Status: Active

They Never Said It Was Fair

Chapter Seven: No Easy Way To Say This

Dear Riley,
I don't know my feelings for Embry. They seem strong, but even I know he could never replace you. I love you, forever.

Embry and I walked to the boarder slowly, not really talking. I didn't understand the exact feeling I had towards him. He was a great guy, really nice, and evidently loyal, but I still couldn't get over Riley. My clothes were covered in mud and reeked like Hannah's "special perfume" that smelt like fish paste to me, but was supposed to smell "invigorating" to vampires.
"So..." Embry murmured awkwardly as a car passed us. I nodded my lips pressed together in thin line. We were nearing the boundary line and I could see two people waiting for us. As we reached them Alice wrapped me in tight hug.
"I was so worried when the phone went dead that day." She smiled.
"Hello Mellana." Jasper said waving kindly. I smiled at him and realized Embry wasn't with me. I turned around, he was standing a few feet away.
"Ugh! Melly you smell horrible." She said waving a hand in front of her face.
"It's probably one of my capturer Hannah's perfume." I sighed.
"What? No, your hair smells like wet dog." She said. "Your clothes on the other hand smell like sweet human blood." She informed me, sniffing my sweater.
"Really?" I asked, smelling my sweater myself. "I think it smell like fish paste. But Hannah did say that it was supposed to be a magnet to vampires. Unluckily for me she covered herself in it and it rubbed off on me. Ugh." I complained. Alice smiled and took a bag from Jasper. She opened it and handed me a dress that looked like it goes to your knees, it was like a black tank-top at the top that stopped at the waist with a belt and turned into a flower pattern.
I rolled my head around and groaned. "I don't like dresses." I whined.
"Hey, it's this, what Jasper brought, or your fish paste clothes." Alice threatened.
I sighed and said. "What did Jasper bring?" Alice gasped.
"Told you she'd pick me." Jasper taunted handing me a ugly striped yellow and green sweater.
"Ew. I'll take the dress." I laughed. Alice snickered at Jasper too.
"Okay so what is this Emerson business?" She asked.
I sat down on a tree stump. "Before we begin, I'm just wondering, how come Alice didn't see me there in a vision?"
Alice sighed. "Were wolf. Embry had been watching you that whole time, and I can't see around were wolves."
"Oh." I nodded. Embry really cares about me. But so does Riley, right? "Okay, I think Emerson is the one who..." I turned my head. "Embry?" I asked standing up. Alice and Jasper looked in that direction to.
"Where's Embry?!" I screamed. "Embry?!" I shouted. He was gone. He couldn't be gone too, no way. I started running to where he used to be.
"Melly!" Alice shouted.
"Mellana! Get back here!" Jasper called. I stopped where his feet were, a little red note was between the two shoe prints. I picked it up.

Dear Poor Defenseless Human,
Seems we've found you, and your little boyfriend. It's also seems like in return for making my precious Emerson upset, I will make you upset, or even more than you were before. You want to know why I'm doing this and why I hated you?
Because I love Emerson. And now Emerson wants you dead for betraying him. So since I can't get you, I'll take your boyfriend instead, Emerson will be just as pleased either way.
Ah, well.
With all hate,
P.S. If you want your boyfriend back, come get him. I dare you.
♠ ♠ ♠
Oh noes! Stupid Hannah!