Memories and Rememberance

I can't see

'Will you listen to me already?!?!"

"Why do you always have that blank look?"

"It's like she's dead."

"I bet she is."

"She's a ghost...."

"...or a vampire!"

"I think she's just weird." A chorus of yeahs follow.

They don't know. They don't understand. I don't even understand. All I get are short clips, images. I see the way the sky was always grey; always. Even when the sun was out, with no clouds, the sky was grey. And you were always alone too.

i figured in my own memory I could find any place, go to any place I desired.

But that's not how it works.

I find myselfs in the same places, different times.

Sometimes I'm on a couch with a bowl of spilled ice cream next to me and the tv blaring loudly. I just look ahead. Sometimes he comes into the room and smiled at me. Once he even gave me a kiss.

It was over to quickly.

Other times I'll be in a club. You can hear the music, and laughter, and voices, but you can't see it. You just know you're in a club. I'm standing in th middle of the room. You're in the corner with the someone, but I don't notice you, even thought I know you're there. And I know you're with someone too, but I can't see them. I'm staring at something.

But I don't know what.

The most uncommon dream, the most important, is when I'm on a railroad track. I think it's in the mountains, but I can't be sure. I see the tracks go through the trees and on and on and on. It never stops. Sometimes I'll be laying across them. I hear the loud horn of the train, but again, I can't see you. You walk down them towards me with a dead rose and squat down. You lay the rose on my stomach. I look up at you but you're paying no attention to me, just at my stomach. I want to kiss you. I want my dark red lipstick to smear on your lips. I want that memory. But I never get it.

Cause like I never see anything, it's like you don't see me.

Maybe I am dead.