Status: New And Being Pre-Written. Please Subscribe and Comment.

Rainbows Don't Last Forever

And So It Starts..

“The person that means the most to me is..” Melody stared blankly at her computer screen, and wondered who she was going to write about. This had to be her toughest college assignment yet.

She typed “Luke” after is and rubbed her chin. It didn't look right to her..
Luke meant a lot to her but she wasn't sure that he meant the most. Melody was glad Luke was at school because if he was home then a fight would possibly be stirred up if he saw how hesitant she was to write about him.

Luke would tell Melody that she didn't care about him and the argument would get so bad they wouldn't even talk for the rest of the night and maybe even through to the next day. Melody could see if happening now.

She deleted his name and racked her brain for other possible candidates. Melody then typed “Cara” She sighed, knowing that that wasn't right either. Cara was her best friend but she didn't mean the most to her. It sounded horrible but it wasn't meant in a bad way.

Cara was a really good friend and Melody would be sad without her but Cara didn't fit for this assignment.

Melody rubbed the bridge of her nose with her thumb and index finger. This is a lot harder than she expected it to be.

Suddenly the person popped in her head and she wondered why she didn't think of the first.

Melody deleted everything even though it was unnecessary, then she typed “The person that means the most to me is my mother. She has been there with me through everything and has never let me down. She raised me as a single parent at a young age and never asked for help from anyone in my family. My mother dealt with me through all my teenager issues and no matter what I did she still loved me.”

Melody kept going until her whole assignment was finished. She realized that it wasn't too bad once she discovered her mom was the person that meant the most to her.

She heard the front door open and she looked at the clock. It blinked 2 o'clock, which meant, Luke was home from school. She saved her paper and made a mental note to print it in the morning.

Melody walked into the living room of her apartment. Luke threw his back pack on the kitchen table. He half-smiled at Melody and walk towards her with his arms open.

She smiled guiltily and hugged him tightly.

“Hey, honey, how was your day?” Luke asked Melody while kissing her softly on the lips.

“It was fine. I got some work done. How was school?”

He looked around nervously. “It was.. cool.” Luke tried to hide what happened at school today. He couldn't expose to his fiancee that he got back in touch with Anna and they kissed at lunch.

Luke felt bad.. of course he did.. but not bad enough to tell Melody as terrible as it sounds. He didn't consider it cheating, he was just exploring his options. Luke was older now, when he first got with Melody he was a young boy and was silly. He had been realizing that lately. Oh, he loved her, but he was unsure of how much anymore.

Melody seen how suspicious Luke looked but tried to push it out of her mind.. she didn't want to face the facts that something was probably up.

Luke looked in Melody's eyes to try and figure out what she was thinking.

“I love you.” He said.

“I love you, too” Melody mumbled and walked back into their room. Luke sighed and sat on the couch and watched t.v while he texted someone Melody didn't know he was texting.. she didn't even know Anna came back.

Melody picked up her cell phone off her computer desk and dialed Cara's number, she wanted to hang out with her best friend. She stayed in the house too much, and her and Luke didn't do stuff together anymore.

They were even rarely sexually active unlike they were when they officially started dating when they were younger.

Melody always considered herself lucky because she never once got a pregnancy scare with Luke. She knew if she would have, or does get pregnant she doesn't think she would get an abortion again.. but she doesn't really know for sure.

Cara answered the phone. “Hola, Sister.”

Melody smiled at Cara even though she couldn't see it through the phone. “What are you doing?”

“I just got back from picking up Gabe from daycare. You know, he hates being picked up? He loves his teacher. She's pretty nice. I've met her once.”

Melody peeked her head out the doorway and she saw him texting rapidly on her phone. She wasn't going to ask who it was, she didn't want to cause a fight.

“Awh, that's really sweet. I was wondering, want to go out or something?”

“You and Luke aren't doing anything together?”

Melody teared up and tried not to cry. She loved Luke with all her heart but they were so distant later. Their relationship isn't anywhere near as good as it was about four years ago, she wondered where they went wrong. Things just started to change after they got engaged. Could that be the problem? They aren't ready to be engaged possibly?

Melody wiped her eyes. “Uh, no.. I want some girl time” she said sadly but tried to hide it as she did not want Cara to know all the problems that Luke and her were having, it was between them. Nobody else needed to be involved in it. That would make things worse.

“Okay! Sounds amazing, We can drop Gabe off at my moms and then we can go to the mall. I need some new clothes any way. I've been finally loosing my pregnancy weight! Finally.” Cara laughed.

Melody agreed and hung up the phone and threw it into her purse. She put on some more eyeliner to replace the eyeliner she already had on that got ruined when her eyes teared up.

She walked into the living room and stopped by the couch staring at Luke who didn't even notice that she was standing there. She tapped her foot and finally he looked up.

“Where are you going?” He asked her.

Melody rolled her eyes. “Out with Cara since you never want to spend any time with me.”

He sat his phone down and glared at her. “Yes, I do.”

“That's bull shit, Luke” She raised her voice. She could feel a fight brewing and she knew she shouldn't have said the truth.

“No it's not! You're to wrapped up in college to even focus on us.”

He stood up and Melody was at least taller by two inches. “College is important to me. You're the on not focusing on 'us',” She said making quotation marks with her fingers when she said “us”. “You came home and sat on the couch texting! You don't fucking give a shit about me hardly anymore.”

“Yes, I do Melody! But you can't always be the fucking center of the universe!”

Melody started to cry. “When the hell did I ask to be the center of the universe?! I don't want that! I just want to spend time with you! You push me away and act like a child, you may still be in fucking high school but you're a legal adult, Luke.”

Luke felt bad for making her cry but Melody started the fight, as far as he was concerned it was her fault.

“Shut up! I'm an legal adult, I can do what I want.”

“Don't tell me what to fucking do, dammit! I will kick your ass into tomorrow, Don't mind waiting for me even though I know you wont. I'm staying at Cara's tonight. And stay the fuck off my computer.”

With having said that Melody walked out of the apartment slamming the door behind her and walking to Cara's apartment trying to fight her tears.
♠ ♠ ♠
So what do you guys think? I posted a chapter sooner than I was so I could give you guys something to read while you're waiting for the others, ha ha. Oh and this one was in third POV because I thought it was best for this chapter. Mostly they will be in first POV though.

Follow me on twitter to know when I'm about to update and to easily know when I do update.:)

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Things are intense. Comment for more chapters soon :)

Hope you enjoyed.