Status: Active-ish

Cooler Than Me

Chapter One

(Jamie's P.O.V.)

I laughed as I ran out of the girls' locker room; making sure I didn't drop any of their clothes along the way. They where yelling things like, "Hey! We're going to tell the princapal!" and "I just bought that shirt!!"
"Which one? I can't tell among all these clothes!" I yelled back. I kept looking for the door of saftey. When I finally found it, I ran inside, finding Kellan waiting for me.
"I finished my mission, Caption Kirk!" I said saluting him.
"Good job," he said, checking all stalls, to see if anyone was there. "No one's in here. And I said to stop calling me that! It's not funny anymore!"
"So it was funny in middle school?" I coaxed.
"No..... just, shut up Jamie." he mumbled. He hated me calling him that. But I tjought it was funny. The door opened.
"Per-cay! Yo! What up?" I yelled.
"Jamie, for the last time, it's percy, not per-cay." he said with no enthusiasm what-so-ever.
"Whatever, Per-caaaaay." I clucked. I looked at the pile of girly clothes in my arms. "Oh yeah. Here." I dropped the pile of clothes at Kellan's feet.
"I don't want them!" he barked. He kicked the pile to me.
"I have an idea!" I beamed.
"I'm out." Percy mumbled, walking out of the bathroom.
"Fine! Well, anyway, how about we dump the clothes in the toilet, and flush them down, so the toilet overflows!" I said, jumping around.
"That would be awesome!" he paused. "Wait, you get in trouble all the time, but your mom never really does anything?" Kellan added.
I thought for a second. "Well, my mom has two younger daughters, a single mom working two jobs, and our dad died, so she just smacks me upside the head and sends me to my room to read my tura." I babbled.
"What is a tura?" Kellan asked, confused, most likely.
"Oh, it's the Jewish Bible. It's the pocket version. And orange!" I beamed.
"Um, cool?"
"What about you?" I asked.
"Well, I have no parents at home half the time." he muttered.
"Oh yeah....." The bell rang. "Well, there's the bell." We flushed the clothes down the toilet, causing it to over flow; then we left for our next class.


My classes rushed by. Today was the start of Winter Vacation, and I was overly exxcited. I smiled, walking to my modern-ish muscle car. Today was the start of Winter vacation. I'd be able to go to all of Kellan's parties. I tightened my checkered scarf around my neck; it was freezing in Seattle.
I drove fastly home, not bothering about the speed limit, or my seat belt. I walked inside.
"Ma? Where are you?" I yelled to the empty house, hanging up my jacket and scarf.
"I'm in the kitchen!" she yelled..... from the kitchen. "Come here! We have something important to tell you!" She yelled. I wonder what it could be; my life is a simple, boring, jewish life. I walked into the kitchen.
"Whatd'ya want, Mom?" I asked.
"Well," she said, setting down her cooking utinsuels. "Since you're so smart, I decided to send you to Enstein Math Camp!" she beamed, while I stood there with my mouth open.
"B-but, Mommy! I'm not suppossed to be smart! At school, I'm a cool, popular, jokester!" I whined.
"No buts, Jamie. Now you can be a cool, popular, smart, jokester." she corrected.
"HAW, HAW!" my annoying little sister, Elisabeth screamed from the living room. "YOU HAVE TO GO TO STUPID MATH CAMP WHILE I GET TO PLANT MY BUTT ON THIS COUCH AND WATCH CARTOON NETWORK ALL DAY!!!!!!!!!!!!" I glared at her the whole entire time. I hate her.
"Accually, Elisabeth, you'll be going to Camp Havasandwich!" she said happily. Elisabeth frowned.
"HAHA! WHO'S THE STUPID ONE NOW?! Wait, Ma, what's Camp Havasandwich?" I added.
"Oh, it's a cooking camp!" she enthused.
"But Mom! I suck at cooking!" she whined.
"Well, I'm going to Kellan's until...... when is the day before camp?" I asked.
"The fourteenth." my mom answered.
"Then I'm going to Kellan's until then."
"Make sure to come back!" she yelled while I got my jacket and scarf of the coat hanger.
"No promises." I said nonchalantly.
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JAJAJAJAJA!!!! JAMIE'S JEWISH!!!! not that i have anything against jewish people! WOOOOOO WHOOOOOO!!!!!!! comment & sub!