me. I love you baby. I never meant to do wrong. I’m sorry.” I shut my eyes to get rid of the tears threatening to fall. I hated lying to him by telling him I loved him but it was the only way to get him to calm down. He loosened his grip on my forearms lightly and took a step back.

“I came to get you to take you out, but I guess you don’t deserve it anymore.” He stated, smirking at me slightly. I didn’t even want to go out with him, but I couldn’t show that. He let go of me and went into the kitchen. He called over his shoulder that I’m to meet him upstairs in ten minutes, after he’s cancelled the reservations.

I trudged upstairs after getting a small talk from Bob on how to ‘let him down gently’. I knocked on his door and waited for an answer to be let in. Slowly pushing the door when I did get the permission to enter, I stepped in his room three steps. No more than three. He sat on the bed; his tie rid of the neatness, as if someone untied it for him and then threw it around his neck lazily.

“You said to meet you up here in ten minutes...” I smiled weakly at him, scratching my left elbow with my right hand. He nodded before standing and walking slowly towards me. I kept facing forward when he walked past me and to the rooms door. Hearing a click, my gaze faltered slightly as my eyes flickered to the left, where Gerard stood. Smirking, he lowered his head to my ear. Kissing it lightly before wrapping his arms round me and leading me to his bed. I smiled weakly, knowing what he wanted with me and that he would get it from me.

Pushing me down roughly on the bed so I was now lying down, he climbed on top of me, legs either side of my hips. I gasped a little bit when he leant down and kissed me, usually it’s a slap or an insult when this happens. He smiled slightly and pulled his tie slowly from around his neck, taking my hands in his and pinning them above my head. A bit of fumbling went on with our hands until he pecked my lips and stood up, my hands I found out was bound to his headboard tightly with his tie. He had this all planned out! I’m in trouble; things always go bad when he plans things out.

“Gerard…” I called shakily as he left the room and went into the ensuite. “Gerard baby,, what are you up to…?” I asked nervously when he returned with his hands behind his back. Hiding whatever he retrieved from the bathroom from me, my mind going through all sorts of possibilities. He smiled that nerve-wracking smile again, my insides doing summersaults, not the good kind either.

“Don’t worry Frank. I wont hurt you,,, just…” He said in what I would usually find a sexy tone, but now it just had me swallowing in fear. “Pleasure you.” He finished. I whimpered lightly, I didn’t want pleasuring. I just wanted out of this room and downstairs in the open. Where everyone could see me, so Gerard couldn’t get his way with me. I just wanted to be with people that wouldn’t allow this to happen. I wanted to be making cookies with Ray. Watching cricket on the television with Bob. Anywhere but here, anywhere but alone with Gerard.

“Gerard, baby, not tonight. I’m too tired and I want it to be just as good for you as I’m sure it will be for me. Come on baby,, not tonight. Please.” I put on my sweetest voice that I could gain without showing I was as nervous as hell. Failing terribly as my voice shook with nerves. He showed that horrible and evil smile again before advancing towards the bed. Crawling on the end of it, up over my legs, straddling me.

I still didn’t know what was behind his back grasped in his hands. He dropped it against my legs and I gasped at the sudden coldness of it, it felt kind of round and smooth with bumps on it. His hands reached down to a small hand towel beside my chest, he rolled it up into a strip and raised it to my face. I shook my head to try and get away as he tied it around my mouth, lifting my head to tie it at the back.

It hurt to be honest. It hurt to know my boyfriend who I once loved dearly was about to rape me. Well I don’t know if it will be classed as rape, I agreed to come upstairs. I was the one who walked into his room. I lead him on and called him baby, made him think that I loved him. It was my fault; I agreed and created all of this myself.
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Part 1 or 2.