Status: Active

They Never Said It Was Fair

Chapter Ten: I’m Living With An Open Wound

Dear Riley,
I'm guessing I can fill these words with my heart again. Because I know your not actually reading them, your in heaven, you can't read them. I think. I'm lost in this world, trying to make my was without causing to much trouble, without having things fall apart again. It's working out so well. I just have this horrible feeling nothing is going work out the way it's planned, I'm stepping into this plan and am pretty sure it's going to end up like quicksand and swallow me up.
But don't worry, I'm not giving up. Not yet, not now.

I waited sat quietly in the passenger seat of the Volvo, I looked at the material covering the car, and the picture of Edward and Bella wedged between the apholtry and the glass covering the speed meter.
Aralina sat in the back, jabbering with Jasper about the directions. I new the way to the house, it was just a little fuzzy. If my life depended on finding the house I could, it might just take me half a century to do it.
"Don't you know where the house is, Mell?" Aralina asked in the sweet accent. She told me she had a sister named Mell and that was how she remembered my name.
"I think so, it just a little fuzzy..." I muttered.
Jasper sighed. "Aralina, don't make Mellana strain herslef trying to remember. She suffering from amnesia her mind is probably confused and blurry."
"Mind you Jasper, I'm asking Mell." Aralina snapped. Jasper ran a hand threw his hair and gripped the steering wheel tighter. I smiled, they always were arguing, it got slightly annoying at times, but usually funny. It wasn't like when Edward and I argued because they didn't mean it what they were saying to each other.
I chuckled. "I'm not exactly sure where it is. Don't you have directions?"
Now Aralina laughed. "Yeah, we have directions. Directions Alice drew for us."
"And they aren't exactly accurate." Jasper agreed.
I chewed on my bottom lips. "Why don't you use a G.P.S?" I asked.
"Vampires are like ten times more accurate than a stupid G.P.S. unless it's Alice scribbling down un-deciperable words and pictures in five seconds for us." Jasper sighed.
"Now take a right!" Aralina commanded from the back seat.
"Back seat driver, much?" Jasper muttered. "And anyway it's left."
"No, it's not, I'm the one with the map." Aralina barked.
"It's left!" Jasper agrued stopping the car at the two forked roads.
"Right!" She yelled.
"I'm going left." Jasper said pusing the petal and starting left.
"Oh no your not," Aralina contradicted, unbuckling in one swift movement and reaching around the head rest. She grabbed the steering wheel and twisted it right driving us threw the grass and through a bush.
"Aralina!" Jasper wailed. "You could've crashed the car! Edward would kill us!"
"I guess possibly killing me doesn't matter?" I joked.
"That too!" Jasper agreed.
Aralina let go of the wheel laughing. "You don't think that was fun?" She taunted. "What a rush!"
"Aralina! That was very much not fun!" He snapped.
"Ha!" Aralina blurted then.
"What?" Jasper asked.
She started laughing again. "Told you it's right!"
We looked ahead, the brick house sat infront of us. Two of the top windows were broken and the door was wide open, I jumped out of the car. I pulled up the hood of my <a href="">fuzzy sky blue zip-up sweater</a> that covered my plain navy blue shirt. I pulled the him of my dark jeans and darted over to the house in my converse.
I stared up at the quiet house. "Omigod." I murmured staring at the back of the house I saw as I rounded the corner. The whole back side of the house had crumbled, ash and depree covered the brown grass, the wood in the structure of the house was charred and black, I could see in some of the rooms on the first floors. Nothing remaind in the kitchen or the living room.
Nothing was there, it was deserted. Embry.
My mouth was hanging open as I stared up at the remains of the house.
"Mellana!" Jasper called, coming around the corner to me, followed by Aralina. "Wow." He whispered staring at the house.
"Jeez." Aralina murmured whistling a long low whistle under her breath. Jasper held up a small red letter entitled Mellana, and another peice of paper with charred edges and water marks.
I snatched them from his hand a opened the charred paper folded in half.

Dear Mellana,
Don't worry. I have my eye on you.
With all sincerity,

I let a tear fall on the paper. "It's from Embry. I don't know when this is from though." I said threw a sniffle. Aralina took the paper and skimmed over it.
"How do you know it's from Embry? I dosen't have a signature." She said.
"Becasue, Alice said she could have visions with me because a Embry was watching me." I sighed and tore the red letter open. Why could all of this suffering and misery just end.

Dear Human,
It's seems you've made it this far. Ah, it's seems that your little boyfriend isn't exactly enjoying his time with us. He keeps saying I stink. But in all seriousness, Emerson and I have decided to make this fun, like a game. I bet this is the most important game of hide-and-seek ever.
Against your boyfriend's will we've happily brought him to a new location. But if we told you the place flat out it would be any fun would it? So here's your clue: It's an ice-covered oppiste.
Have fun!
P.S. Maybe we should make a time limit? How about you have one week to find us.

I sighed and gripped the paper tightly. Jasper and Aralina walked around me and read the letter of my shoulder.
"God, this just can't be easy can it?" Jasper griped.
Aralina boped him upside the head. "It's an adventure silly, enjoy it, I'm betting you've never done anything this fun, ever."
Jasper smirked. "You don't know Bella."
"Yeah well I've had countless adventures that were equally as fun, but never with a human." Aralina said back. "So just enjoy it."
"God, whatever." He snapped. "Let's focus."
"Okay, the clue." I agreed, standing there. An awkward silence errupted. "How about we go sit in the Volvo and try and figure this out." I suggested, pulling the sleeves of my sweater over my hands and crossing my arms.
"Yeah." Jasper and Aralina agreed heading back to the car. "Okay, the clue." Jasper said as we sat down.
"The clue." Aralina repeated.
"It says it's an ice-covered oppiste. What is that supposed to mean?" I asked.
"And it's a place too." Jasper added.
Aralina shuffled around in the back. "I have a book on the world!" She sang bringing out a book about as thick as a loaf of bread. "It has a page dedicated to each country just about."
"Give it." Jasper commanded holding out his hand.
"It's my book." She argued. "I'll do it."
"Fine." Jasper snapped back. "Go to the index and look for oppistes or something."
"Kay-kay." Aralina smiled, flipping the book over and opening the back cover. " oppistes." She said closing the book.
"Let me see it." Jasper barked holding his hand out towards her.
"God, whatever." She grumbled dropping the book in his hand. He evidently wasn't expecting such weight because his hand fell with the weight.
oppistes, oppistes, oppistes. My mind mocked. What did you learn in seventh were reading about countries...and the vikings....
"Greenland!" I screamed. Jasper dropped the cover the book startled and looked at me, and Aralina smiled.
"What...?" Jasper wondered.
"Iceland and Greenland!" Aralina agreed.
"Wait." Jasper hissed flipping the book to the right page and reading. "Well, you are right, but, which one."
"Ice covered oppiste." I repeated.
"So we go to Iceland." Aralina said, shrugging.
"Noooo we go to Greenland. Oppisites, remember?" I informed her smiling pleased.
"Oh yeah." Jasper said. "Well, let's go then." He smiled starting the ignition.
"Wait!" Aralina yelled.
"What?" Jasper moaned.
I started shaking as I looked through the side mirror. "Turn around." I murmured.
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O. M. G. >.>