Status: Active-ish

Cooler Than Me

Chapter Five

I was watching "Pet Cemetary" while Glendy was looking in my trash can for my cotton swabs when someone was at the door.
"Who could it be Pershy?" Glendy smiled as she ran to the door.
"Glendy?"Jamie said staring.
"Hello Jamie." Glendy giggled.
"What do you want Jamie." I asked.
"Well Kellan was being mean to me and he said to come over here.These are his exact words:NOW GET OUT!"Jamie repeated. "And mine: B-but, I have nowhere to stay!" Jamie said getting tears in his eyes. "And him again:There's Percy's. And then I said: But then I'll have to confront- DUN DUN DUN- Glendy!"Jamie whined.
"Oh, Jamie you can stay here we have plenty of room for me, Percy, and Glendy." My mom smiled.
" there's not." I corrected her.
"I'll shleep on the floor." Glendy shrugged. "I do at home anyway."
"And Jamie can sleep on the couch." I said, motioning to the old lima bean green lumpy couch.
"I don't wanna sleep on that" Jamie gripped pointing at the stained couch.
Glendy stood up from the trash can, hands filled with trash, and plopped down on the couch next to me. "I'll shleep here!" She sang.
"And Jamie could stay in Matty's room!" My mom suggested as my brother looked up from his coloring book, typical five-year-old.
"No, no. NO!" He wailed throwing the box of crayons at my mom. My mom sighed, she was standing in the small kitchen hovering over the soup for dinner, we could see her through a square space in the wall. I watched the crayons fly over the bar and fall.
In the soup.
She stared in the steaming pot as the wax slowly melted, turning the soup a puke color. I hit Matt on the head.
"Nice going!" I snapped.
I heard the stove click as my mom poured out the soup. "Be nice to Matty." She said.
"Ya know Pershy, you really shouldn't be watching Pet Cemetary around shuch young kidsh." She stood up and turned off the T.V.
I glanced over at Jamie, who was reading some small, orange book. "What are you reading?" I asked.
"My bible." He informed me. "I'm praying that Glendy isn't staying here."
"Yeah, well, to bad, cause her guardians also known as her grandparents have decided to spend their life savings on some old peoples cruise and you have to be fifty and older to go. So my mom said Glendy could stay here."
Jamie sighed and closed his bible.
My phone rang then, it was Kellan. "Yeah?" I greeted.
"You and Jamie get dressed, your coming out to dinner with me and my family."
"Alright." I grumbled hanging up.
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