Status: Active

They Never Said It Was Fair

Chapter Fifteen: Try To Slip Past His Defense

Dear Riley,
So, now we're in Greenland. Hopefully Embry's here, but what if he's not?

We walked out of the terminal. Jasper had already gotten us a hotel room, so prepared it seemed. He figured we'd be around the capital, Nuuk, for sometime. None of us knew a thing about Greenland, so we just kind of went along with Jasper's orders. Or at least, some of us did.
"Jasper, I actually think that they would bring Embry farther away from civilization." Aralina said, catching up to him. They just couldn't get along, at least Rory didn't actually cause trouble, at least he kept to himself and did forcefully start it.
"Aralina, just stick to the plan." Jasper snapped back as I saw a man in a white button up shirt, gray slacks, and a black trench coat walk over, his Doc Martins clacking as they hit the linoleum tile in the airport.
He walked right in front of me, and handed me a piece of soft paper with millions of crease lines and a coffee stain.

Dear Human,
When you get this, that means you somehow made it to Greenland in time. But the game must go on, no? If you have this letter in you ugly, scrany, little hands, that means Malik has done what we told him to do, anyway, here are your cooridants to find the house we're at. One week, human, don't forget.
With Lots More Hate,

I folded the note and put it in the pocket of my fuzzy sweater I hadn't changed out of and looked up at...Malik.
"Your Malik?" I asked looking in his crystal blue eyes.
"Yes." He nodded his eyes glinting as he pulled at the sleeve of his trench coat. "And I'm supposed to also give you this." He handed me another piece of paper with cooridants on it.
"Thank you." I smiled. I could feel Rory's eyes boring into my back, Rory was defidently the protective type.
"Also, I'm not supposed to give you this, but, here." He dropped a pair of keys in my hand. "It's the black SUV." He smiled.
"Once again, thank you." I said graciously. He nodded towards Jasper and looked at Rory with a scared face, then backed up and skidded away. I turned around and looked at Rory too, he had a very angry look on his face.
"We're gonna need a GPS." Aralina said, who had managed to steal the paper with the cooridants from my hand.
"Maybe we should just check out the car first." Jasper suggested, jiggling the keys that I swore we're just in my hand.
"Common then." Aralina said grabbing Jasper by the sleeve of his navy blue coat and dragging him towards the door since we didn't have any real luggage.
I watched the oranged haired girl in the light pink sueade coat, dark skinny jeans, and light pink sueade boots drag Jasper outside, being followed by Camille in her black leather jacket, black jeans, and red boots follow them yelling something I could understand.
I turned around to meet the scruffy face of Rory who looked down at me. He was in a black pin stripe button up shirt covered by a black jacket and dark jeans. "Did you like him?" He asked, running a hand threw his messy head of dirty blond colored hair.
"No, I don't know him." I shrugged. He smiled and hugged me.
"Alright, let's go, common." He said taking my hand and leading me in the direction everyone else had gone.
"God, it's in Saarloq!" Aralina squealed after putting in the cooridants. Jasper sighed, holding his head in his hands.
"What's a Saarloq?" I asked from the backseat, leaning up to see Aralina's profile.
"It's a town 11.2 nanometers from here." Jasper muttered.
I furrowed my eyebrow. "Nanometers?"
"Simply speaking, it's about seven hundred thousand miles from where we are now." Aralina grumbled. "Which will take for freakin ever!"
"Why don't we just stay a night over here in Nuuk, then take a plane over to Saarloq?" Camille suggested, leaning around Jasper's seat. Rory was sound asleep in the middle seat, between Camille and I, snoring lightly and coughing every now and then.
"That's a good idea." Aralina agreed, "That's to long to drive."
Jasper chewed on his lip. "Fine." He said finally starting the car and driving to the hotel.
I relaxed on the comfortable interior of the bed. The owner of the motel made one specific rule, curfew is twelve if your twenty-one and under. Aralina walked in with dripping wet hair, wringing it out on the foot of Jasper's bed. Camille said it would be best if her and her brother shared a room, but, she had never actually said he was her brother she called him her companion before. And when Aralina asked about that Camille acted like she had no idea what we were talking about.
But it was totally fine with Jasper.
"Why do you have to get my bed wet?" He asked, tucking Aralina's book on the world back in her bag and standing up to go to the bathroom.
Aralina plopped down beside me, Jasper had his own bed, and Aralina had to share one with me, even though she and him didn't sleep.
I sat up then, crossing my legs and looking Aralina in the eyes. "You have it bad." I laughed.
She looked stunned. "W-what do you mean?" She asked in her little scottish accent.
"For Jasper." I continued, smiling a giant grin.
She laughed a small, nervous chuckle. "No I don't."
"Yes, yes you do." I smiled.
Her mouth opened and she looked around, towards the window behind us casting a beautiful view of Greeland. "Even if I did," she started. "He has a wife, and doesn't feel the same towards me."
"So you do!" I walied pointing at her.
"Do what?" Jasper asked, walking out the bathroom in only his button up shirt, that was only halfway buttoned. I saw Aralina blush like crazy.
"Uh, Jasper, button your shirt!" I smiled tossing my converse at him. He caught it and dropped to the ground.
"Fine." He snapped going back to the bathroom.
"I'm gonna get some sleep, okay?" I said to Aralina laying down in the covers.
"Sure," She smiled going over to the couch and flipping on the T.V.

I walked into the white house, I could already smell the over whelming smell of steak and potatoes.
"Mell?" The familiar voice called from the den. I smiled and walked down the hall quickly, it was him.
As I entered the room, there he was, standing there happily and smiling at me sweetly.
"Riley!" I squealed running to him and wrapping myself around him. He grinned then, showing long fangs that dripped with a crimson red blood, and as it dripped the color in his eyes drained until they were just black dots on a white canvas.
"R-R-Riley?" I screamed as he collapsed backwards. I looked up from the pair of dark brown Doc Martins to meet the deep scruffy face covered in the blood that once filled Riley's body.
"Hello there." He cooed, grabbing me and slamming me on the couch.
"What are you going to do..." I wailed as he bit my neck and an overflowing sensation of pain envelped in my body. I was freezing, so cold it stang. I felt more and more of my body go numb, the pain making me scream as I watched him with blurry eyes as he sucked the blood from my body.
"W-why?" I whimpered as he looked up and smiled when my whole leg went numb. "Please don't.....Rory!" I screamed as my eyelids fell over my blue irises blocking me from the world and the blurred image of Rory. Executing me from life.
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Aralina <3's Jasper! Aw! But don't worry, I'm not going to break up Jasper and Alice, naw, couldn't bring myslef to do that! :)