Status: coming soon. still working one the chapter

In the Deep End

Chapter One

6:00 am, another early practice on a Saturday morning. I dove in the freezing water finishing my practice with swimming lap after lap feeling my muscles contract and expand with every stroke, paddle, and kick. I pushed myself further to go another ten laps in the pool before getting out to start off my day.

"Hey Casey, did you already finish up?" Jeanie asked slapping a towel in my face, earning a groan from me.

"Yeah unlike someone I know I get up early on my own, and not by my mom pushing me out of the bed." I threw the towel back at her.

"Whatever buttmuncher." She rolled her eyes. "So what are you're plans for today honey-bun?" She asked as she opened her locker to reach in for her swimsuit.

"I don't know I probably have to babysit again it's only like 8, and I have to go find this couple who just moved here, they need a babysitter and I could use the extra money." I admitted with my back towards Jeanie as she got dressed

"Oh well that's understandable, but just remember that we have that party tonight and you aren't missing it this one." She gave me that glare saying she would kill me if she had to and I knew there was no getting out of it.

"Whatever okay. I'll see you later Jeanie." I walked out the door with my things out to my car. I honestly didn't want to go to this Party I don't care if I'm a senior and I need to go to all the big senior parties. It's just not my style I rather sit home with my mom and dad.

I drove up to a house the had moving trucks in front of it, I assumed it was the new neighbors. I walked up the stairs to the front door slowly, I knocked three times before a familiar happy looking man opened the door.

"Can I help you?" He asked politely I nodded my head with a small smile.

"Yes, I'm Casey you called me the other day for a babysitter, I just thought I come over to introduce myself since you're new here. I could show you and the rest of you're family the town if you'd like sir?" I asked nervously.

"Oh yeah I remember Danielle saying something about a babysitter, and thank you but we are actually moving back so you don't have to worry about the tour of the town. I'm Kevin Jonas." He offered me a handshake, and moved aside to let me inside his house.

"Wait like the Kevin Jonas?" I turned around looking at him with excitement and embarrassed that I didn't even realize it was him.

"Yes indeed, but now I'm just Kevin Jonas the family man. Now let me show you the house, Casey." He smiled genuinely wrapping an arm around my shoulder showing me his house, which by the way, is beautiful.

"And this is the Nursery, where I believe Baby Samantha is sleeping." Kevin whispered taking me along the second floor. "Oh, and this is the spare bedroom where on some occasions if it's okay with you and your parents you'll be staying?" He asked which I think made my heart skip a beat with excitement, staying in a celebrity's house who would've known.

"Yeah, yes of course t-that's perfectly fine. I don't think my parents will mind at all. So does this mean I get to babysit Samantha?" I said with a wide smile, he laughed and nodded. I jumped and gave him a hug saying thank you so many times I lost count.

"Okay, but I have to warn you about my brothers, they're spontaneous, and will show up at any time so don't call the cops if you hear, someone slam the door open and break something. Well more like don't call the cops on Joe, Nick actually knocks." Kevin warned me and I nodded trying to remember everything else he was telling me...I think I should have brought a notebook.

Kevin and Danielle's schedules were both crazy to remember, there was a lot of things to do and I promised I would help them with moving in, and getting settled. I was actually surprised that some of their family weren't here to help them move in. I guess Joe and Nick were busy, but why the others didn't come confused me.

I felt oddly excited that I get to babysit Samantha, I plan on keeping that on the down low for quiet a bit. I don't want anyone to bother me about it. I had enough to worry about right now, and I don't need the extra stress.

"Um, actually if you want, Casey, Danielle and I would like to know if you and your parents would join our family in having a house warming party?" Kevin asked as he hit the end button on his phone. "I just got off the phone with Dani, and she would really like to meet you."

My heart swelled in my chest, I wanted to scream 'Yes!' and jump around the room like a little girl. I tried to keep myself composed and semi professional, even though the smile on my face was very evident. Then I thought about my mom and dad.

"Yeah, that would be great, but I think its only going to be me. You see both my parents are working late tonight." Swiftly making an excuse up.

"Oh, well that's okay, as long as you can come we are happy, and this means you can meet some of the people you are going to see a lot of." Kevin smiled kindly, I kind of thought that he could see through my lie, but I didn't let it show. We heard quiet cries coming from down the hall and I knew that meant the baby was up. I offered to go get her, because I was anxious to see the one I would be spending a lot of time with.

When I walked in her room she was just squirming around crying because that was the only thing a newborn, like her, could handle. I picked her up gently and swayed back and forth trying to soothe Samantha down. When nothing else worked I decided to start humming a rhythm that my mom always sang to me ever since I was a baby. She seemed to quiet down now just seeming to stare at me with wonder.

"Hey Sammy. Did you have a nice nap? You hungry?" I didn't expect her to answer in any way, but I nearly jumped out of my skin when I heard Kevin speak from behind me in the doorway of Samantha's room.

"You're a smart one young grasshopper. " I rolled my eyes at him as he tried to use a Yoda voice. "Here's a bottle, you can come in the living room to feed her if you'd like." He tossed me a bottle and I was surprised I was able to get it while holding Sam. I walked out of he room flicking off the lights, and followed Kevin to the living room. I sat down in the rocking chair and fed Sam the bottle, burping her after every once like I was taught to.

After feeding her the bottle and changing and cleaning her I asked Kevin if I could go home and clean up myself before this little party went down. I was in shorts and a t-shirt, and my hair still smelled of chlorine. He nodded and told me what time to be back here, an sent me on my way.
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ehh its really short but i think its kinda okay for a first chapter. it might not be the best but I'm working on it. The reason for making up an excuse for her parents is different but its a sort of twist.

I really hope you like it. : )
-aliyah <3