Status: Active-ish

Cooler Than Me

Chapter Two

(Percy's P.O.V.)
I took off my coat and put it on the coat rack and saw Glendy right next to my cash register waving frantically.
"Hey Pershy!" She yelled across the store.
The girls looking at the the twilight Cd's looked over at me puzzled.
"Who's Percy? I'm Edward." I said, anxiously looking around.
"EDWARD!!" The fan girls screamed at the top of their lungs.
"No, I'm Jacob." I looked around.
"JACOB!!." They hollered again.
"I'm actually Riley." I said
The room was weirdly silent, everyone looked around.
"RILEY!!!" This raging fan girl screamed at the very top of her lungs and pulled up a poster of Riley Biers from Twilight. She was wearing a black shirt with the same dude looking like he's emerging from the darkness, she also had Riley writtin aross her fore-head in what looked like sharpie.
"That'sh my friend Maggie." Glendy said giggling.
"Alrighty then." I said rolling my eyes."That's cool."
I was standing right next to Glendy of course when this really pretty girl with glasses and a hair clip walked up and started talking to me.
"Hey Riley." She said sarcastically using air qoutes.
"Hello," said puting my elbows on the counter "How may I be of sevice to you?" I asked.
"Oh, just some records by the Beatles. But unfortunately I can't find them." She said frowning.
"Which album are you looking for?" I asked while Glendy was picking in her braces.
"A Hard Day's Night."
"Aha, It's in the A section." I said pointing in the A direction.
"Yesh, yesh it ish. Now go away and shtay away from my man." Glendy snapped waving her finger in the girl's face. I shoved my hand over Glendy's mouth pushing her away, she licked my fingers.
The girl looked meekly at Glendy then me. "Oh, I was looking in the B section cause of Beatles. Thank you, uh..."
"Percy." I smiled wiping my hand on my pants, as she glanced at Glendy wonderingly then walked away.
I looked at Glendy too, who now had a cotton swab from a drawer and was nearing me. I glared at her in shock as she shoved the cotton swab in my ear.
"Ou lala." She giggled taking it out and getting another cotton swab.
"Glendy stop it. Now!" I snapped covering my ears.
"Oh-okay..."She blubbered starting to cry. She turned around and took off towards the my dad, the owners, office. The record store I worked at was the first floor of our house and the second two floors were our house.
"Cry baby." I muttered under my breath.
"Percy Chapman, why in the world would you make such a lovely young lady cry?" My dad complained.
I felt a vain pop in my fore head and neck. "Because she was trying to stick a cotton swab in my ear." I growled threw clenched teeth.
"Is that true Glendy." Dad asked.
"No, it isn't Mr.Chapman."She said all sweetly.
"Percy Donald Chapman you are grounded and you can't go to Kellan's party." My dad scolded.
"But I didn't do anything! All I said was stop it and then she started crying." I complained
"No buts go up to your room and think about what you've done, mister." My dad snapped pointing towards the "authorized personel only" door.
"Anything to get out of work." I mumbled under my breath.
I gave a death glare at Glendy and stomped off. I can't believe that my father made me go up to my room and think about what I've done wrong. I sat there in my bed and watched T.V. until my dad said that I could come back down to my job. Glendy had a whole box of tissues and wiped one eye at a time.
"Welcome back Pershy, I'm shorry I lied but I really want this job and I really need it too. And if I got fired, I wouldn't get to shpend time with yooou." Glendy smiled, poking me in the chest.
"Percy? I can't find it in the racks." The pretty girl from before said.
"Here let me look if we have any in the store...nope not one, the stock is coming in tomorrow come then maybe we will have it." I smiled, shrugging.
"Okay then." She mumbled waving.
"Bye." she said leaving.
"Hey Pershy, pershy, pershy, pershy, persh-" Glendy started.
I clenched my hands into fists. "What Glendy?" I angerily interupted.
"Wanna come to my trailor and shee my shrine I built of you out of your used cotton shwabs?" She asked her ears perking up.
"No, Glendy." I sighed. "Now just go home your shift is over." I said face palming.
"Alright Pershy, goodnighty don't let the bedbugiesh bite you And if they do, I will eat them forsh you." She said hugging me frantically, giggling weirdly and skipping out the door.
I turned off all the lights and shooed people away out of the store. I ate my cold dinner because I had to work late then I went to bed for work tomorrow. Seeing as school was over and winter vacation started made me nervous.
I didn't really see the point of my anxiousness. Maybe it was because I wouldn't see Kellan or Jamie over the break. Maybe it was because I was going to be lumped together with Glendy for three weeks....
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Yay. Finally, superskyblue finally finished her chapter, gawd. Comment and subscribe! biblel's chapter is coming up next! Isn't Glendy wonderful.