Status: Active-ish

Cooler Than Me

Chapter Three

(Kellan's P.O.V.)

After the bell rang I made my way casually towards my Lamborghini. I clicked the button on my keys and watched the car doors flip up, I climbed inside and looked around. I was the only person at school with this kind of car. The second nicest car was my girlfriend, Carlie's BMW.
Other kids glared at me when I drove by. Green with envy.
I watched Jamie whip out of the parking lot ignoring the speed limit in his orange muscle car. I want a muscle car. Maybe I can have one for Christmas.
Percy was a few cars behind me, in that ugly old Station wagon. One of those blue ones with the wood looking texture. Ew.
His mom didn't even trust him driving by himself, we were Seniors. I don't understand his mom sometimes, she was afraid for his safety or something. My mom has never said that to me. Hm. So anyway, his mom makes him ride with his cousin, Callie. I think she has a crush on me, but who doesn't? She was short, only like five feet tall, and had shoulder length dark brown hair. She looked a lot like Percy just in girl form, she took computer classes too. Not a cheer leader or anything. And she was a total twi-hard. She loved twilight, like wearing Edward Cullen shirts around. And she hung out with the people we call: A-Quaders. In other words she was in the freak squad. I barely talked to her, but if I did, all she talked about was twilight. God, I babble to much. Even in my head.
Percy despises her too, claiming she talks about hobo's rights all the time. But Jamie on the other hand finds her funny. He thinks she's hilarious. I don't get Jamie sometimes.
My phone went off. My mother. "Hello?" I asked picking up the phone.
"Kellan? Hello, sweetie. I'm just calling to tell you that tomorrow night your coming out with us on a family dinner. Your brother is coming into town with his girlfriend and they have something they'd like to ask you, okay?" She said into the phone.
"Sure, whatever." I sighed. "Are you going to be home tonight?" I asked.
"Oh, sorry, sweet heart. Your father is finishing things up in Guam and I have a cocktail party to throw over in East side. But Heather will be there." She said enthusiastically. I stared ahead.
"Heather? That girl studying our family's company?" I asked. "The one that uses that old crappy record player to listen to the Beatles?"
"Yes, that one." She acknowledged.
"Oh, whatever." I frowned. "Bye Mom."
"Bye Darling. I love you!" She cooed.
"You too." I sighed hanging up and putting away my iphone.
I pulled up in front of my house, pulling into the semi-circle drive way as the gate automatically closed behind me. I stared up at my giant white mansion. I know it's stupid, but I'd give all this up to be like Jamie or Percy. To have a family that actually cares about me, or what I do.
I hopped up the ivory marble stairs and opened the giant white door, throwing my keys and book bag down on the floor. I kicked off my black Converse and tossed my jacket and green plaid scarf on the ground, even though countless times Klaus, my butler, scolded me for throwing my expensive stuff on the "filthy" ground that was waxed and polished three times a week.
I could already hear the overflowing sound of A Hard Days Night coming from the study/library. I hated that record player because it didn't have a volume adjuster and Heather refused to use the stereo right next to her freakin self.
I stomped into the library. "Turn the crap down, Heather." I snapped, lifting the thing off the record. She looked up stunned, dropping a book on my family's industry.
"Oh, sorry, Kellan." She apologized, picking up her book from her giant leather lounge chair. "Hey, er, could I ask you some questioned on your family's company?" She asked.
"Uh, I don't know anything about my father's sports marketing blah blah blah thing-a-company, whatever." I babbled. I had that annoying problem, I babbled a lot.
She tilted her head and pushed up her glasses. "Oh, okay, sorry. Do you know when your parents will get back?"
"Nope, they don't really ever come home. Sorry." I sighed walking away as the door bell rang. I sighed and plopped down on the cashmere couch as Klaus made his way to the door.
"Captain Kirk, I have come for you!" Jamie wailed as he bursted threw the door with a pillow and suitcase. Klaus looked at him questioningly, then glanced at me. I shrugged.
I stood up. "Jamie...whatcha doin' here?"
"Oh, Kell, you would never believe!" Jamie said dramatically pressing his hand to his heart, dropping his suitcase with a thud, and falling backwards on my couch with his other hand out stretched like he was dieing.
I stared at him, my eye twitched. "What?"
"It's my mother!" He called dramatically as I heard Heather come in to see what the thud was. "Oh! Hello there!" He smiled jumping up and waving at Heather. "Are you one of Kellan's girly friends?"
She blushed. "No." She muttered.
"Dude! She's that girl intersested in my dad's sports marketing thingy." I snapped.
"Oh! Well, it's nice to meet you, I be Jamie." He said darting over the her and hugging her tightly.
"Oh....uh....I'm Heather." She said backing away.
"Just go." I told Heather who smiled meekly and darted away.
"As I was saying!" Jamie continued going into his dramatic shock again and flopping on the couch. "My mom is sending me to...Math camp!" He yelled.
"What?" I asked.
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Aw. Poor Kellan. His family doesn't care about him. :'( so sad.