Status: Active-ish

Cooler Than Me

Chapter Six

(Kellan's POV)

I tapped my foot impatiently, looking at my watch again. I was standing in the dark in front of "The Gondala" some new fancy resturant that my mom descibed as "so hawt". Jamie and Percy should've have arrived by now, so should've my parents.
My brother, Nicholas, was here, with his fiancee Larissa. Larissa was some candadian girl Nick had met, and it "love at first sight" as Larissa describes it.
From my opinion? It's a bunch of crap.
I watched the faded blue station wagon pull into the driveway. Nice choice guys.
Omigod, they brought that....that...thing with them. Now they were going to ruin my meal too.
I glared at the car as Percy's tall structure climbed out in a black t-shirt and jeans, followed by Jamie's lean body stumbling out of the passenger seat, he brushed off his orange polo. What was with him and that color?
They both noticed me and starting walking over, Percy locking the door. I watched as it banged on the window in the very back of the car. Jamie turned around alarmed and face palmed, followed by Percy who groaned, unlocked the car and helped it out.
It was at least kinda nicely dressed, well, the best tralior trash could do that is.It was wearing a multicolored sweater dress that went down to her ankles, was long sleeved, had a collar and buttoned up from the hips, along with hot pink clogs and its hair in a bunch of those little clippy things.
It bounced out of the car and bounded over to the nearest side walk, looking each direction in the road while Percy just stalked out into the middle of traffic ignoring that the cars were even there, walking hunched over towards me. Followed by Jamie who skipped along behind him shouting random little nothings as he dodged cars. It evidently couldn't stand being left behind and darted after Percy grabbing onto his hips and dragging its feet on the ground behind him, not even supporting it's weight.
"Heyyy Captin!" Jamie sang as he jumped in front of me. Percy scowled as he made it over, unhooking it's arms.
"Hey." He said nonchalantly, sitting on the bench before it could hook itself back on him.
"Hey Kellan" It smiled waving frantically. "Thish placsh ish sho fancshy."
Percy rolled his eyes, holding the bridge of his nose.
Jamie started jumping around in circles. "Where are your rents?" He wondered.
I shrugged. "Nick's here. But he's at the bar and has forbidden me to go there."
"Is he with Larissa?" Jamie questioned.
"Yeah," I sighed. After Nick met Larissa he changed, he used to be just like...I don't know...he used to be fun. Not anymore, he's different, Larissa made him...grow up...a lot. Before he used to always play jokes and get in trouble, he had always taken advantage of the freedom we shared, never caring about the conseqences of his actions or caring about his younger brother.
But now?
Now he...he says he...cares about me. Him and Larissa both. That they care about my well being and my education.
Nick was different now. He' do I put this...he's mature.
I saw the black Mercedes roll into the parking lot.
My parents.
I watched as my bleach blond headed mother deceded from the car in her ankle length black evening gown and her shawl made from real snowy fox fur, then my father climbed out, stratinging his tux and smiling his blindly white smile.
I automatically fixed my clothes too. Unwrinkling the crease in my white button up shirt, straighting out my black slacks and flattening down my hair.
If you knew my parents, you'd know why this was a reflex.
"Hello Kellan." My father said, merely shaking my hand. "Jaime, Percy, odd girl." He said touching hands with Jamie and Percy and shunning Glendy with his eyes.
"Oh hello, Kelly-Bear." My mom said kissing my cheeks. "Jamie-bean!" She cooed kissed Jamie's fore-head. "And Percy-Poo!" She kissed Percy's nose and looked at Glendy with a disgusted look. Her lips curling in disgust.
"And what is that?" She wondered, pointing at Glendy.
"I'm Glendy!" Glendy smiled, hugging my mother, who backed away stunned.
"And why is this...thing with you?" My father snapped.
My ears turned red. "W-well, she kinda just...came." I stammered.
"Are you sterl?" My mom hissed at Glendy.
Glendy laughed this snorty-wheezy laugh. "Ash shterl ash it comesh." She smiled, snot dripping from her left nostril from her previous guffaw.
"Uh!" My mom wailed snapping open her black coach purse and grabbing her hand-sanitizer.
She and my dad were what you'd call germaphobes. My mother more than my father, especially around strangers, and Glendy.
She glared with an appaled look and snapped the cap of her hand-sanitizer very loudly in Glendy's face.
"I hope she won't be dining with us." My mother said, it wasn't a question either. She was maaad.
That's where I get my temper.
"I'm really sorry she's such a nuisance, Mrs. Kirk." Percy said as polietly as he could manage with Glendy braiding parts of his hair. "I'll go put her back in the car." He got up and dragged Glendy over to the car, rolling down the windows just enough for oxygen to pass threw then turned off the car, locked the doors and came back.
"There now that the little ugly pest girl is taken care of, let's go find Nicholas and his...fiancee and dine." My father said opening the door and leading us in.
My mother dispised Larissa, and if my mother did, so did my father. My mother had tolerable reason for disliking Larissa though. First of all, she didn't want her little boy to grow up. Second: Larissa had "accidently" trashed my mothers fox skin shawl. Even though we all knew Larissa was some sort of enviromentalist, tree huggning, plet wearing, freak-a-zoid from some unknown family who lived in some sort of cult.
Nick didn't care though. Actually, much of the oppiste, he said he'd started recyling. He said our enviroment is in great danger, he said this and he said that, but we all knew it the works of evil little Larissa.
The power behind the thrown.
My mother also didn't like Larissa because she said my brother could do much better. In other words, my mom was jealous because Larissa is a natural blond, even though it is cut in some style like Halle Berry. She also thought that just because Larissa shoped at "Discount Mart" she was white trash, although, I couldn't blame my mom for that one.
"Discount Mart" was where Glendy shopped. You could get a total of ten outfits for under twenty dollars there.
While my mother's closet was worth more than "Discount Mart" itself. Maybe.
"Come along, Kellan." My father said, waking me from my daze. I realized I had been staring at Larissa that whole time. Awkward.
I caught up to Jamie and Percy. "Why did you invite it?" I seethed in Percy's ear. "My mother is truamatized."
"I didn't know she even came!" Percy said shrugging. "It's not my fault."
As usual Larissa was wearing one of her enviromentalist "dollar deal" outfits. Consisting of: an ugly chartreuse blouse-y-thing, forest green shorts, and these hideious knock-off Doc Martens called "Docter Merlins".
Trashy, I know.
"I'm hungry!" Jaime gripped as we sat down at the ten-person table, with two chairs left over. My father sat at the head, with Mom on one side and Nick on the other. Then Larissa by Nick, and Jamie by Larissa. Then me by my mom and Percy next to me.
"You know, some children go in Africa without food for weeks." Larissa said in her matter-of-fact tone.
"Yeah, well, I'm not in Africa and I'm hungry." Jamie said in a childish voice, huffing and crossing his arms.
He smiled as the waiter came and put down two baskets of bread sticks.
"My prayer has been answered!" Jamie laughed as he grabbed a handful of bread.
Larissa took his hand, releasing his fingers and taking all the bread but one. "One at a time." She scolded.
Jamie rolled his eyes, huffed again, and shoved half the breadstick in his mouth at once.
Larissa hand appeard under his bottom lip, she took her other hand and smashed his cheeks until the chewed bread came out on her hand. "Baby bites." She commanded sperating the half digested food into small sphere shaped bundles.
Nick chuckled.
"Kellan, son, we've been speaking with your brother, and I think we've come an agreement on something." My father broke in.
"Your getting rid of that trashy thing!" I said pointig at Larissa.
Nick looked really mad. "No." He growled. "We are not getting rid of Larissa. Actually, it's about you, and the behavior you've been maintaining these past months."
I glared at him. Why does he care, anyway?
"Anyway," My father interrupted. "Your brother and I have talked about it and...we think this should go to..." He paused. Jamie was eating his "baby bites" and listening intently. Percy looked bored as he messed around with the bejewled napkin holder, Larissa looked proud and full of Self-I-Know-It-All-Ness. My mom looked alittle scared.
"Before we tell you, Kelly-Bear, I just wanted you to know I was totally against it." My mom said patting my shoulder.
"Ahem!" My dad barked. "We've decided to send you to Military camp this vacation."
I dropped my fork, the whole table went quiet. The whole room seemed to go quiet, or maybe it was just me.
My mom looked kinda worried as I felt my face heat up, I was about to have my tantrum when I heard the scrap of a chair moving and an annoying little voice ring in the back of my mind.
"What'd I Missh?"
♠ ♠ ♠
HEHE!!! this story is so cute!
Glendy's Outfit :O
Larissa's Outfit T~T it's bad!