Status: Work In Progress (feedback motivates me)

Read. Love. Wright.


Everything was a blur. The lights, the sounds of screeching brakes and car horns blaring. She could hear sirens making there way toward where she was, wherever she was. The airbag was crushing her. She was suddenly aware of the pain. She couldn't feel her legs. Nothing below her waist was alive. She looked beside her, in the drivers seat. There was her father. His cold, lifeless eyes staring right through her. She turned to look out the window, but something in the side mirror caught her eye. It took here a second to realize why she didn't recognize herself. At first, she thought it was because of all the blood smeared across her face, making it nearly impossible to make out any of her features. Then she realized they weren't her features at all. The were her mothers. Those high cheekbones, and thin lips.. Yes, they were definitely her mothers.

She was suddenly blinded by headlights, when-

Beep! Beep! Beep!

Charlie shot up in bed, completely disoriented and drenched in sweat. She leaned over and smacked the Off button on her alarm clock.

Breathe. Charlotte, you have to breathe.

It wasn't the first time she'd had nightmares like this. Once, the mixture of terror and pure agony was so unbearable, she simply couldn't breathe. It had felt like her entire torso was on fire, and the pressure was unimaginably strong. Somehow, she'd managed to call 911 and ended up spending the next few days in the hospital. She wasn't about to let that happen again.

She sat still for a few minutes, so she could catch her breath. Then she looked over at Milo, who miraculously had managed to sleep through both the alarm clock and her little episode.

Carefully, quietly, she crept out of bed and into the bathroom.

First thing's first.

Charlie opened the medicine cabinet, plucked one of the little blue pills from it's container, and popped it into her mouth. With everything that's happened recently, the last thing she needed was to get pregnant. She wanted kids some day, but now was definitely not the time.

She brushed her teeth, stripped out of her pajamas, and jumped in the shower. The hot spray felt amazing on her muscles, which were sore from tossing and turning all night. She washed her hair with her favorite lilac scented shampoo, washed her body, and turned off the water.

Carefully stepping out of the shower, she pulled the towel from it's rack and wrapped it around her body. She left the bathroom to find Milo just waking up. Neither of them were what one would call morning people, so they usually wouldn't speak with one another until the car ride to work at the shop. Charlie had given Milo a job at the book store after she moved in with him.

After exchanging a brief nod with Milo and getting dressed for the day, she made her way to the kitchen and started a pot of coffee while he went about his morning routine.

Once they were both ready to go and had their daily shot of caffeine, they headed out to work.


The ride to the shop was uneventful. Charlie was a little tense, not very happy to be in a car after the nightmare she'd had. Milo didn't seem to notice how stiff her hand was in his, or how it would squeeze his just a little harder when he turned sharp corners, or merged into another lane.

Once they'd arrived, she all but threw herself onto the sidewalk in front of the shop. She made her way to the front door, unlocked it, and stepped inside, the bell above the door announcing her arrival. She was immediately welcomed with the familiar scent of old books and scented candles. To Charlie, it was the best thing in the world.

Humming quietly to herself, she took her place behind the front desk and sat in the old worn out leather chair, as she watched Milo let himself in, and hang his jacket up on the coat rack by the door. He stopped and looked around for a second before walking up and down the aisles of books, looking for anything that needed tidying or replacing.

The day went on like it normally would, customers coming and going, books being sold, until about four o'clock. Charlie heard the bell jingle, but didn't bother to look up from her reading material. A couple of minutes later, she heard the quiet sound of someone clearing their throat, obviously trying to get someones attention. It took her another moment to realize that the gesture was meant for her.

She looked up at the man and just stared for a second. He was unbelievably attractive, and Charlotte was not usually one to admit this, even to herself, unless it was undeniably true. And man was it. He had striking green eyes, and dark brown hair. He was tall, with a slightly muscular build, and had a strong jaw, which was lightly covered with stubble. For a moment, Charlie actually felt guilty, like she was somehow cheating on Milo with her mind. Hopefully he hadn't noticed her gawking at this stranger.

Now it was Charlie's turn to clear her throat.

She looked away awkwardly for a second, then back into his green eyes.

"Uh, yes, can I help you?"

He held up the newspaper he was holding in one hand, and pointed to an add that read, Help Wanted, Wright's Books. The add proceeded to list the address and other information about the shop.

Charlotte had all but forgotten the add her parents had put out in the paper before the accident.

"I hope it's not too late to apply?" He asked, giving her a quizzical look.

"Um.. Well it's just that my parent's had put out that add before-"

She saw his face fall, just slightly, anticipating the rejection. She stopped speaking and thought for just a moment, then changed her mind.

"No.. No it's not too late."

She reached into a compartment underneath the counter and pulled out a sheet of paper he would fill out as an application, and attached it to a clipboard. She handed it to him.

He smiled slightly.

"Thanks. I'm Luke by the way." He extended a hand to her.

She took it.

"Charlotte. You can call me Charlie."

He nodded and made his way to one of the big couches to fill out his application. Not that Charlie even needed it. As far as she was concerned, the job was already his.
♠ ♠ ♠
Told you my chapters would get longer. And I've also managed to introduce Luke earlier than I'd expected. A job well done in my book. As you can see, there's a little something happening there with Luke.. Well at least on Charlie's side. We'll see where that goes ;) So..? You like?

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