I Woke up Next to Lukas Podolski and Holy Crap We're Married

Newspapers and Licenses

*Reyna POV*
My breathing became more rapped as the seconds ticked by, in part from panic and in part from the nearness of Lukas. He was so close that I could feel the heat of his body and see the blue specks in his eyes. And the man before me is my husband! Holy Jesus help me, I thought as I began to drown in Lukas’ ocean blue eyes. “What do we do?” I whisper lowering my head to look at the ground. Letting go of me, Lukas started to pace back and forth while running his lean fingers in his dark blond hair. “Hmmm, we should…humm. Wait! Look for the license, we have to see if this is a legal marriage,” Lukas said and immediately started to look through his things. Realizing that our marriage may not be legal, I began rummaging through the drawers and the pile of papers on the nightstands. I was looking in the closet when I heard swearing from the other side of the room. I dropped the bag I had been looking in and rushed to Lukas’ side.
In his hands was a piece of paper.
We both stared at it in bewilderment. It was the marriage license and we had both signed it.
“Wait, can they marry us without witnesses?” I asked snatching the paper from Lukas. “No, but we have witnesses,” he stated flatly and pointed to two other names on the paper. One was a strong penmanship and I couldn’t make out the name but the one next to it was no problem as I had seen it written everyday, Teresa. “Crap,” I said out loud clutching my ever growing headaches. “That’s my best friend’s signature. What about you? Do you recognize your witness’ writing?” He nodded and went back to pacing. My legs were getting shaky from the whole situation that I went to sit on the bed. I drew my knees up and wrapped my arms around them. We were screwed, I was married! I never thought that this would happen to me. I had never in my life acted like this before and just one night of drinking and I end up married, just my luck. “I have an idea,” said Lukas snapping me back to reality. He walked over to me and sat next to me on the bed. It was insane that even thought I was in this crazy situation I couldn’t help being attracted to Lukas. Damn it, I thought, snap out of it! “First we don’t know if any of it is legal, so I think we should go talk to the man that married us,” he said calmly. “The license has the address so we can go today. After we figured it out either he tells us were not married so we go our separate ways, or he tells us we are and get an annulment.” “I think it’s a good plan lets go now,” I said and stand up to leave.
I felt an arm grasp my hip and pull me back onto the bed. “What?” I said annoyed and breathless. “You can wear my shirt all you want in this room but since you are my wife for at least a few more hours, I don’t want any other man seeing your gorgeous body,” he smirked and ran his gaze down to my toes. Blushing—why am I always doing that around him? — I nodded and ask, “So can you go get my clothes?” He grinned and held out his hand for my room key. I went to my purse and dug it out, handing it to my cocky husband, “And as you are my husband for a few hours, I don’t want any women looking at your amazing body.” I tossed him a shirt, — not the one I was wearing— chuckling he left the room. Unsure of what to do I sat back on the bed and waited. Clasping my hands together, I saw my wedding ring. I looked at it for a while dazed that such a beautiful thing could have thrown my life upside down. “Here you are,” said Lukas’ voice, breaking me out of my thoughts. Standing I took the clothes from his outstretched hands. Our fingers touched and I felt electricity shoot up my arm. Mumbling a thank you, I swiftly headed to the bathroom to change. He had brought me jeans, a green t-shirt, and matching heels. Slipping into something familiar, I then turned to the mirror and brushed my hair as best I could with my fingers.
I returned to the room just as a blond man burst in.
*Lukas POV*
I turned when I hear the door open ready to hide Reyna if it was my coach or the maid. Thankfully, it was only Bastian. “Shit man, you are in huge shit,” he said coming towards me. “I know, I know but why the hell didn’t you stop me! You were there!” I accused shaking the marriage license in his face. “You’re joking,” he said surprised. “Damn! I don’t remember being there; I was just as wasted as you.” I sighed and massaged my aching forehead, “Well we’re going to see if the marriage is legal and then if it is get an annulment.” Bastian looked down and shifted his feet, “Umm, it might not be that easy.” With the forewarning he handed me a newspaper. “F***,” I cried. I had to use all my will power not to tare the newspaper apart. “What’s wrong?” asked a feminine voice from behind me.

*Reyna POV*
I had been watching the two men argue in German but after the stranger had handed Lukas the newspaper, I couldn’t hold back the questions any longer. There was an awkward pause as the tall men looked at me and then at each other. Lukas hesitated so the stranger came forward, “Hello, I don’t believe we’ve met…well at least not sober. I’m Bastian Schweinsteiger, a friend of Lukas.” I took his hand and liked the man instantly. He had a kind look on his face and a ready smile to at least ease at bit of the stress of the situation. “It’s nice to meet you, I’m Reyna.” He looked me up and down and turned back to Lukas, “Sie ist ein ganz heil3er ferger! Wieso zum teufel du gewinn aufhebung?” (Translation: She’s a real hottie! Why the hell are you getting an annulment?). Lukas hit him in the back of the head and said, “Schweig!
” (Translation: Shut up!). I stood confused waiting for them to tell me what they had been talking about. When I was positive that they weren’t going to tell me I asked angrily, “Are you at least going to show me what’s so bad about the news?” Lukas looked at me with unsure eyes and then reluctantly handed over the newspaper. The article was written in German so I didn’t know what they were talking about, but the picture I understood.
It was me and Lukas coming out of a church, looking like a happy couple and flaunting our wedding rings. My mouth dropped.

*Lukas POV*
I studied Reyna’s reaction. Altogether I would say it was okay. Her mouth dropped and she had to sit on the bed but at least she didn’t start screaming and running around like a maniac. “W-Why is there a picture of us on the front page?” she stuttered. “What? You mean she doesn’t know?” asked Bastian in German. “Giver her a break, man. Besides she’s American they don’t watch football,” I defended her. I walked to kneel in front of her on the bed and heard Bastian mutter something about crazy Americans and how they were dumb not to watch football. Switching to English I said, “Because here in Germany I’m famous.” “Excuse me?” asked Reyna, not so calm anymore. “I play professional football, Bastian is on my team. We play for the German national team and Bayern Munich,” I explain. I try to wrap my arm around her shoulder but she stands and moves away.
I had to admit that it hurt my feelings.
*Reyna POV*
Shit, I thought, I should have known who he was. My brother, John, was obsessed with soccer and loved the German clubs. When he had found out I was coming here on business he had had me promise to get him a jersey. Well, no problem with that now. I looked at the two footballers and felt immediately shy, they were famous, gosh darn it! Oh my god! I was married to one of them. “Are you okay?” asked Lukas with a hard voice. I could tell he was pissed that I had shrugged off his comfort, but the truth was if he had hugged me I might have not resisted the urge to kiss him. “Fine,” I said in a small voice. That was when a knock pierced the silence. No one moved.
“Listen lovebirds I know you’re in there so get clothed and open this damn door,” said a strong willed voice. I relaxed and open the door before the boys could protest. “Teresa,” I cried and dragged her into the room. “How the hell could you have let me get married last night?” I cry. She looks away and then meets my eyes. Something passes through them and then is gone, “I was just as drunk as you, so stop blaming me.” “Sorry it’s just been a crazy morning,” when I saw her eyebrow raise in the direction of the two footballers I say, “This is Bastian and Lukas, my…hum—” “Husband,” Teresa finishes for me. They all shake hands. “Not that I don’t think you have a lot to talk about, but me and Reyna have to go to work,” Teresa tells us. I look down at my watch and see I have ten minutes, “Oh crap, but I have to go see the man that married us.” “Don’t worry,” Lukas reassures me. “I’ll go. Meet me back here after work. Oh and for right know just pretend that we are a loving married couple okay? Just until we get this all figure out.” I nod and am towed out of the room by an impatient Teresa.
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