Status: Active

They Never Said It Was Fair

Chapter Nine: Where Were You When Everything Was Falling Apart

Dear Riley,
Now would be the time to help.

Alice and Jasper quickly got us to their house, Jasper dropped me on my feet infront of the house and led me inside. I was suprised to see two wolves sitting loyally to the left of the house.
Jasper ignored the wolves, and led Alice and I into the house.
"Omigod." I murmured as I saw the person laying on the couch. My revenge wouldn't be to hard, she was already on the verege of dying.
Edward stood up then. Holy crap, he heard my thoughts. "Mellana? Why don't you explain your thoughts?" He said grimly.
"Bella deserves to die." I snapped. "Riley was killed for her she doesn't deserve to live either."
"Your lucky she's asleep. She's stressed enough Mellana." Edward hissed.
"And you think I'm not?" I seethed, glaring into his peircing topaz eyes. I didn't get what anyone saw in that boy. He was so rude and arrogant. I hated him.
"I hate you too." Edward agreed with my thoughts.
Alice laughed a fake little chuckle. "Oh it seems you two are always butting head about something. But seriously Edward we have more important things to do than listen to you two argue."
He grimaced. "Fine, but leave Bella alone."
"Hate you!" I sang walking up the stairs being pushed by Jasper. I noticed Rosalie was leaning over the back of the couch by Bella. Oh well.
"Ditto!" Edward called back as Alice flashed him an angry glare.
"Seriously Edward, leave Mellana alone." Alice snapped. "Totally immature."
"Carlisle! We need you!" Jasper called from behind me.
"I'm in the study." He answered. Jasper walked me into there and sat me down on the couch. Alice had dissapeared, probably to smack talk Edward.
"What is it?" Carlisle asked, he was cradeling his face in his hands.
"Okay, one of the wolves, Embry has been kidnapped by the same fools who kidnapped Mellana." Jasper said calmly.
"And I want to save him." I added. Jasper handed Carlisle the letter who read it quickly.
"It seems as if they're holding him for ransom. The ransom being you." Carlisle infromed pointing at me.
"And can we save him?" I asked.
Carlisle looked at me. "Well do you know where they are?"
"Same house I was at most likely." I answered.
"And how will fight off two vampires?"
Jasper sighed. "I was planning on going with her."
Carlisle nodded. "Wouldn't you need back up? No offense Mellana, but they might kill you."
"Alice voulnteered, but of course she has stay here wiht Bella." I scoffed. Jasper sighed again.
"What about Emmett?" Carlisle wondered. "Or Edward?"
"Oh no. Not Edward." Jasper laughed. "Just downstairs Mell and Edward were at each other throats." I made a puking noise at the mention of Edward motioning down my throat.
"I can see you don't enjoy his company." Carlisle remarked. "And it seems you don't enjoy Bella's either."
"She thinks Bella deserves to die because Riley died in her protection." Jasper informed Carlisle calmly. "Now please lets stick to the topic."
"Yes of course, why don't we ask Emmett." Carlisle wondered.
The door opened, Emmett walking in at the exact right moment. "Ask me what?" He questioned sitting on the couch next to me. Carlisle quickly expalined.
"So, will you help us?" I asked, taking his hand hopefully.
"Ah, well, you know, Rose needs me..." He trailed. "But I'll tell you what, I have a friend from long ago and she's always up for a fight." He smiled.
"Who?" Jasper asked.
"I'll call her, last I knew her she lived in Canada, she has a cell phone, hang on." He stood up and pulled a little white cell phone from his pocket. "Hey, Aralina. It's Emmett!" He smiled. "Yeah Emmett. It's great to talk to you too...yeah I'm doing good, so's Rose. It seems like it's been ages I know."
Jasper motioned with his hands to speed it up. "Ah, anyway Aralina, I was wondering you could help out my friend and brother. Actually she's human, really?! That's awesome, so your vegetarian? Nicee." He smiled. Jasper glared at him.
"Argh! Okay the point," He said shaking his head slowly. "It's kinda a mini battle, and they need backup. We'll tell you the details when you get here. So your comming? Great! Thanks! Yeah, alright, bye Aralina." Emmett smiled and closed the phone. "She's coming."
"Good. And she's a vegetarian?" Jasper wondered.
Emmett put his phone away. "Yep, she went and saw Tanya." He smiled.
"Good, when will she be here?" Carlisle questioned.
"About twelve o'clock tonight." Emmett informed. "Don't worry. You'll be able to start your adventure tomorrow morning. Stop worrying." Emmett said flicking his hand.
"Okay..." Jasper trailed. "Will Mellana stay here?"
"Sure, of course." Carlise answered. "Just please, Mellana, don't start a big thing with Edward."
I nodded. "Sure, sure." I got up and walked out of the room with Jasper and Emmett.
Alice came then. "Lookie Melly! I had a vision, and I packed your stuff ahead of time!" She squealed, handing me a baby blue duffel bag.
"Gee, thanks Alice." I sad sarcastically while leafing threw the skimpy clothes and small underwear. "Look, I can't wear this..." I sighed.
"Because...?" Alice wondered.
"Look at this." I said holding up a nightgown thin like paper.
"Uh, so?"
"So, don't you have anything more coservative? I will be hanging around your husband..." I trailed. She stared at me wide eyed.
"Oh yeah...common!" She called, dragging me into her closet. "Pick anything you'd like, anything consevative that is." She said dumping the bags old containments on the floor at her feet. I took sweaters and jeans that she said where Rosalie's old pairs. I slid them all in the bag and zipped it up.
"There." I smiled looking a the radio clock. It was 11:57.
"Mell! Aralina's here!" I heard Emmett boom.
"Okay! I'm coming!" I yelled darting out of Alice's room and down the stairs.
"If you could try and keep your big mouth shut a little, Mellana, Bella might be able to rest." Edward hissed as I darted past him.
"Whatever, Edwart." I snapped laughing at my nick-name choice.
"Edwart? What is that suppose to be?" Edward asked.
I chuckled. "You heard me." I giggled going to the door. I saw Emmett then, standing next to a tall lean woman. She had long amazingly orange hair, with the front strands pulled back. She had thin ivory skin, thin red lips, and ivory eyes with red tinting.
"Hello." She smiled, outstretching a hand with long lean fingers, three of the five fingers covered in emerald rings and diamonds.
"Hi." I smiled, taking her hand gently.
Her eyebrows knit together. "Emmett? She's human, isn't she?"
"Uh, yeah." Emmett said supressing a chuckle as Edward walked in his hands on his hips, followed by Jasper, Alice, and Carlisle and Esme.
I realised Aralina had a thick Scottish accent. "No she's not." Aralina said sniffing the air around me. "She's reeks."
"That's the were wolf your smelling." Emmett informed. "She's been hanging around them some."
She grabbed the strap of my dress. "Okay then, but what about this dress?"
"Her dress is clean." Alice said peeping up behind Jasper.
"Yeah, but it doesn't smell a thing like human." She contradicted, then took my arm, smelling it. "Oh, I smell it now!" She cooed sniffing my arm. "It's so faint... I've never smelt a human with blood so discrete before."
"That's because she's a freak." Edward seethed.
"Shut it Edwart." I snapped back. Emmett, Alice, and Jasper bust into hysterical laughter.
"Edwart?" Alice laughed. "Good one!"
"Haha, Edwarrt!" Emmett taunted, giving me a high-five.
"So, can anyone tell me the details?" Aralina asked, cutting into the laughter.
"Oh sure." Emmett said, quickly telling Aralina the details of the battle.
"Okay, okay." She said nodding. "When do we start?" I was dozing on and off on the floor. Bella snored quietly from her lounging position on the couch, Rosalie watching her intently, Jasper sat next to Emmett with Alice in his lap staring at the T.V. while Edward glared at me.
"How about now?" Jasper suggested.
"Why not?" She agreed.
"Mell are you ready?" Jasper asked. I nodded groggily. "Let's go then." Jasper said, giving everyone a hug goodbye.
"Take my car." Edward told Jasper. "Just don't let her touch anything."
"Look Edwart, just leave me alone." I sighed, groggily standing up and shuffling to get my stuff.
"Oh I brought luggage too!" Aralina said, darting to the door and appearing back with an orange bag. "Let's get this show on the road!" She shouted.
"Let's." Jasper and I agreed going to the Volvo.
"Bye!" We called the starting the car and leaving.
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Whew. that was lots! Still watching Dr. Who!!! :D COMMENT!! SUBSCRIBE! PLEASE!! :D