‹ Prequel: If Only
Status: one-shot; completed

The Fear Had Fled


The fear had fled! The terror – gone! The horror – absent, oh the horror! Such disgrace, such calamity – an insult! Who was I, but the one in control? For what reason does she stare at me with such despicable – outrageous – gaze? A taunt, a mock – terrible, so terrible! A death-wish she had, and I had every intention to oblige. Such smile was preposterous, for whom was she but a victim facing certain demise? “Irony!” the cosmos must be hollering this instant. “Irony, oh, irony!” And at that I laughed, for what else should I do in presence of such insulting harlot – pray tell!

Her reply was soft, controlled, normal – how dare she? Fear indeed! Where was the disgust, the terror, the horror, the fright, the spite I so much desired? Oh, satisfaction – your tantalizing grip is unbeknownst to me, for this heathen has her sight clouded with fascination. Oh, irony, such bittersweet irony! Such mocking eyes, such taunting words!

An apology – of all delusional things! Oh, if only she’d beg, wail and cry out with utter anguish! Oh, if only she’d loathe me, spitting and hissing the most insulting of obscenities! Oh, to hear such an acute flow of loathing – if only! An insult, I implore for no more. Where was the resistance? Gone! No more! Vanquished! Oh, such rage I taste; such incredulity!

The sound that tore from her vocal chords, her whole being – mockery! Such gaze that danced with embers of resolution. Whore! Heathen! Spawn of damnation! Oh, if only her eyes would cease their melodies of praise – if only! Terrible, such terrible – mesmerizing – fate awaits her petty existence. And, amidst moments of lapsing madness, I find obligation in warning her – like any gentleman would. Oh, such irony!

And, as I inquire her about such fatality, her lips – such thin, despicable lips – quirk with humor – of all things! Such whimsy fool stands before me; such imbecile of naivety. Such horrid sight I must behold!

My hands quaked with glee, my grin mirroring my most lustful desires. Oh, such fascinating sensation I convey – oh, if only she’d scream like a banshee from hell itself! And those eyes – windows to her tattered soul – which beam with admiration – such insanity! Her unmoving form practically bled uncertainty. But, even when facing me, her gaze does not shift. Oh, if only she’d cower in fright! Such ecstasy I’d be able to wield, instead of such petty blade – degrading, I say! Yet, the deed will still be done – sensational!

Heathen! Whore! Spawn of damnation! Such despicable thing should wither and die! Such creation from the pits of hell should savor the sweet delicacy of torture – pain! Agony! Death! For what reason does she not wail? For what reason does she not –

Alas! The dawn of realization – trapped – enlightened her. Oh, satisfaction – at last we reunite! A wail like no other, a wail of deception – despicable! Truly outrageous! The pain, the reality – oh, such dreadful reality! Was it not enough? Her hollers of distress – such theatrics she deceived me with! Such lies she cried out amidst her end. Oh, if only her eyes would stop singing with such delight! Oh, if only she’d grasp the concept of fear! Oh, such crippled state she’s in – terrible, oh, so terrible!

Ah - such fitting end for such devastating disappointment. And to witness such thing – such end – wonderful! Simply mesmerizing!

Indeed, an encore is at call!