I Woke up Next to Lukas Podolski and Holy Crap We're Married

Morning Sunshine

*Reyna POV*
The first think I thought of as I woke was that I was dead. Then a throbbing headaches started and I knew that, unfortunately, I was very much alive. I laid on my back and I refused to get up, knowing that my life was over thanks to a five minute phone call I had received last night. Just thinking of it now made my heart break anew. How could a man I had loved so deeply have broken my heart? Why did he have to do this to me?

Sighing I turned to the side and opened my eyes to check the time. Six-thirty in the morning. Good, I still had two hours before I had to be in the lobby, Jack would freak out if I was late on my first full day of work in Germany. I had arrived late last night from Chicago and even though I was jetlagged my friend Teresa had convinced me to go clubbing… and that was where I had gotten the phone call. After the most heartbreaking five minutes of my life and another half hour of crying about it, I had gone to the bar to drown my misery in alcohol.

Not my best move, I thought as a clutched my aching forehead. All I could remember from last night was my beer bottle, cheering and bells. Not to mention the most erotic dreams I had ever had. Blushing, I remembered my dreams of the man and our ‘fun’ in the shower, floor, and bed. Trying to get my head away from my very, very dirty dreams I look up at the ceiling.

That was when I noticed that I wasn’t in my hotel room.

Startled I shot upwards and looked around the unfamiliar room. It was a huge bedroom with a closet to the corner, the bed, which I was in, was a king size with two bedside tables next to it. The room was painted a warm brown and I could see that a door that led to a bathroom was to my left. I looked down at the floor and noticed that my clothes were there… or at least what was left of them. They were torn apart like I had been in a great hurry the night before to get them off. Strange, I thought. I never slept in the nude before. Clutching the covers tightly around me I leaned over and saw that my clothes were not alone. A murmur beside me made me look over. “Crap,” I cried as I saw a man asleep beside me. I moved as far away from his bare back as possible but misjudged the distance to the end of the bed and toppled over. With a little shriek, I landed with a thud on the floor. Thankfully I kept firm hold of the blankets, but my little outburst woke the man. He sat up and ran his hand through his dark blond hair. Looking around the room he spotted me on the floor. Wide eyed he said, “Guten Morgen. Bist duverletzt?” When I didn’t reply he said, “Horensie, wasich sage?” Standing up, he put on his jeans and then approached me.
“I’m sorry I don’t understand German,” I said when I could push the words passed the knot is my throat. Now that I could see the man’s face…and not to mention body, it was hard for me to breath. It was HIM, the man from my dreams…turning bright red I figured that my dreams hadn’t been dreams at all. The man had deep blue eyes that locked with my violet ones, making me feel as if he could see deep into my soul. His messy blond hair was short and he had a cute habit of pulling his fingers through it. His perfectly kissable lips were parted in a friendly smile and gave me an excellent view of his pearly white teeth. Then there was his body. Perfectly tanned, muscular arms that had held me protectively last night, and hard six pack abs. It was hard not to touch them…but I had last night. Concentrate, I tell myself and raise my eyes back to his inquiring ones.

*Lukas POV*

I tried to concentrate on what the girl had told me but found it extremely difficult. She was beautiful but not in the way that I was use to. Her almond shaped eyes were a striking shade of violet and they seem to know everything. Her red lips were parted, perhaps shocked to have woken next to me. Her long lushes brown hair cascaded around her bare shoulders. She was clutching the blankets protectively to her body, and what a body it was.

Last night had been crazy, after having one the Euro cup the whole team had gone out celebrating. I remember drinking a lot and bumping into the women in front of me, then my memory went straight to the amazing night we had spent together. I smiled just thinking about it.

I returned my attention back to the women in front of me and caught her eyeing my chest and smiled. She saw my reaction and flushed, damn was she pretty.

“I just asked if you were hurt?” I repeated in English, kneeling down beside her. Tightening her hold on the blanket she said, “I’m fine but I’m sorry to say that I can’t remember your name.” She was as wasted as me, I thought, out loud I said, “Lukas.” “Oh, I’m Reyna,” she said. “I’m sorry to ask you this but is there anyway that I could borrow your shirt for a while, my clothes seem to have been ripped pretty badly last night during…um, our activity.” Chuckling at her expression and word choice I stood and walked over to my pile of clothes to get her a t-shirt.

*Reyna POV*

My god he is so hot, I thought trying not to stare at his gorgeous back as he went through his pile for a shirt that I could wear. He came back a few seconds later and threw me a cotton blue t-shirt. “Is that alright Liebe?” he asked me. I nodded, wondering what he had just called me. “Turn around,” I told him. Laughing he did as I said. As I let go of the sheet and struggled into the shirt he said, “You do know that I saw you last night? All of you.” Blushing yet again, I replied, “Well now it’s the morning and it’s different.” Lukas turned around as I was putting my arm into the sleeve. “I didn’t tell you, you could look,” I told him angrily. He shrugged and sat lazily on the edge of the bed. I nervously tried to smooth down the shirt, as it only came up to mid thigh and saw gold flashing. Confused, I held my hand in front of me. Stunned it took me a few minutes before I could get my scream out.

*Lukas POV*

Startled I leaped off the bed and in two steps was in front of Reyna. Clutching her shoulders as she put her head in her hands I asked, “What’s wrong?” Shaking she lifted up her head and whispered, “Please don’t tell me you have a ring on your hand?”

I looked at my hand on her shoulder and was amazed to find a ring on my finger. Finally the truth sunk in. I swore, “Schei!”

Looking at me with her violet eyes she said, “You got that right, Shit!”
♠ ♠ ♠
Please note that i am going to be using the old Bayern Munich team when Lukas was still there.
Comments please:D