Status: New And Being Pre-Written. Please Subscribe and Comment.

Rainbows Don't Last Forever

He Doesn't Even Care.

Luke Owens drove himself to school because his fiancee was too busy with her college work and besides he really didn't want her too. He was actually getting claustrophobic having her around him all the time, that's why he was so distant lately.

It was Thursday and Luke was ready for the weekend but not ready for possible fights stirring up with Melody.

A spark lit in Luke's head. He was forgetting something, but what? He knew it was something this weekend but he couldn't think of what it was. He brushed it off because he thought it couldn't of been that important or else he would have remembered it.

He parked in the school parking lot perfectly and the second he stepped out of his car he got attacked by Anna.
She jumped in his arms and smiled and laughed.


He bit his lip, guilty that he was seeing Anna behind Melody's back. He never intended on being a cheater but this chick was his first love. He couldn't break up with Melody either, he adored her even though she annoyed him at times and they fought constantly.

He would decide soon.. he would decide once he could get things a bit further with Anna. He needed to see who he was most attracted too.

It was entirely wrong, the old Luke would of never done this but that was him before he was engaged. Being engaged changed everything. It seemed like a good idea at first but then his friends changed his mind.

He kissed Anna and sat her down on the ground.

“Hey, baby.”

“Have you decided yet?” Anna asked. Anna of course knew Luke was with Melody, she didn't mind. She wanted Luke to take his time and decide what makes him happy. She knew in the end it would defiantly be her so she didn't mind sharing him. It really wasn't even sharing because they were constantly fighting and could never agree.

Luke sighed and looked away. “No, Anna.”

“Okay, take your time.”

He smiled at her. She was very sweet.

“Are we going to try and hang out this weekend though?” Anna asked grabbing Luke's hand and walking into the school.

“Duh, Melody said something about her being out of the house mostly on Saturday so we might hang out then.”

Anna grinned wide. “Oh, fun.”

Luke nodded and separated from Anna and went to his first hour class. He sat down at his desk and seen he had five minutes till class started and his head filled with thoughts.

Melody, his love that changed him, the girl he spent four years with. Anna, his first love that also changed him, the girl he spent a short time with. Melody, the unique girl with tons of fun things about her, Anna, the average girl with only good looks and nothing to her personality except that she loved easily.

Melody, the girl he constantly fought with. Anna, the girl he rarely fights with. He felt like his choice was hard. Feelings change over the years and he wasn't as for sure about staying with Melody as he was years ago. He wasn't sure he wanted to to be with Anna either. He had only been reunited with her a few months since school started senior year, which has been about five months.

Luke didn't know what the future would hold if he stayed with Anna. He was sure as hell not going to stay with Melody if things are going to be this bad in the future.

Luke was a really confused boy.

He needed to choose really soon though because Melody could easily find out at any time. He had nothing to worry about with Anna. She would wait for him forever, but Melody... she became really popular her last two years of high school and anyone could tell her.

Would he feel bad if she knew? Yes. If she left him he didn't know how he would take it.

Luke looked at his hands and fumbled with his thumbs.

Things were really difficult for him. He wondered why Melody was always yelling at him? Nothing was going on with her, like it was with him. She was being really selfish actually, the only thing she had to worry about was college. He had so much more on his plate.

Luke came into his senses for a moment.

He knew he had changed and he knew it was bad, he knew he loved Melody so much more than anyone. He didn't even know what he was doing or why he was doing this to Melody. He was hurting her and deep in his mind is where he knew it.

He pushed it away though because his friends had brainwashed him to be the selfish one. Luke was loosing touch of who he was because he was listening to everything his friends were saying.

The school day passed really quick for Luke. He had pushed away the honest thoughts all day, it was harder than any other day. He walked out of the school and tried to hurry before Anna caught up to him.

Luke had way to much on his mind to deal with her.

His heart was singing Melody.

His head was screaming Anna.

Luke needed to talk to someone, but who could he trust to talk about this with that wouldn't think he was being terrible and then tell Melody and someone that wouldn't judge his situation.. Well Melody would be perfect to talk to about anything with but they weren't on good terms. They weren't even close to being on good terms.

His mom would tell Cara for sure so he knew he couldn't tell her.. If he told Cara she would go completely ballistic on him. Cara adored her best friend and would not let even her brother hurt her. He couldn't talk to his friends because they would just tell him to stay with Anna because how pretty she was.

Luke was alone.. he wasn't really close to anyone else. He had the option of Melody's uncle or her mom but they were blood to Melody. How would he even go about telling Melody's family that he is seeing someone else while still being with Melody and Melody didn't know and he may not even choose her when all said and done.

He got in his car and drove to his and Melody's apartment hoping she was asleep or busy because he was worried about a fight.

He got to their apartment and locked up his car and went inside. Melody was sitting on their couch slumped down and had chips next to her.

“Home.” Luke said, peeking at her face and trying to avoid her.

“Cool.” She lied.

He stopped and stared at her.

She didn't look at him.

He started to walk away again. “I'm getting sick of this.” Melody said.


“I'm getting sick of us barley talking or even being near each other. This isn't how relationships work.”

“I know.” He said. He knew because even his relationship with Anna was better than his and Melody's.

Melody sighed and sat laid down on the couch. “That's all you can say. Wow, you sure spoke your mind.” Melody grumbles.

Luke walks over towards the couch and bends down next to her.

“I love you.” He kissed her on the forehead and she stared at him.


“Don't be so pissy!” He said as he stood up.

She looked up at him from the couch. “I don't feel good! God!”

“So what? That gives you no reason to be so pissy with me! God damn, Melody.”

Melody sits up slowly, knowing if she sits up quickly she would throw up like she had been all day. “Yes it does! I'm not in the mood for your bull, go away. Forget I said anything.”

“No, I wont forget.” Melody was making it hard for him to consider picking her.

Melody ran to the bathroom and threw up in the toilet. She sat back against the bath tub and wiped her mouth with a towel as she softly cried.

“What is up with you?” He said in the door way.

“I'm sick.”

He rolled his eyes. “Why?”

“I don't know!” She screamed at him. “Back off, I'm in pain and obviously you don't care.”

Melody didn't think he did especially now because he walked away.
♠ ♠ ♠
Sorry, it's been a while. School has had me so busy. I will try and keep updating as much as I can though. Every Saturday is what I will strive for.

You got to see a look in Luke's mind so more. How was that?

I hope you liked it :)) I worked hard.

Comment so I know you want more chapter soon (: If you don't comment I don't know that you want to have more chapters. Thanks to the comments and subscribers already(:

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One more chapter till their anniversary.