Status: Work In Progress (feedback motivates me)

Read. Love. Wright.


So far, her first attempt at writing since her parent's death was not going so well. She'd been sitting there, staring at that blank white computer screen for what seemed like hours, though she knew it had only been about one. Ideas swirled around in her brain, but when she tried to hold on to one, she lost it. She kept trying however, until her head began to ache, from staring at nothing for so long.

So, giving up on writing for the night, she shut down her laptop and made her way to the little kitchen of Milo's apartment.

Though I guess it would really be my apartment now too, she mused.

Charlotte Wright, more commonly known as just Charlie, had lost her parents in a car accident just two days after she turned eighteen, which was last month. She was devastated of course, and could barely function for weeks, and since she was the only relative her parents had, she was the one to plan their funeral. After spending most of her savings on that, she could no longer afford to pay the rent for her apartment, so Milo took her in.

She actually preferred living with him than by herself. It was nice to be able to wake up to the person you love. Especially when you wake up in the middle of the night, due to nightmares. Another advantage was that Milo actually had a car, which meant no more riding the bus on her way to work at the little book store she'd inherited.

Entering the kitchen, she fished out the necessary ingredients to make a cup of tea, and popped her favorite mug in the microwave. Over the buzzing of the tea warming up, she heard the lock of the front door click, and the hinges squeal in protest as the door was pushed open.

"Honey, I'm home!"

Rolling her eyes playfully, she made her way to the entryway of the apartment, and there was Milo a smile in his eyes and flowers in his hands, which he gave to her only after she gave him his welcome home kiss.

"They're beautiful."

"Beautiful flowers for my beautiful girl," he replied, shrugging his shoulders nonchalantly.

With a smile plastered to her face, she filled a vase with water and placed the flowers inside.

She handed the vase to Milo and pointed to the coffee table, signaling that this was where she wanted the flowers to go.

Charlie watched him walk away, drinking in the sight of him. She'd always considered herself lucky to be with anyone so perfect. Milo was tall and cute, with dark curly hair, and piercing blue eyes. Besides his looks, he was the most amazing, honestly caring person she'd ever met.

She was so lost in her own mind, that she nearly jumped out of her skin when the microwaves high pitched beep signaled to her that the tea was done.

Retrieving her mug, she settled down on the couch with Milo to watch some late night T.V. before they would retreat to their room for the night, and have to go to work the next morning. As she curled up beside him, she smiled to herself and thought,

The perfect start, to my new beginning.

She'd be kicking herself for that in a few days.
♠ ♠ ♠
I know it's short, pretty much pointless, and way too perfect and cheesy. I just needed something to get me on my feet before I could really start writing. Luke will be introduced soon :) The chapters should get longer from here, but I'm not really sure where I'm gonna take this story yet, so no promises :P I can promise however, that the story will be completely de-cheesed(?) and things will definitely not be so perfect, in the chapters to come. What fun would it be otherwise?

Anyway, criticism is always appreciated, constructive or otherwise.
I love comments:)