Status: Active

They Never Said It Was Fair

Chapter Two: Till All My Sleeves Are Stained Red

Dear Riley,
Now I am insane. Cause, I know your dead and I'm writing to you. Which equals insane.
I'm just wondering what these people want from me. What? I miss you, the pain kills me.
Like our last words:
Always and Forever.

Always and forever where such distance memories for me now. Always seemed to scream forget it and forever seemed to spell never again.
Because this time it was true. I knew Riley was gone, because I remember a girl telling me so.
I knew it was over.
Half my heart was gone too. Killed and chipped away, and half of my heart lingered just to make sure that I felt severe pain. Just trying to make sure I understood the pain that it felt.
I was starting to believe that my life would never be the same again. The choice Riley took changed his life altogether and he gripped the decision and let it.
And I just missed every him with every fiber of my being.
And the thing was, he took the choice of someone else and I still missed him. If he came back I might even forgive him. Even if it is an utterly retarted thing to do.
It's hard to refuse someone you love.
"Mell?" Someone asked in a familiar voice. Who was he talking to? Me?
"Who?" I asked, fidgeting against the wall. I could feel the blisters and wounds my bound hands had created and I tried to show no pain even though I could feel blood on my wrists. I could feel it and it scared me.
I saw him threw the grate. It was the man with the black hair. He stared at me puzzled, like he didn't believe I didn't know who Mell was.
"Your Mell." He said skeptically.
"Mell?" I repeated.
"Well actually Mellana is your real name." He informed me. I looked out into the dim light, trying to hide my physical and emotional pain.
"Mellana." He assured. "And I'm your capturer."
I flipped my hair from my eyes. My arms were held behind my back so I had to lean on them. "Why did you capture me?" I asked.
"Because I love you." He said bitterly. "And I think you love me too."
I stared at his shadow. "Are you Riley?" I asked.
He stood there quietly for awhile, hesitating. "Do you love Riley?" He asked.
"I think so."
"Well, good. Because I am Riley." He said moving his black hair from his eyes and walking away.
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Omg! Riley has black hair? Whaaaat? Comment subscibe add me as a friend! Thank you supporters. :)