Status: Active

They Never Said It Was Fair

Chapter Four: With Every Move I Die

Unknow P.O.V.
Dear Mellana,
Don't worry. I have my eye on you.
With all sincerity,

I put the letter on the door step quicly and darted back to the forest. I kept watch on the house, I couldn't build up the courage to go inside, because I was a fraidy cat. God, what a stupid saying.
I couldn't even build up enough courage to sign my name on the letter. I'm ashamed of myslelf. Wonderful.
I could see her from out here though. She looked like she was in pain. Lots of pain. She staggered around in the livingroom of the house. I couldn't be moved, and I wasn't going to move.
I knew they were worried. But I had to make sure nothing to severe happened to her. Those moron Cullen's didn't even know where she was. Idiots. And we weren't going to tell them. Why do I put everything in plural when it comes to them. Because I'm to insecure to do anything on my own. Even think.
I just watched her. She seemed to be able to tell what she was doing. But she still looked pretty confused. And scared.
Very scared.

Mellana's P.O.V.
I staggered around in the living room. I hated when "Riley" left. Especially now. I made the mistake to tell that evil witch Hannah that I knew everything. She glared at me for awhile, started screaming, broke my arm, then told me that if I tell him I know she will devour me.
That was quiet the convincing threating.
So I still pretended to call him Riley. Even in my thoughts. I remembered that boy, erm, Ed...Ed something telling me some vampires have special ablities. And Riley said...what did he say....?
I still didn't have all my memory back. I only remember vital things. Nothing specific in my life. Like I still couldn't remember where I last was.
"Hello there, human." Hannah seethed sitting on the couch a coushion away from me.
"Hannah." I sighed. She glared at me.
"So have you mentioned your little theory?" She asked in a bitter sweet tone.
"It's not a theory if you acknowledge that it's true." I said not looking in her crimson eyes. For some reason they always seemed to be red. "Riley's" turned black in about a week, that's when he would leave. And he occasionally left at night time during the week.
"Shut it you little tramp." She snapped, slapping my arm.
I glared ahead, not doing anything to show her pain. I was on my own here, and I was growing in strength. I was learning to keep my head higher and keep marching on even when the pain struck me harder than usual.
I kept my arm down, "Riley" was going to get me a sling or something for my arm. They denied actual metical attention for me, worrying that they would recognize me and call the police. Even though little witch Hannah could probably kill them all off in one second.
"Does your arm hurt?" Hannah cooed evily, with a little mocking chuckle following.
"Kind of." I said nonchalantly. Keeping my feet to my chest, and my arm down at my side.
"Aw. Sucks to be you." She smirked as the door opened. "Oh!" She excliamed jumping up as "Riley" walked in. "Would you like a ice pack..." She looked at her hand quickly. "Mellana?" She smiled.
"Hannah what would I do without you?" "Riley" smiled as he grabbed the sling from his plastic bag.
She grinned. "I don't know." She hugged him briefly and darted off to the kitchen.
"Here you go, Mell." "Riley" smiled putting the sling on my broken arm to keep it up.
"Uh, maybe you should bring me to the docter. My arm might not heal right." I said looking him in the eye.
"Oh, true. But, Mellana, what if they recognize you?" He asked.
"What if we make up a fake name?" I prompted.
"Hm...Hannah! Come here!" "Riley" called. Hannah was quickly by his side smiling fakily.
"Yes?" She wondered sweetly.
"I think we're going to bring Mell to the hospital. We wouldn't want her arm to heal the wrong way, right?" He asked.
"Oh of course....not. But what if the police realize she's Mellana?" She questioned.
"Well, we're going to make up a fake name." He smiled.
"Such as?" Hannah asked feigning intrigue.
"Um...what do you think?" He asked her. She was defidently his right-hand-lady. To bad he didn't know what a witch she was.
I realized another reason I still called him "Riley". I didn't actually know who he was. I had no idea actually.
"What about, Dorcas Bombgarden?" She wondered eyeing me happily.
"Dorcas Bombgarden?" He repeated, then shrugged. "Whatever."
"Dorcas Bombgarden? Really?" I asked as "Riley" helped me up.
"It's a name isn't it? I think it's pretty." Hannah smiled.
"I agree with Hannah. If we have children let us name our first born Dorcas in honor of this day." "Riley" agreed. I sighed and pinched the bridge of my nose.
As we pulled up infront of the hospital a spark of hope enticed my body. It was the Forks hospital. So we were still close to home. I think.
"Are you guys gonna come with me?" I asked.
"Oh, no. We'll wait in the car." He smiled. Hannah smiled too.
"We don't like hospitals." She agreed. Fradiy cats. I love that saying.
"You can go on in." "Riley" ushered. "Tell them about how you fell down the stairs." He smiled, opening the van door with some button up front.
"Okay." I said getting out and going in the ER.
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:) Wowz. Hannah the meanie puss. Any ideas to why she might be so mean? Any ideas as to who unknown is? confusing.....anywho comment subscribe and add me as a friend because I love friends subscibers and commenters! <3