I Woke up Next to Lukas Podolski and Holy Crap We're Married

The Deal Is Sealed

*Reyna POV*
Teresa and I headed to the elevator. I wasn’t dressed very properly for work but didn’t really care; I had bigger problems then that. “So are you going to tell me or are you going to let me die of curiosity,” said Teresa when we got into the elevator and I had pushed the lobby button. “Tell you what?” I asked perplexed. “The sex!” she practically screams, “I mean you just have to look at him to see it’s going to be good. So tell me did he take control? Where did you do it? How many—?” “Wow! Slow down. I can’t remember half the night and what I do remember I’m not sharing,” I interrupt her, my cheeks turning red as I think of the amazing night. Teresa’s observant eye caught my change of color, “Damn you’re so lucky!” The elevator doors open and we step outside. We were walking through the lobby, heading for the meeting room of the hotel, when I glance outside and see thousands of photographers and news crews waiting. Damn, I thought, I wonder how Lukas is going to get out.

*Lukas POV*

I waited a few minutes after Reyna left before I left the room. Bastian was behind me and was talking about how deep in shit I was, but lucky to be in shit with a gorgeous girl. I ignored him, concentrating on the problems I was facing. There were so many I didn’t even know were to start, so I turned my thoughts to finding the man that had married us. After I knew if the marriage was legal or not I could shift my attention to the other problems. One thing that was good was that I didn’t have practice today because of the win yesterday and that I hadn’t seen any of my other teammates, I don’t think I could explain to them what was going on. Bastian and I exited the elevator and headed to the door. Unfortunately it was blocked by a huge crowd of reporters and paparazzi, who as soon as they spotted me began to snap pictures and roll film. “Shit,” I say out loud, this was not going good. “Wow, Lukas! You must be the biggest news of the year,” whistled my friend. I went to the receptionist desk and asked if there was another way out of the hotel. The man showed me to through a back door. “Thank you,” I said as me and my friend stepped outside. “You’re welcome Mr. Podolski and I may I offer my congratulations on your marriage,” the man said. Not knowing what else to say, I respond with a thank you. Bastian laughed next to me as we jogged over to my black Ferrari. I open the door and jump inside. After starting the ignition, I speed into the street and head to the place I had been married.

*Reyna POV*

I tried hard to listen to what Jack was saying but my mind kept wondering back to Lukas. Stop it, I told myself for the hundredth time. I was sitting in the meeting room with Teresa next to me, nibbling on a bagel as Jack explained the schedule to us. I worked as an assistant to Jack, who was a huge movie director. Basically, I did everything from helping with wardrobe to changing the script. We were here to film a movie on a spy in Germany, to me it seemed like that type of movie had been done before but Jack insisted that it was going to be huge. Jack was now talking about the wardrobe for the film and all the costumes the actors were going to wear. After an hour of boredom, he asked if any of us had questions and then dismissed us for the day, saying that since it was our first day here, to take advantage of the city. “Wait. I need Reyna and Teresa to stay for a minute,” he called as we had just moved to leave. My stomach did a flip, did he know about my late night marriage? I couldn’t move for a second so Teresa gripped my arm and pulled me to where Jack was lounging. “What can I do for you?” I said with a fake cheerful voice and smile. “I just wanted to know how the set is doing,” replied Jack taking out a cigarette and lighting it. Since Teresa was the main set designer and I had been helping her, we sat down and discussed the problems and achievements we had made. “Good, that’s great news, puppets,” he said as he looked through some papers. I gasped when he found what he had been looking for, a newspaper. And it wasn’t any newspaper but the one with my wedding picture in it! Without thinking I snatched it out of his hands. “What in the world is your problem?” Jack said taken aback by my action. “I…am, what I mean to say is that…well—,” I stutter still clutching the paper to my chest. I quickly stand and say, “Got to go.” We both rush out of the room and head straight to Lukas’ room. “There are going to be some serious questions tomorrow,” said Teresa as we walk down the hall. “It doesn’t matter. I’ll worry about tomorrow, tomorrow,” I tell her sliding the key Lukas had given me and entering the room. I switch on the TV, not watching it as I wait nervously for the boys to return.

*Lukas POV*

I got back into the car shutting my door angrily. We had spent an hour talking with Viktor, the man that had married Reyna and me, and he had confirmed that our marriage was legal. I had argued with him but to no avail, I was still very much married. “What are you going to do man?” said Bastian as I drove out of the parking lot. “I have no f***ing clue,” I say honestly. That the public knew was the horrible part. If I got divorced the day after I got married would forever brand me as a player and asshole in the eyes of the German people. This whole situation could damage my career and all I had worked so hard to achieve. “You can’t get a divorce Lukas, at least not yet. If you do you’re screwed,” Bastian said confirming my thoughts. “I just don’t know if it’s fair to Reyna and if she would be willing to do this,” I tell my friend as I pull into the hotel parking and we get out of my car. “Well, let’s go find out.”

*Reyna POV*

I was sitting cross-legged on the bed, toying with my wedding ring when my cell phone rang. I reached over and searched in my purse, checking the caller ID a gasp. Teresa looked over at me and raised a questioning eyebrow. “It’s him,” I whisper. “What do I do?” She mouthed that I should answer. Taking a deep breath a flipped my phone open and say, “Hello.” “Reyna! What the hell is the matter with you? You’re married! How could you do something like this? It isn’t like you,” said an angry voice from the other end. I felt my anger growing as I responded, “Nothing is the matter with me and how dare you call me and complain that I’m married when you dumped me over the phone last night for other women! We were engaged Matt and that meant nothing to you when you slept with that slut!” “Reyna—.” “No! I’m glad you dumped me because if you hadn’t I wouldn’t have married Lukas and I wouldn’t be the happiest bride on earth. I love Lukas, so don’t ever call this number again.” With that I hung up and for emphasizes threw my phone across the room with a huge smile on my face, “Damn that felt good.” “I’m glad it did but you do know that half of what you said was a lie and that you could be getting a divorce any minute,” Teresa said bursting my bubble.

Just then Lukas and Bastian entered the room. I stood happy to see Lukas and anxious to know what had happened. “I’m going to get some lunch, would you care to join me Teresa?” asked Bastian when no one moved. “Yes, thank you,” replied my friend and they both left us to deal with our marriage problem. When they were gone Lukas said, “I spoke to him and we’re legally married.” “Oh,” I said. There wasn’t much else I could say in this situation. “So did you get the annulment papers?” Lukas looked at me with his blue eyes and walked to stand a few feet from me, “Look, I know that you don’t want to be married but do you think that we could pretend for a few months.” I blinked, “What?” “The German people are different than in America, if I get an annulment so soon after the marriage it will be bad for my career,” he said sheepishly. “So, what I’m saying is if you will pretend to the world to be my wife for a few months.” I looked into his blue eyes and knew that he really needed this and it would solve my troubles with my lies to Matt. “Okay, I’ll do it,” I tell him. He flashes me a huge smile and hugs me. His muscular arms wrap around my small waist as I’m pressed against his powerful body. Jesus, I think, how in the world am I going to do this?

We’re interrupted when an older man opens the door. “Lukas,” he begins but stops when he sees me. “Sie ist..?” (Translation: She is…?) “Coach this is my wife, Reyna,” Lukas says in English, releasing his hold on me. Loew stares at us in astonishment but quickly recovers and says, “Congratulations. I didn’t know you were getting married Lukas.” “It was a last minute decision,” he said quickly taking my hand. “Sich abmelden ist um zwei uhr und vergiss nicht der party heute abend um neun,” said the coach as he exited the room (Translation: Check out is at two and don’t forget about the party tonight at nine). “We really need to come up with a story on how we met,” said Lukas as he let go of my hand and began to pack his bag. I turned off the T.V. and start helping him fold his clothes, “How about if we met a few years back when you were on vacation in Chicago and we had a connection but we were with other people and when we met yesterday we knew it was destiny that we should be together.” “That’s good,” he said laughing as he went to the bathroom. When he returned he was shirtless, “Listen, since we have to keep up appearance you should come live with me.” He continued looking through his suitcase oblivious to my wide eyes. I tried not to look at his six pack and lightly tanned skin but failed horribly, “What did you say?” “My house is ten minutes away so you should come live with me until we can get the divorce,” he repeats and turns around to face me. Flushed, I raised my eyes to his, “Okay.” He grins knowing where my wondering eyes had been, “Oh and there’s a party tonight celebrating Germany’s victory and we’re invited.” That catches my attention and I stand, “What? No way! I can’t go!” “You have to, you’re my wife, it would be weird if I showed up without you,” He says reasonably as he puts on a white shirt and leather jacket. “Come on lets get your stuff and check out.”
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