Status: Active

They Never Said It Was Fair

Chapter Twelve: Was It Everything You Wanted To Find

Dear Riley,
This is me, hoping Rory and Camille are safe.

Jasper bought plane tickets with his Iphone. We had to fly to New York then to Greenland because when in a small airport like the one in Port Angeles you choices are limited.
"What seat do you have?" Jasper asked as we sat down by the terminal to wait for about twenty minutes.
"A twelve, crap you got first class?" I wondered excitedly.
"Yeah, I have A ten." He said quietly.
"A Eleven!" Aralina said turning around to face us.
Jasper cringed as Rory sat down beside me. "I have A-Thirteen." He smiled. "So I'll be sitting next to you." He entused patting my shoulder.
"Rory? Could I have a word with you privatly?" Camille asked bekoning him over.
There was a silence. "Jasper?" I asked, blushing.
I looked at him skeptically. "Why are you so...aggresive with Rory?" I wondered sheepishly.
He winced. "I-I don't know..."
"You look constipated, Jasper." Aralina laughed.
I shook my head "no" at her. She shrugged and settled back into her seat. I leaned down by Jasper's face and put my arm on his shoulders. He was hunched over hiding his face. "What's wrong, Jasper?" I wondered sweetly.
He took a deep breath. "I once knew girl..." He said trailing. I could see Aralina trying to fight back laughter. She looked like she was about to explode, her face was turning red. His pain seemed to be funny to her.
"And?" I wondered, trying to break down his wall.
"Well, I," He started keeping the wall stuck around his mind, not letting out his emotions that were lingering in his facial expresions. "A long time ago I-"
"A very long time ago I bet." Aralina said bursting into uncontrolable laughter.
I pointed off to the corner. "Go away." I snapped. "His pain isn't funny."
She let her shoulders fall. "I'm sorry Jasper." She pouted, shuffling off.
"As I was saying." Jasper contiued. "Before I was a vampire, I had a sister. She only came up to be fifteen..." He paused.
"It's okay, Jasper you can tell me." I smiled.
"She had...a past that was some what like Rosalie's but I'm guessing you'd say it was worse because she didn't live to see the next day." He said, shaking a little.
"Rosalie's past?" I wondered.
"Let me finish. My sister was going to be wed to a young man named John. John Beaux." He sighed.
"Beaux is Rory's last name right?" I asked.
"Yeah..." He muttered. "Anyway, so my sister was going to marry John, but then, two days before her wedding we found her-"
"Flight 2435 to New York will be loading now!" A worker over an intercom interrupted.
"I'll tell you later." He sighed, getting up and shuffling to the teminal. I followed, and Aralina caught up.
"So, seat buddy," Rory said appearing at my side. I saw Jasper stiffin, his hands clenching to fists.
I smiled. "Hi, Rory."
"Camille and I were just kinda wondering...if your a human, why are you accopanying...vampires?" He wondered. I felt his hand make it's way to my waist. Jasper growled quietly.
I pressed my lips together and gently took Rory's hand off my waist. "Please, Rory." I smiled, he looked taken aback. "It's not you." I said gently and pointed to Jasper.
He nodded. "Oh....well....I love your eyes." He cooed.
I blushed. "Thank you."
Jasper still looked upset.
I bit my bottom lip. This was getting annoying, Jasper had no emotional feeling towards me other than friend, and he was growling at Rory for friendly flirting. He was being so dramatic, it was stupid. And Rory defidently knew how to work my heart strings, and boy was he so cute.
I kept chewing my bottom lip as we sat in our seats. Luckily Jasper was diagnaly north-west from us, and he was blocked and occupied by Aralina who was showing him a secret when playing a word search.
I was on the inside, glancing out the window at the flat runway strip. "So, why are you with the vampires?" Rory asked. Camille was diagnaly south-west from us, and two people were across the asile from us, a girl with auburn hair snuggling a boy with blond hair.
"Well, my deceased boyfriend, Riley, was a vampire." I said kindly.
"Did you say...deceased?" He wondered. I nodded. "If you don't mind my asking, how exactly do vampires die?"
"Oh, well, you might need to know this if your going to help us kill Emerson and Hannah. To kill a vampire you have to rip them apart and burn the peices." I grinned sarcastically.
"You are so adorable." He smirked, putting his hand on my jean covered knee, he started rubbing my leg by bringing his hand to my thigh and back to my knee.
I pressed my lips together. "Jasper really doesn't like you."
"I know." He said shrugging. "I don't understand his problem though. It's not like I've ruined his life..." He trailed.
I clenched my teeth togther wonderingly. "Mm-kay then." I muttered as he reached my thigh with his hand and started back for my knee. I shivered.
I felt stares then. I automatically gazed towards Jasper to see him and Aralina looking skeptically at me, I blushed again.
"Your friends are quite the starers." Rory smiled. I smiled sheepisly and gently waved at Aralina because Jasper was beyond peeved with me now. Rory leaned down and I could smell his attracting breath and warmth penatrating from him. "Is it okay that I think your beautiful?" He whispered.
I felt goose-bumps arise on my arms. "Y-yeah." I giggled.
He seemed to enjoy my reply, because before I could even think twice about it he had my face in his hands and his lips pressed to mine gently.
I heard a rippling growl, and I realized it was Rory, he pushed me closer to him making it impossible for me to pull away. I let a small moan escape my mouth, drawing attention because Rory pulled away then turning around.
"Excuse me, sir?" The flight attendant with the strict blond bun said kindly. "Could you please...keep it down?" She wondered.
"Oh, I'm sorry, we were bothering other passengers weren't we. Mellana has trouble staying quiet." He smiled.
She grinned back too. It's impossible to resist Rory. "Thank you." She smiled walking away.
"Trouble keeping quiet?" I laughed, being abrutly stopped by a stare that was practically killing me. Aralina and Jasper weren't the starers' this time. It was a man, he had dark blonde hair covered by a "California" baseball cap and deep red eyes.
"Riley." I whispered.
♠ ♠ ♠
But in all seriousness: what is up with Jasper? Jealous much? Jk. And what happened to his sister? (stupid terminal intercom)
and ooohhhh Riley came?! And caught Mellana making out with another maaan! ooou! Mell you are in trouble!! And what's with Rory? somethings up with him!

and to all my other loyal commenter! you guys are all that and a bag of chips!
biblel :D