Status: New And Being Pre-Written. Please Subscribe and Comment.

Rainbows Don't Last Forever

Sleeping On The Couch

Cara and I sit in the coffee shop in the mall drinking our coffee slowly.

“So hows college?”

“Fine.” I lie, honestly it's not fine because I'm not happy at my current college. I just want to be in Kentucky, I don't know why.. I just visited there once and fell in love with it.. it's my dream place.

“Good. When are you and Luke setting the wedding date?” Cara asks with her eyebrow raised.

I roll my eyes and take a sip of my coffee. “I don't know, surely not anytime soon..”

She looks at me oddly. “Why? Aren't you guys in love?”

“I love him..” I say looking out of the window the coffee shop and into the mall.

“Hm.. I'm suspicious, what's going on?”

“Nothing, Cara.”

“Something, Melody” She presses.

I ignore her and finish my coffee. “Let's go.” I am ready to get some sleep, we were in the mall for at least six hours. We had done lots of shopping and my feet are tired.

“Okay.” She sighs.

We walk out of the coffee shop, and towards the exit.

“Hows Gabe been doing?” I fill the silence.

“Good.” She answers.

“Look, nothings going on, okay? I'm not hiding anything.” That is true.. I'm not hiding anything.. I'm hiding everything.

Uh huh by Forever the Sickest Kids starts playing at the chorus. I sigh and look at my phone. I roll my eyes and press the ignore button.

Cara stares at me with disbelief. “What the hell? Nothing is going on but yet you just ignored Luke's phone call?”

I laugh. “You're silly, I'm just trying to spend girl time with you, it's not girl time if I'm on the phone.”

She rolls her eyes and gets into the driver side of her car and I get in the passenger side trying to ignore the urge to throw my phone out the window as it goes off again.

“Just answer it.”

I push ignore purposely. “Oops,” I giggle. “That was an accident.”



“Seriously, you know you can tell me anything.”

“I know, and I will.. but I don't need to right now.” which is the truth. I don't want to dampen Cara's thoughts that Luke and I have the “prefect” relationship.

Cara nods and pulls out of the parking lot and onto the street and starts to drive to pick up Gabe.

My phone goes off for the third time, Cara glances at me and I frown and answer the phone.

“What?” I ask through gritted teeth, hoping Cara doesn't notice.

Luke mumbles into the phone. “I'm sorry.. Please come home tonight.”


Luke sighs. “Melody, you know I love you.. things are just difficult now.. we must be just getting through the tough times and it should be over soon. We just have to stick together and work through this.”

I glare out the window into the night sky. “I don't know, all you do is yell at me and make me feel bad. I don't think I can be home if you're going to be like that.”

“I was mad, we all say stupid shit when were mad..” He says.

“No, everyone says the truth when they're mad.” I knowingly say. I've heard the quote a thousand times and I know it's true. You blurt out the truth when you're mad, or at least the truth to you.

“Bull. Just please come home. I don't want us to go to bed angry. I love you.”

I roll my eyes and Cara turns down her moms street. “I love you, too” I push out.

“Come home then?”

“Fine, but” I whisper into the phone. “If you start shit you're going to Cara's for the night.”

Before he can say anything else I hang up the phone and smile at Cara, happy she hardly heard most of the conversation, she was to busy jamming out to “California Gurls”.

“We live in Missouri, why do you like that song so much?”

Cara taps her fingers on the steering wheel to the beat. “It's catchy.” She pulls into her moms drive and runs inside to get Gabe.

She comes back out of the house with Gabe on her hip and her mom behind her waving to me in the car.

I smile and wave at her back.

Cara sit Gabe in the back and I give him a smile. “Hey, sweetie.”

“Aunt Mewoahwee!” Gabe unsuccesfully attempts at my name. I laugh and touch his nose.

“Hwewo, Gabe.”

Cara buckles him into his car seat and drives us home. The whole ride Gabe sings to every song on the radio, and the way he sings them is oh, so adorable.

We get to the apartments and I get out of the car. “I'll see you later, Cara, Love you.”

She says an 'I love you, too' and walks off the opposite way of me with Gabe. I walk up the stairs to my apartment and grab my keys out of my purse.

I unlock the door and walk in.

“I'm home.” I say sadly.

Luke walks into the entry. “Hey, sweetie.” He kisses my check and I pull back.

“Don't act like everything is okay.”

“Everything is.”

I push past him. “No it's not.”

“I said I'm sorry!!” Luke says.

I turn towards him. “Sorry isn't always good enough.”

“It was just a tiny fight!”

I throw my purse on the table and put my hands on my hips like an angry mother that caught her daughter sneaking out late to see her boyfriend.

“Yeah, but how many of them have we had lately?” I question.

Luke throws his hands up. “Maybe two or three.”

“Bull shit.”

“Fine, I'm sorry for all our fights.”

I grasp my face with my hands. “Quit fucking saying sorry and quit making us fight. You don't have to let things get escalated.”

“You're at fault too, Mrs. Innocent!”

“Are we really going to fight?”

“No.” Luke says staring at his feet.

I roll my eyes and walk towards the bathroom. “I'm going to take a shower and then I'm going to sleep on the couch tonight, I don't want to be near you right now.”

“But babe..”

“No buts.”
♠ ♠ ♠
Okay, so more fighting, woah! Looks like this couple can't quit fighting. How much longer will this last.

Alright, Like I said in my last post if you want easier acsess to knowing when stories are up then follow me on twitter. Just let me know in a comment if you do.
I hope you enjoyed.

Comment so I know you want more soon:) Thanks to my already commenters and subscribers.