Status: New And Being Pre-Written. Please Subscribe and Comment.

Rainbows Don't Last Forever

Flash Backs Hit Hard.

Luke had already left for school without saying much to me. I feel saddened, he's said nothing about our anniversary. I cry as I sit in front of the toilet. I had been throwing up all morning, I think I have food poisoning.

I cry harder thinking about how horrible things are. Things just went from bad to worse. I am starting to think about just getting up and leaving but I know I can't.

My stomach flips and I grip the sink as I throw up again. I cough and flush the toilet. I didn't even eat yesterday because I couldn't hold anything down, I hope I can eat today. Since I'm a vegetarian I need to keep my health in great shape so I can't slack on eating right.

I stand up and wobble back and fourth thinking I'm going to fall. I hold onto the wall and ease myself to the mirror.

My eyes are bloodshot and I have bags under them. I clean my mouth and brush my teeth. I hear my cell phone ring from my pocket as I finish brushing me teeth and spitting into the sink.

“Hello?” I mutter without checking caller I.D.

“You sound like shit.” Cara admits.

I frown into to phone. “Oh, Thanks. You make me feel so good about my self.” I rasp.

Cara chuckles at my sarcasm. “What are you doing?”

“I just got finished throwing up and,” I realize I have a pounding headache as well. “and I'm going to take some ibuprofen.”

“Woah, are you okay?” Cara worries.

I shrug even though she can't see it. “I'm fine.” I lie.

My stomach does a turn and a flip. I fly over to the toilet again for the fifth time this morning and I throw my phone on the floor as my stomach wrenches.

I just brushed my teeth and I throw up again, great. I wipe my mouth once again and find my phone lying on the bath mat with the back off of it and the battery gone. I curse as I find the battery under the towel shelf. I put my phone back together and just as I get ready to call Cara back the bathroom door yanks open.

I look up and see Cara standing there freaked out with my spare apartment key- I gave it to her just in case- in her hands.

She extends her hand and I grab it as she slowly pulls me up. “I came over I soon as the call was dropped.. literally. Are you okay?”

I nod as my head spins wildly out of control. “I.. I am okay.”

“How many times have you thrown up today?” She asks, flatly.

“Five, today.” I answer.

She shakes her head and walks me into the living room and helps me sit on the couch. I shiver intensely and she grabs a blanket from our closet and covers me up.

“I'm so tired.” I complain.

Cara rubs my back. “I bet, how long have you been feeling like this?”

I think. “Mm, just mostly yesterday and today. I've been pretty tired all week though and my back has been bothering me.”

“You must be working too hard on school.” Cara suggests.

I snuggle into her side, like a dog snuggles into its mother. “I dunno.”

Cara gasps. “You better start feeling better!”

“Why?” I blandly ask.

She smiles widely. “Tomorrow is yours and Luke's third anniversary!” She exclaims.

I try to hide my disinterest. Of course I'm still going to do what I was but I'm not sure anything is going to change.

“What are we going to do?”

I roll my eyes. “Cara, I am going to work on a scrap book of our best moments. It's not a we thing.”

“Awh, Please let me do something!” She whines.

I sit up slowly and grab my purse from the end table and pull out some pictures of a cake I digitally designed. “Woah” Cara mesmerizes over the picture. I hand it to her.

“You can take this to the bakers and get it made for me.”

She nods mouth gaped open. “You really love my brother, don't you?”

I look down at my hands and see I have some of the other pictures for the scrap book in my hands. I sigh at them and feel a tear appear in my eye. I push it away. The picture is of Luke and I playing guitar hero and it has a really good view of our face expressions to each other.

I am smiling at Luke and he is smiling at me and both of our eyes glisten with love. In the corner of the picture there is a part of a thumb. I smile to myself as I remember Cara was laughing so hard while taking the pictures that she could hardly get a picture that wasn't blurry. This is the only one that survived. It would have been better if it got the sad look on Luke's face when he lost to me the seventh time.

Cara scoots closer to me and leans her head so she can see the picture. Her eyes light up. “Awh, I remember that. You're putting that in the scrap book?”

I nod and flip to the next picture as a tear falls. This picture was of the time Luke, Cara, Gabe, and I were making pizza. I had a handful of cheese over Luke’s head sprinkling it and the picture captured the individual pieces of cheese falling on Luke's head perfectly. Gabe was laughing with pizza sauce on his cheeks as he splattered it on my pants.

Cara took this picture also, we know that for a fact because of the sauce on the lense.

My tears fall rapidly as I look through the pictures and when I finally get to the last one I loose my composure completely.

The picture is of the night Luke purposed to me.

Flash Back to the time the picture was taken.

Luke smiled at me as I guided him up the stairs to the top of my moms house. I took him up there because it was his eighteenth birthday and I wanted to do something special for him. I decided to do a star lit picnic.

It was ten at night and the stars were shining perfectly above my house.

We finally got out onto the roof through the secret door in my attic. That was the best part about when I made my mom move. We got a beautiful house with a secret door, my mom stayed in the house and I moved in with uncle Joe until after school.

Luke stared at the sky. “Oh, baby, this is wonderful. Thanks you.” He said pulling me into a tight embrace and kissing me softly on the lips.

I smiled and pulled him over to the blanket and we sat down and counted the stars together as we drank pop and ate ice cream.

Luke turned towards me and looked nervously in my eyes. I laughed and grabbed his fingers. “What's wrong?”

He bit his lip and reached his hand into his hoody.

“Nothing. I want to ask you something.” he stuttered.

My eyes grew big. “No, Mr, I will not come with you if you give me the candy that is in your jacket.” I joked.

He laughed and put his hand to his head. “No, Melody.”

Luke pulled me up and then he got down on one knee in front of me. My eyes grew seriously big this time. I backed up and gnawed my finger nails.

“I love you, I'm in love with you. Will you marry me?”

I cried and nodded. He put the big diamond ring on my finger and stood up and hugged me tightly. Things were really good that night.

Things were perfect.

I cry hard and rock back and forth. Things had changed since then. Maybe Luke realized that he doesn't want me anymore. I stare at the ring on my finger, I never asked him to propose, he just did. We were good for a week after we got engaged but then school started and everything changed.

Cara holds me tight not asking why I am crying so hard, which I am extremely grateful for.

We sit like that for most of the day and when Luke comes home she leaves and doesn't question me about anything. She just kisses my head and tells me she loves me and she'll see me tomorrow.

Luke and I don't communicate at all.
♠ ♠ ♠
Here's another update sooner than I should of but since I stayed home from school today because I was sick and I have a heart of gold I posted this. Luckily I already have chapters pre-written :)

Anyways, Those flash backs were sad, huh?
I didn't really know what this chapter would be about because I needed a chapter before the anniversary and I just went with the flow and the flash backs ended up in there. I think they fit now though :)

I hope you enjoyed :)

Comment so I know you want more chapter soon (: If you don't comment I don't know that you want to have more chapters. Thanks to the comments and subscribers already(:

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