Status: Active <333

Falling Into Summer Love


The meet and greet was almost over, and I was sitting by the security guards waiting for Travis to walk on over.

I leaned my head against the wall and closed my eyes. I really could use some shade right now, this heat is really starting to get to me.

The sun seemed to go away as soon as the thought went across my mind. I opened my eyes to find Travis standing over smiling at me. Butterflies swarmed throught my entire stomach.

He crouched down beside me, and continued to smile.

"You ok babe?" He asked.

"Yeah I'm fine. The heats just starting to get to me." I said quietly.

"Well, why don't we go to the tour bus and cool off?" He smiled, offering his hand out.

"Uhm, sure." I smiled back, grabbing his hand.

"Where's Oliver?"

I looked around. "He's probably still seeing Bring Me The Horizon. Oli Sykes is his favorite. Wouldn't surprise me if he somehow got on stage to sing with him." I laughed.

He chuckled. "He's that into them?"

"Oh God yes. Just as much as I'm into your band." I realized what I had said, and who I was talking to.

He smiled. "So you're really into my band, huh?"

I blushed, suddening getting very shy. "Yeah, I remember the first time I heard you guys."

"Really? Tell me." He smiled.

I swear if he smiled anymore, I was going to have to walk away.

"I was at a party with my best friend and Oli. There was really bad music, like they were playing some shitty rap. No one at the party liked rap except for the guy who was throwing the party. So someone brought in a band, and they did a cover of "Secret Valentine" and it was amazing. I went home right after and bought the whole CD." blushed.

I turned to look at him and he was cheesing like an idiot. "Wow. I never knew our music was that amazing."

I smiled and continued walking. We walked around the entire concert, before we went to the bus. When we walked in we found Hunter watching The Mummy: Tomb of the Dragon Emperor.

"Hunter, seriously? Again?" Travis laughed.

"DUDE! I have to. It's just pure awesomeness." Hunter beamed.

"Uhmm, what's going on?" I asked as Drew walked in from the back of the bus.

"Hunt has watched this movie almost every day since tour started." Drew said.

I was silent for once, I'm pretty sure I'd get tired of that movie. I mean I like to watch movies over and over again but the not same one over and over again all within days.

"Hunter, do you watch that everyday?" I asked quietly.

He looked at me and smiled. "No, not everyday."

"Guys, this is Phoebe. Phoebe, I don't think I really need to introuce these guys to you. But this is Drew and Hunter." Travis laughed.

I just waved to the guys. Travis sat on the couch next to Hunter and motioned for me to join him.

"So you wanted to know about my tattoo?"

"Yes. What does it mean?" I asked again. I noticed that Hunter paused the movie and Drew put down his phone to listen.

"When we were just starting off, before we became "We The Kings," we were "Broken Image"our first song that we ever wrote and played was called "Armor of Hope." So once we became popular I got the tattoo to symbolize the song."

"Wow, that's so cool." I said and I wasn't lying, it was cool.

"Yeah it kinda is." he smiled.

Hunter chuckled and un-paused the movie. I sat there watching the movie, not paying attention to the time. The movie had just finished when my phone went off. It was Oliver.

"Pheebs, where are hell you? I've been looking for you for over an hour now." He demanded

"I'm hangin out with Travis and the guys on their bus." I said

"Well I'm leaving. I'm tired and hot and sweaty and BMTH just ended and I have to tell you what happened. So hurry the hell up or I'm leaving you." He said before he hung up.

I sighed and hung up as well. I looked around the bus and then met Travis' questioning eyes.

"That was Oli. I have to go or he's going to leave me." I stood up and adjusted my shirt.

"Thank you for letting me hang out with you guys. Travis, thank you for telling me about your tattoo."

Travis stood up and took my phone out of my hand. "There call me sometime." He smiled and handed my phone back to me. "Come on I'll walk you to the gates."

Travis and I walked through the quickly emptying concert to the gates. He was stopped once or twice for autographs and pictures but not many times because everyone had the same idea on thier minds....leaving. When we reached the gates, I didn't want to leave. The feeling I had just thinking about leaving was throwing me for a loop. I looked up into Travis' eyes and that feeling doubled.

"Well Phoebe it was nice meeting you and hanging out with you. Like I said, call any time." He brushed his fingertips down my cheek.

I smiled as he bent down to kiss my cheek. After that he walked off towards the tour bus.

I walked around for about five minutes looking for Oli's '87 Camero and soon found it. He pulled up to me and smiled as I got in.

"PHEEBS! I was FRONT ROW for Bring Me The Horizon! And during Chelsea Smile, Oli was like "I WANT SOMEONE TO COME UP HERE WITH ME AND HELP ME SING THIS SONG!" AND HE CHOSE ME!" He beamed.

"That's awesome Oli. So you had fun?" I asked.


"That's good."

The drive home wasn't too far away, only just twenty minutes. Oliver and I shared an aparentment, we're that close. We each had our own room but the bathroom was connected to both. As soon as we pulled into the apartment complex I dashed out of the car and called the shower. I heard Oliver sigh as I ran to our apartment and in the bathroom.

After my shower I went to my room, changed and got in bed. I went to my phone and looked at my contacts and sure enough Travis' number was there.

I'll text him later, I thought.

I grabbed my ipod and put on Promise The Stars by We The Kings and fell asleep within minutes.
♠ ♠ ♠
so, i had writers block. but my best friend helped me out (:
thanks babycakes.

hope you like it.

read, enjoy, comment (:
