Her Ray of Sunshine

It Was In His Blood

Things had changed over the last 8 years, changed dramatically, and Josh didn’t know what to do with himself. Liam had grown up fast - too fast for Josh’s liking and his graduation was on the horizon. He hated to think about how much Hayley had missed out on, she would be so proud of him. He was tall, taller than Josh, obviously coming from Hayley’s side of the family, she had been small, but her relations weren’t, and his hair and eyes were obviously hers, “He doesn’t actually look a lot like me,” Josh said to his brother, Zack.

“He got lucky,” he smirked in return. Things for Paramore ended not long after Hayley died, none of them wanted to go on without her, the day the world lost Hayley, Paramore lost its heart and soul.

But with the end of one generation comes another, and soon Liam was picking up the guitar, bass, drums, any instrument he could get his hands on, he was extremely talented, “It’s in the blood,” everyone of his teachers would say. The one thing he could never do was sing, the one thing he hadn’t inherited from his mother. The voice of his band, came in the form of his next-door-neighbour, Callie.

Josh always knew something would happen between Liam and Callie, the day she moved in next-door, Liam hung around like a bad smell until he was invited in. He was there the whole day and the next she was at theirs, Liam on drums, and Callie on guitar and vocals, they made beautiful music.

Liam and Callie went everywhere together even camp. Camp was when Liam finally decided to suck it up and ask Callie to be his girl, anyone else see the irony?

High school arrived and Liam met his future band mates, Jake; am amazing drummer and Logan; who could outplay practically everyone at bass. They hit it off right away, having band practise almost everyday after school, and eventually they began writing their own songs. Josh was proud of them, especially as freshmen they beat all the juniors and seniors at the battle of the bands in their school, just as Paramore had done, years before.

Liam waltzed into the kitchen and grabbed an apple, “Dad I need some money,” Josh handed Liam the money for Liam’s graduation gown over, and wished him luck for his music exam, even though they both knew he didn’t need it. Liam walked out the house and into the burning sunlight, down the front garden, out the gate and straight over to Callie’s house. He often wondered what he did to deserve Callie, she was everything he needed, she, in a way, reminded him of what he thought his mother would have been like; beautiful, fiery, talented, and slightly crazy.

She greeted him at the door with a peck on the lips, he laced his fingers with hers and they made the short journey to school. They had two weeks, two short weeks left of high school, and then it was college, although neither of them wanted to go, they both wanted to get into the music industry. It was just as everyone said, it was in his blood.

Liam and Callie had been together for around 4 years, they were each others best friends, they did everything together, his Uncle Zack would always say it reminded him of Josh and Hayley when they were younger, it was funny how things were arranged.

They made it to school surprisingly fast, and sat out on a picnic bench, waiting for the guys. Liam on the table with Callie sitting in-between his legs, resting her head against his knee, “I love you,” she said, barely audible.

“I love you too,” he replied, leaning forward and pecking her lips. There was nowhere he’d rather be than sitting with his girl. Callie was everything to him.

Every music student (bar Liam that is) was on edge, music exam week was never fun. Liam was never worried about it though, as everyone constantly reminded him, he had his parent’s talent, playing guitar was easy for him. Although his music exam was the easiest thing he’d do all year, he often wondered why the school had the music exam during the same week as the other subjects, it only put unwanted strain on the pupils, especially the seniors.

Liam had finished his apple and was returning from the bin when Logan and Jake turned up, taking a seat beside Callie.

“You’re really upbeat this morning Jake, what’s wrong with you?” Callie asked Jake as he proceeded to play drums on the top of her head, with a pair of drumsticks that he always carried in his back pocket, “And someone else is obviously on their period.” Callie laughed in Logan’s direction. Logan was never a man of many words, he said what he had to and let everyone else argue things out, and he never said goodbye. It was his little quirk everyone supposed.

The bell went a few minutes later and they filed into the decrepit school building, that was in need of a face lift, and headed for their respective home rooms. Liam and Jake taking one direction, and Callie and Logan the other but, not without a goodbye kiss, which received stern looks from teachers in nearby doorway.

It was a certainty that home room would be boring. It always was. Today however, they would receive their times for their exams. Every music student sat with baited breath, praying that it they wouldn’t be first, or after Liam Farro. No-one wants to look like a fool after his performance. The appointments were read out over the loud speaker, “Logan Reynolds, 10 ‘o’ clock,” the names were rattled off. Liam wasn’t really paying attention, until he heard Callie’s name, “Callie MacKintyre; 11:20, Liam Farro: 11:30,” the endless list of names was rattled off in what seemed like hours, until the announcer finished by reminding them all, “Be outside the examination room 10 minutes prior to your exam to tune up and prepare,” Liam sighed, 11:30, he’d be getting out of PE, he couldn’t wait to try and explain that to his teacher. It seemed that his PE teacher was the only teacher that disliked Liam. It was his parent’s fault. Well his dad really, when his parent’s went to the school Josh used to bunk off and wreak havoc sitting on the bleachers taunting the football players. It also didn’t help that on Liam’s first day he called up his teacher on her age in an indirect way, “Jeez, how long have you worked here? You were here when my parents were.” she had disliked him ever since.

Liam and Jake walked to first period in relative silence, both of them going over their music pieces for the exam, lost in their own little worlds. They took their usual seats, Liam at the back, and Jake at the very front, after having being put there by their teacher at the start of the year after continuous talking. Liam sighed, “Ah biology,” he whispered to himself, just as Callie bounded into the room, a very pale looking Logan bringing up the rear.

“Nervous?” Liam asked Callie, smiling, it was obvious she wasn’t, Callie never got nervous, she was the strong one.

“Natürlich nicht meine Liebe (of course not my love),” she said, plonking herself down beside him, “You shouldn’t be either, you got this.”

“I know.” he smirked, opening his textbook to the designated page set out by his teacher. She turned to him and smiled, he was her everything, he would be so proud of her when he found out what she, with Josh’s help, had set up for the band, Callie knew it.