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Rainbows Don't Last Forever

Who Is That In The Mirror?

I wake up with a stiff neck and I wince. I remember how I fell asleep on the couch last night because Luke and I were having problems.. oh the usual.

Luke walks into the front room dressed for school with his back back slung over his shoulder. I sit up and rub my eyes.

He stares at me.


“I'm going to school now.”

I stretch. “Alright, bye.”

He comes over to me and hugs me and kisses my forehead. “I love you.”

“I love you, too.” I force myself to say. “Have fun at school.”

“Doubt it.” He says as he walks out the door. When he leaves I lock the door and fall against it and cry.

I never thought I would be the one to have a shitty relationship. I could see it being everyone else but me, and I bet nobody else would ever think Luke and I's relationship would be this bad. It was so good not too long ago, things change though.

I walk to the bathroom and stare at the mirror. I look at the sad and distressed person staring at me.

“Who are you?” I ask the person staring at me in the mirror. “You sure aren't me.. or at least you weren't.”

I was so happy, so peppy, the only other time I was this sad was when I was away from Luke.. now I'm around him all the time and I'm still not happy..

I guess I might possibly leave again. I love Luke but I can't handle this.. this time leaving might actually be the best thing. I'll stay a bit longer and hope things get better. I'll wait till our anniversary before I decide.

If nothing is better by then, I will leave and go pursue my dreams and break things off with Luke. It doesn't hurt so much to know I might be away from him as it did when I was younger. Maybe being away from each other will be good and maybe just maybe we could get back together.

But I'm not leaving yet. Our anniversary is a few days away.

Who knows? Things could look up, things could completely fall apart. I will leave it to fate.

I throw my hair up into a loose pony tail and put on some eyeliner. It was just college, I didn't need to look perfect for it. I quickly brush my teeth and spray some perfume over my body.

I frown at myself before I turn off the bathroom light and grab my stuff.

After school I get in my car and drive to my Uncle Joe's house. I haven't told anyone about my problems with Luke but I need to talk to someone. All throughout school all I could think about was if things were going to work out or not. I will feel better after telling Uncle Joe.

I park in his drive way and shut my car door softly as I press the lock button on my remote.

I walk up to his porch which is now decorated with flowers unlike it was a few years back. Uncle Joe is now happily married to a very nice women named Tangie. She has pretty blonde hair and soft yellow eyes. Tangie is practically like a sister to me now, she always gives the best advice.

Joe and Tangie open the door. I smile and put my car keys in my back pocket.

“Oh god, what did you do now?” Joe says with his English accent. Tangie hits him on the arm. “I mean, hello dearest niece, lets get some tea.”

I laugh.

“Hi, dear, come in.” Tangie says putting her hand on my shoulder and guiding me in the house. “Joe, go make some tea for her.”

Joe mumbles jokingly and goes to make tea.

We sit on their couch and Tangie flips the t.v off.

“So what's going on, honey?”

“I can't come just to say 'hi'?”

She raises her eyebrows. “Well we are the only people you tell things to most of the time so..”

I smile. “Okay, you got me.” I admit. “I'm just having problems with Luke.”

Joe runs back into the living room. “Oh my gosh, spill.” He says like a school girl. I laugh and then frown.

“We've been arguing a lot lately. It's mostly been since we've been engaged but Luke says he's happy we're engaged and I've told him we could break it off but he doesn't want too. He seems suspicious too, he's always texting. I'm also really unhappy, I wanted to move to Kentucky, but I couldn't because he still has a year left of high school and he begged me to stay. I dropped my dream for love and now I'm regretting it because all we do is fight.”

Their mouths drop. I know they would never expect me and Luke to be having drama, exactly what I said early, no one would.

“I'm giving our relationship a few days to fix, till our anniversary.. If things aren't better after that.. I'm breaking the engagement and moving to Kentucky.”

Tangie looks at me with sympathetic eyes. “I'm so sorry, sweetie, but you're strong and I think you have things figured out. You're doing the right thing.”

Joe pats my shoulder and hands me my tea. I grab it from him and sip it slowly. “I'm so proud of you. Leaving this time would probably be good. Last time it wasn't the right situation to be leaving in, now it is. I think you have things right. You're such a wonderful young women. I hope things work out, honey. He's blind if he doesn't try and make things right.”

I try to smile and do my best. “Thanks guys.”

“Are you doing anything for your anniversary? Maybe a romantic dinner under the stars? When is it?!” Tangie asks. I laugh at her overly romantic heart and mind.

“It's in three days on Saturday and I'll probably be out most of the day because I'm going to make a scrap book of all our best moments together and I'm getting a cake made so yeah, when I come home I'm going to surprise him with it.”

Tangie makes a puppy dog lip. “After all he's put you through, you still are doing something for him. How sweet.”

“He helped me when I was younger, he helped me become a better person. I love him for that.”

Joe looks at me strangely. “You aren't in love with him anymore, are you?”

“It's hard to tell with all the fighting.”
♠ ♠ ♠
Alright, another chapter. Their anniversary will be probably chapter five or six. Next Chapter will be in third person and it will be mostly about Luke and what goes on at school, so that should be juicy, huh?

Prepare yourselves for that.

Comment so I know you want more chapter soon (: If you don't comment I don't know that you want to have more chapters. Thanks to the comments and subscribers already(:

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I hope you like this update.