Memories and Rememberance

Another dream

This one was different. I didn't understand it at all. It was almost like...I was in a dream inside of a dream. It started with me. I was riding a roller coaster with the grey fog all around me. I was screaming and yelling. The girl with the blond hair was next to me. We were laughing and screaming and having the time of our lives.

Suddenly, I was in a movie theater dancing with her...and him. He was grinding on me and my arms were around his neck. He kissed me and whispered, "I love you Sky." Suddenly, I woke up. But again, I was in another dream. In this one I was in a room; mine I'm guessing. It felt weird to have a room, but also comforting.

I was wearing some shorts and a tank top; pajamas. I sat up in a bed. My strait brown hair fell over my shoulders. I lookd up, and there he was.

He walked towards me slowly. He was crying. I frowned, I felt it. He got on his knees on the side of the bed and held my right hand. It felt amazing. The way his strong manly hand fit around my small fragile one, indescribable. He kissed my hand. That felt amazing too. He looked up at me.

"Sky, I am so sorry." He kept repeating that over and over, crying a little more each time. I stopped him.

"What? Why are you sorry?" He cried again.

"Sky I; I killed you. I'm so sorry Sky. I killed you. I did and oh my god I'm so sorry." I laughed. that wasn't me.

"What are you talking about? I'm here. I'm alive!" He shook his head.

"Now you are...but you're going to die. And I am so sorry. I'm so so so sorry I killed you. I love you." I froze.

"This is freaking me out stop it." I said, a little louder. His shoulders shook uncontrollably.

"It's not a joke. Sky; Sky listen to me. You need to get out of here. You have to leave." I sat up. He hugged me so tightly I thought I was going to die.

"Um okay okay fine. Where should I go?" He looked up.

"Meet me at our railroad tracks; tomorrow." I nodded slowly this was so weird.

Everything changed. I wasn't in the room this time. Now I was on the railroad tracks from my previous memories. I was balancing on the metal bars waiting for him. He came. He walked towards me with a guilty look. When he was inches away from me he kissed me tenderly and hugged me. This warmth became a part of me.

When we broke away he lead me to the middle. He told me to lay down across them. He told me to trust him. I did, I don't know why, but I did. I knew what was going to happen. I was going to die. But I didn't stop myself from laying down. Tears started coming down my face.

"Remember Sky, you always were and always will be the love of my life." He put a rose on my stomach. Then he took a few steps back and blew a kiss towards me. I cried. I heard that same loud horn. I looked to my right. This time I saw it. It was coming towards me.

Faster; faster it came. Right before it hit me I caught sight of him. He was crying with a smile on his face. He was waving. I choked out a sob. I wanted to leave, but I didn't. I had to trust him. I had to.

The train hit.

It was unbearably painful. Quick, but painful. After all I was in a dream. But I didn't die immediately. I was bleeding everywhere. That's not what hurt me though. The sting I could handle. The burn I could handle. The death I could handle. What i couldn't was that when I looked over...he left.

And then I woke up.

I was gasping. I'd never had a dream like that before. I was back in my heavy fog wonderland. I was breathing so hard. this dream wasn't leaving me. It was sticking, but eventually it would leave. I have to find a way to keep it. I saw her. the girl with the blond hair. I ran towards her.

"Oh hey." she said.

"Help me." I said. She nodded.


"Okay um so I need you to help me store this dream before it goes away." the first part of the dream was slowly fading. I couldn't remember who was with me on the roller coaster.

"What? Okay...why don't you tell me about it." She said. No, no I can't.

"Um...Sky! My name is Sky." i said. She nodded slowly.

"My name is Amber." I looked at her.

"How do you know?" I asked. She cocked her head to the right.

"When you die, you're granted one thing you desire. A memory, a name, anything. I wanted my name." I nodded. I started to forget what I wanted.

"Um cool...Amber. I don't remember what I came for." She frowned.

"You came to remember your dream." What dream? It was erased. She gave me a sympathetic look.

"I'm sorry Sky." Sky? Who was Sky? She saw my confused looked and sighed. She hugged me; no warmth. Then she left. I sat down.

Being dead sure does take a lot out of you.

And then I closed my eyes.

Because I had nothing better to do.

I was dead, no purpose.

I guess I'll just continue doing nothing.
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you guys are awesome:)))
