Status: Active

They Never Said It Was Fair

Chapter Six: If I Could Tell You What's Next

Dear Riley,
So once again my life is taking a confusing turn. But that's okay, because I know you'll be gaurdian angel for me. And you'll take care of me. Always and forever.

I climbed off Emmett at the treaty line. He automatically wrapped me in a big bear hug. "Promise you'll be careful?"
"I will, I will." I assured hugging him back. I heard a growl behind me then and Emmett let go, taking two warning steps back. I turned around to see Embry and Jacob staring at us. I smiled at Emmett and went over to them, getting on Embry easily.
Jacob growled at me. "I'll ride your back later." I promised. Emmett chuckled and told Jacob the situation as he waved and started running.
"Where are we?" I wondered, sliding off Embry.
"Don't turn around." Jacob instructed. "Crap!" He exclaimed.
"What's wrong?" I asked, I heard Embry chuckled.
"He forgot pants." Embry laughed.
"I have underwear." Jacob huffed.
"Yeah, nice choice." Embry said starting to guffaw.
"What are they?" I wondered turning around to look at them forgeting they might have been naked. Jacob was standing there angerily with his arm crossed in little boxers. "Is that...wolverine?" I laughed.
"It's not funny!" He complained. "Quil got it for me as a joke for my birthday and when Edward called I just grabbed a pair." Embry was on the ground now only in his underwear also. Luckily for him they were normal plaid boxers. I laughed as a car drove by, the driver staring at us in shock as she pulled into the driveway.
"Jacob and Embry!" The woman said getting out of the car. "What are you doing?" She asked.
"Oh, hey Emily." Embry said, standing up and brushing the dirt off his underwear.
"Who's this?" She asked pointing at me.
"Another Bella kinda." Embry replied as Jacob stood there huffing. "She's a vampire runaway too. But she's not a vampire, she was just kidnapped by some and she's good friends with the Cullen's I guess. But Seth killed her vampire boyfriend..." Embry trailed.
"Seth killed him?" I asked. "Seth?!"
"Uh, well, just ignore that..." Embry smiled sheepishly. I glared at him and my hands started shaking. "Look! Jacob in wolverine undies!" Embry improvised trying to distarct me.
I felt tears rush out of my eyes and my knees gave out, I collasped on the ground, pressing my fore-head to my arms and letting my tears fall on the grass.
"Mell?" I heard Jacob say dropping next to me. "Good going Embry." He snapped putting his arm on my back.
"I'm sorry, Mellana." Embry said I felt him touch me too. Jacob snarled at him as he picked me up.
I snuggled into Jacob's chest, letting my tears fall on his bare copper skin. "It's okay." Jacob assured stroking my hair.
"Yeah, sure." I muttered. He chuckled.
"Such a pessimist." He smirked. "Emiley? Where is everyone?" He wondered.
"Everyone was here, except Seth and Leah." She said, looking at me. She had scars covering the side of her face. Pulling her face into a frown. I looked pass the scars and at her beautiful copper face. I wonder if she was a were wolf too.
"Go get them Embry." Jacob barked.
"B-but..." He stuttered.
"Go." He snapped. Embry reluctantly turned around and changed into a wolf his underwearing ripping to sheards.
"Please Mellana, don't freak out when Seth gets here." Jacob asked as he carried me up to the house. I nodded.
"No promises." I mumbled, I was living with an open wound. It grew bigger the more my memory flooded my mind. The more I knew the more it hurt.
I wanted it to end.
"Who is that?" A voice asked.
"Mellana, another vampire girl." Jacob said. "But her vampire is dead."
I started crying again, a yelp escaping my mouth. "Kill me!" I screamed.
Jacob stroked my head and sat me down on the couch. "We won't kill you."
"Kill. Me." I commanded.
"No." Jacob sighed sitting down next to me. "No way. Sam? Can she stay here? I need to go see Bella."
"Sure, whatever." The man, Sam, agreed. "Go Kid." Jacob jumped up and ran out.
"Mellana, huh?" One boy asked.
"The girl with the beautiful eyes." Quil smiled, sitting next to me. I leaned my head on his shoulder. "But they're all red and puffy right now." He joked, putting his arm on my shoulders.
"Please kill me." I cried. "I don't want to live anymore." I'm just a walking zombie, nothing anymore.
"I don't want to host your suicide party." Quil smiled.
One boy smacked him upside the head. "You aren't exactly helping, Quil." He growled.
"Please, Mellana, listen to us, you have reason to live." The woman Emily sweetly said.
"I don't see reason." I contradicted.
"What about that Embry is in complete love with you?" One said.
"Jared he probably kept that secret for a reason." One said.
"Paul's right, he didn't want her to know." Sam said.
I sat there silently not even Embry is worth him. If Riley's gone, than nothing is left for me. I'll miss him until the day I die which I want to be soon.
"Can I go to the Cullen's?" I asked.
"No. I'm pretty sure they don't want you to be over there, for your saftey." I heard Embry say as he entered the house with Seth. I stared at Seth, showing him no emotions.
"Mell? I'm sorry." Seth said wrapping me in hug. "I wouldn't of killed him, it's just, well if I didn't..."
"Bella would die." I finished. I imagined killing Bella myself for revenge. Sick, sweet, revenge.
"Yes." Seth said. I felt something wet call on my arm where Seth was. I pulled him away at arms length.
"Are you crying?" I asked. He wiped a tear from his eye and hugged me again.
"Don't...Don't hate me." He cried. I hugged him tighter.
"I wouldn't." I promised. "I never..." I said my voice cutting and tears flowing. I felt several more pairs of arms wrap around us. When I looked up I realized we had created one big group hug. Embry smiled and kissed my fore-head.
"They told you, didn't they?" He asked. I nodded, he smiled. "I'm sorry for your loss."
"I'm sorry for it too." I agreed. He wiped tears from my eyes as everyone let go and Seth got up.
"Mellana, the whole city is looking for you." Emily told me. "Let me tell you the police is throwing a fit trying to figure out why so many disapearances. First this Riley boy, then a young man named Emerson, then you." She smiled. "Your the only who's actually been found. I think the vampires are going to tell us what to do with you though."
"Um, actually, Emily, Riley has been found. He's the one who created that army that know...he was Mellana's vampire." Sam said.
"Emerson!" I screamed jumping up.
"What?" Embry asked.
"Emerson!" I repeated jumping around in circles. "I need to call the Cullen's. Now!" I wailed, going for the phone on the side table.
"Uh, Mell?" Seth said slowly.
I dialed the numbers quickly, waiting impatiently for the answer.
"Why are the wolvies calling?" I heard the high pitched voice say into the phone.
"Alice!" I shrieked.
"Melly! Hey! What's up? Carlisle told us about you, what happened?" She asked. "Wait I'm going to put it on speaker, it's okay, it's only Jasper and I." She assured.
"I don't care, whatever." I said anxiously. "Emerson!" I squealed again just for the fun of it.
"What?" She asked.
"Alice, what is she talking about?" Jasper said faintly in the background.
"I don't know." Alice told him.
"Just tell Carlisle it was Emerson!" I said again, then hung up. I turned around to me a lot stares. Each were wolf looked either insanly confused or looked at me like I was crazy. I smiled sheepishly and sat back down quietly.
Embry pressed his lips together. "You wanna take a walk?" He asked me.
"Uh, sure." I smiled taking his hand. The phone rang.
"Vamps." Sam said tossing the phone at me. I watched it call on the ground by my feet.
"Oh, crap, sorry." I said timidly reaching down and grabbing the phone. I was wearing jeans, my sky blue converse, and a sky blue sweater.
I pressed the recive button. "Hello?" I asked.
"Meet us at the boarder." A voice barked, then hung up.
I shrugged, my face was still hot from crying and my head hurt. "Wanna take a walk to the boarder?" I asked Embry. "They want us to meet them."
"Sure." He smiled intertwining our fingers and leading me out the door.
♠ ♠ ♠
Hm.... so she finally figured it out. It was Emerson! some guessed it! Good for you!!
Jacob+Wolverine Underwear=Creepyy! XD
Poor Mell though. Sigh.