Status: CLOSED

Curiosty Started The Crime

Second chapter.

I learnt some rules;
1.Don't draw attention to yourself
2. Be aware of some of the gang zones so you know where not to walk and/or what colors not to wear
3. Don't wear valuable clothes (like don't go out rockin' Hollister, True Religions, Levi's, and/or Nike's and expect to be safe.
4. If you can, try staying chill with a gang member so they know not to mess with you. Otherwise, keep to yourself
5. Don't walk into the street looking weak, but don't go out looking all tough.
6.Don't wear red or blue in the neighbourhoods.
7.Don't even *look* like you belong to a gang/deal drugs unless you are in one.
8.Don't associate with people who belong to gangs etc.
9.Don't go out without one of us only go out by yourself when one of us dropped you of at a shopping centre and dont go outside stay there.
10.Have a mobile phone with you at ALL times and never take it out unless for emergencies.
11.Dont talk back to anyone only us.
And Most Of All Give Respect Get Respect Back.

So if I cant go out wearing that stuff looks like I'm going to have to look through my old clothes. Great. Also UGH school. I will have to ask him about it.Im not too keen sleeping by myself this place seems freakin' scary and unsafe.

Here I am around 12:00 at night in the pitch black living room trying to sleep on the couch. After a shower. I hear commotion outside. I squeeze my eyes together and try not to move like that will stop the noise. I the cock of a gun and a manly shriek then running. Tears start pouring;scared tears.

I hear a door open its either Max's or Ronnie I guess they hear the commotion.

“Mackenzie are you alright?” Its Ronnie.

“Haha not really”

“ Do you want to come to my room? We will have to share a bed if thats alright?”

“Yerp I guess” I smile.

“Come on”

I stand up trying to not to step on anything and grab my pillow and blanket. Theres a small light; Ronnie phone.
He grabs my hand and leads me so I dont crash into anything.

He opens his bedroom door. He leads me to his bed and moves his pillow so I can fit aswell.He gets in and gets under the blankets.

“Get In” he says jokingly. Ahh Kinky ;)
I slip and slide in next to Ronnie and go under the blanket aswell.I set my blanket on top of the blankets.

I wipe my left over untouched tears.

“Its pretty scare if your not use to it hey?”

I laugh “Yerp, which I found out” Im still actually scared but I dont want to tell him that. I hate people seeing my flaws.

“Are you alright now?”

“Yerp thanks”

I hear more commotion. I shift uncomfortably.

“Your not, come on” He shifts closer and puts his arm around my waist. I automatically feel safer.

I smile “Thanks for everything”

“No problem, its your brother really, he's a great guy”


“Well we have to go for a small shopping trip tomorrow, lets sleep, goodnight love”

I smile,lets hope its not to bad.

He kisses my forehead;comfort.

“Good night” I turn into his chest.

I somehow feel him smile...his head is on my head this makes me smile.

I hope he doesnt have a girlfriend!?
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© 2010 Eleisha