Status: Active

They Never Said It Was Fair

Chapter Five: I Had Nothing Left To Lose

Dear Riley,
I didn't really get why "Riley" and Hannah didn't want to come in the hospital with me. Until it clicked two and two, they're vampires, and hospitals are full of blood. Lots of it.

I went into the ER and told the lady at the desk what happened. She told me to sit down and wait a moment, after about two minutes she led me back in the back and sat me on the hospital bed to wait for the docter.
"Hello there Miss Bombgarden." I heard a magical voice say as he appeared around the corner looking down at a clipboard. "You broke you arm I see?" He asked standing infront me. He was tall with perfect features and soft blond hair. His eyes were a pretty gloden color.
My mind started throwing a tantrum, saying I knew him. But I just couldn't remember.
He looked up from his paperwork then, meeting my gaze. "M-Mellana?" He stuttered.
"W-what? No, I'm Dora." I smiled fakily.
He chuckled. "Actually, your paperwork says your name is Dorcas." He smirked. Oops. "I think you need to come with me." He said helping me up and leading me away from the room.
"Where are we going?" I asked as she motioned for me to sit in the carmel colored chair across from his desk and he picked up his phone and dialed numbers in quickly.
"Esme?" He asked urgently. "Send Emmett and Jasper down to the hospital, now. You'll never believe who I picked up." He said entusiastically.
"Wait, what?" I asked. "What's going on? Who are you?"
He looked at me then, slowly lowering the phone from his ear. "Do you know my name?" He wondered. I stared at him, he looked really worried about me. I didn't know if I should trust him or just go back to "Riley" and Hannah....
"No, but I think I know who you are." I smiled. My mind started throwing a fit again, screaming names into my head. "Carlisle." He seemed pleased with the answer my mind had conjured up.
"Yes, that's my name." He picked up the phone. "Esme? Just send them down. I'll tell you later, good bye sweetums." He hung up then and sat down in his chair. "Do you trust me?"
"I think so." I assured.
"Do you remember anything?" He asked.
" Not really."
"Can you tell me what you do remember?" He wondered sweetly.
I shrugged, what was the harm in telling him. "Well, I remember waking up in a dark cell, then being told by a man with black hair that he was Riley. Because Riley was all I remembered. And then, I remember my mind telling me that he wasn't Riley, but I still don't know the man's real name.
"And I told his friend lady, Hannah, that I knew. And she threatened to devour me if I told him, so I've kept it to myslef. And Hannah broke my arm which is why I'm here and they wouldn't come in with me." I sighed.
"Seems like your suffering from amnesia. But, tell me, how did you remember my name?" He asked.
"My mind told me. See, there's this little voice in my head," I said motioning to my head. "That tells me stuff I didn't even realize I knew."
He nodded. "Okay. While we wait for Emmett and Jasper why don't I fix your arm?" He asked.
"Lets." I smiled as he led me back to the hospital bed. He finished quicklly, putting my arm in a cast and sling.
"So, how are your ribs doing?" He wondered while putting the red color over the cast.
"My ribs?" I asked.
"Oh, that's right. You don't remember, pardon me. You broke your ribs recently and I was just wondering if they were hurting you?"
"Nope. I didn't even know." I smiled, pleased i didn't have more pain.
"Good, good." He mumbled as two people burst in the emergency room and into the room we were in with a bunch of other people too.
"We're here, Carles." The big one said walking up next to him.
"Emmett this is his place of buisness, don't call him Carles." The one with bronze hair chided.
"I thought I asked for Jasper." Carlisle said.
"You did, but Alice refused to let go of him. She kept saying 'but I want you to stay, heree!' So annoying." Bronze-head said.
"So we got him to come." The big one smiled.
"Mellana, can you remember these two?" Carlisle asked. I stared at them taking in the features as the stared at me in shock.
You know their names! Common! My mind shouted. It seemed like my mind knew eveything.
"Edward." I said pointing at bronze-head. A pain struck my heart, like Edward had done something wrong to me. My mind started to have a truama attack because I couldn't remeber the big ones name. "And...." I hesitated as names were thrown around in my head. "Emmett."
"Yay, you know my name!" The big one bellowed. "Wait....why doesn't she remember us?" He asked looking at Carlisle.
"She's suffering from amnesia." He assured.
"Oh. She broke her arm?" Edward puzzled, gently lifting my arm.
"Look, Edward, Emmett, I know both of you have millions of questions for us. But, Mellana is on tight time, so get her out of here." Carlisle instructed.
"What about Hannah and 'Riley', what do we do about them?" I asked using air quotes around Riley.
"Who?" Emmett and Edward questioned together.
"The people who captured her. The man claims to be Riley when he clearly isn't and the woman is hostile and broke Mellana's arm." Carlisle informed.
"People are watching...." I mumbled. They looked at me and Carlisle started towards his office leading us all in.
"Well, won't they be able to track her scent?" Emmett asked as I sat in the carmel chair. Edward sat down in the other one and Emmett balanced his weight on the arm of my chair.
"Well, yes. Which is why we'll have to cover it carefully." Edward muttered.
"Yeah, well, last time you tried doing that with Bella, Victoria found you easily." Emmett contradicted. Edward pulled his hand to his face.
"What if we don't go with her. Surely this Hannah girl and that man won't want to follow the stinky stench of wolves." Emmett smirked.
"And you have to remeber these to Vampires aren't as skilled as Victoria as far as we know." Edward said. "If they were as skilled they wouldn't have let Mellana go on her own. So they mustn't be that good."
Emmett chuckled, then looked at me. "Do you remember anything special about those two?" He asked.
"Oh, I guess, nothing specific really. I know that Hannah is an evil witch who hates me for some reason, oh but you know how your eyes change color? Well, the girl Hannah, she only left to eat or whatever like every five weeks while the man had to leave like every one to two weeks or so." I informed.
"Is that like her power or something?" Edward asked.
"I suppose so. The resistance of blood, or not the need to have it as much." Carlisle entused. "That is a very exquisite talent."
"What about the man?" Emmett prompted.
"I don't remeber. I don't think he has any talents at all." I sighed.
"Okay. We'll, Edward can you here them?" Carlisle asked.
"Yeah, I think so. I can hear Hannah. I don't know about the man though, if I knew his name..."
"We have to go." Emmett barked. "They must be getting anxious."
"He's right. Let's go now." Edward agreed helping me up.
"They'll follow my scent though." I contradicted.
"Not if you don't anything." Edward said. "We have to take the front exit, they're waiting out back."
"We can take the window, Carlisle's office is on the front side of the building, we can jump." Emmett suggested.
"Good idea. But before we go." Edward picked up the phone from Carlisle's desk and dialed in some numbers. "Jacob? Meet Emmett at the boarder." He hung put the phone in his cradle. "Emmett your going to have to take her. I have to go see Bella."
"Bella's pregnant." Emmett told me.
"...Bella...Bella Swan?" I asked.
"Yep, Edward got her pregnant." Emmett said. "And you missed their wedding."
"Really? Your married?" I smiled hugging Edward. "Congratulations."
"Thank you, but this isn't the time. Your going to go with Emmett to the boarder, the were wolf scent will cover up yours and Jacob will take you somewhere safe."
"Okay." I nodded.
"Let's go then." Emmett said grabbing me and slingging me over his shoulder.
"This isn't comfortable." I gripped.
"Fine." He growled, tossing me on his back.
"Oh, goody, a piggy-back ride. Thanks Emmett, makes me feel so grown up." I joked.
"Shut up." He laughed. "I'll come home as soon as I make sure Mell is safe." He assured Edward and Carlisle.
"Okay. Tell Jacob everything quickly and tell him to bring her to the safest most out of the way place he can find." Carlisle commanded.
"Will do. Common Mell. Get ready for the ride of your life." He taunted jumping out the window.
♠ ♠ ♠
whew. That was alot. :P Hannah and "Riley" made a big oopsies didn't they? hehe :D