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Love's Illusions

Chapter 8: Blow Torches and Bells

“Tom! No! Now!” Bill demanded, dragging Tom away from the closet.

“But Bill! I'm half naked for God's sake!”

“Don't care! I have to get home before Andreas comes looking for me with a blow torch!”

“...blow torch...?”

“He's very protective in case you haven't noticed, now come on!”

Tom groaned, managing to snatch his jeans from the day before, and one of his caps before Bill slammed the door behind them.

- - - - - - - - - -

The G's let out grunts as they fell onto each other, opening the closet door once the coast was clear.

“That was so fucking close!” Gustav exclaimed.

“God, we need to buy that boy a bell and tie it around his neck as a warning.”

Gustav rolled his eyes, climbing off of his boyfriend as he straightened out his clothes. Yet it took him what seemed like forever for him to notice the maid standing in the doorway with a shit eating grin on her face.

“Um...bad back. Closet floor has...good...arch support...” he lied horribly as Georg stood up beside him.

She quirked an eyebrow, crossing her tanned arms as she shook her head. “Whatever you boys say. Just don't get anything in the carpet. I have enough cum to clean out of the sheets after Master Kaulitz brings home other boys. The girls I can handle. Boys are too much already.” she replied before walking away.

“...that was awkward...” Georg blushed, running his fingers through his matted hair.

“Very. But uh...I think we should go. Ya know before someone else sees us?”

“Good idea. I'll see you later then?”

“Yeah. I'll see you tomorrow probably.” Gustav nodded as the two shared a tender kiss goodbye. “Bye babe.” he whispered through the kiss.

“I love you to-” Georg's eyes went wide as he realized the words that came out of his mouth.


“...nothinggottagobye!” And in a flash, Georg was running away, and Gustav was left alone in Tom's room with his jaw hanging open.

“...Georg loves me...?” he whispered in confusion.

- - - - - - - - - -

“I can't believe you made me run FOUR red lights Bill!” Tom exclaimed.

“What? It's not like you hit anyone!” Bill replied.

“I almost hit a fucking mailbox, a fire hydrant, and an old lady!”

“Key word Tomi. ALMOST.”

“How the hell did you ever get your license Evil Knievel?!”

“Simple. I made-out with my instructor.”

“Psh. Of course you did!”

“Finally we're here!” Bill sighed as Tom pulled into Bill's driveway.

The second the car came to a stop, Bill hopped out of the car, and started towards the front door. But before he could dare enter the house, he jogged back to the shiny Escalade, climbed back in, and kissed Tom on the cheek.

“I had a lot of fun. Call me tonight and we'll set up another date, yeah?” he smiled sheepishly.

Tom smiled back, returning the peck on the cheek. “Definitely.”

Bill leaped out of the car so Tom couldn't see him blushing, and ran inside with a wonderfully happy grin on his face.

- - - - - - - - - -

“Wilhelm Trumper! Where the hell have you been?!” Simone screamed the second her son came in through the door.

“Mom calm down. I told you I'd be out late.” he said calmly.

“Late as in midnight. Not late as in ten thirty the next morning!”

“I'm sorry mom. I fell asleep and got back as fast as I could.” he apologized.

She sighed deeply, pinching the bridge of her nose. “Just...tell me where you were and why you're here so late Bill.”

“...I was on a date. We went back to his house to watch a movie and fell asleep. I'm sorry I didn't call.”

“ spent the night at a boy's house...?” she asked, looking utterly shocked.

“Yes mom, but I swear nothing happened.”

“...okay. So who was it? You always tell me who you're going out with Bill.”

“Well...I didn't think you'd approve...”

“Bill...who was it?” she demanded.

“...T-Tom Kaulitz...” he mumbled, shifting his weight over to his right side.

“You FINALLY went out with Tom? Why?”

“Well...I...I sorta kinda really like him now!” he exclaimed.

“Oh. Well then, as long as you don't do anything you'll regret with him, I approve. But if you ever come home this late again without calling me, I'll put you in a skirt and put you in an all girl’s boarding school.”

Bill shivered at the thought. No boys? He'd fucking die from lack of arousal!

“Okay. Can I go to Andi's now?”

“Knock yourself out sweetie.”

Bill shook his head as he scampered back out the door, the driveway seeming empty without the enormous Escalade parked in it.

He walked quickly down the street, a few houses distance, finally stopping at the dark blue one. Aka, Andi’s house, his home away from home.

Bill never knocked or rang the doorbell. Andi and his parents were so used to seeing him there they just left the door unlocked most days. Although, this time, he really wished he would have knocked. Mainly because…he walked in on two half naked boys making-out on the couch. Right when Chris was starting to unbuckle Andreas’ pants to be exact.

“ANDI!” Bill screamed at his friend. Chris tore his lips away from Andreas’, falling onto his back on the couch, while Andreas nearly jumped out of his undone jeans.

Both Chris and Andi had been dating ever since their double date with Bill and Robbie. On the third date Chris had asked him to be his boyfriend, and of course the Blondie said yes. Well…more like squealed.

But still, Bill was shocked. Andreas was always the purely innocent of the two. He’d had his first kiss with Chris, first make-out session with Chris, and apparently he was about to have his first time with Chris!

“God Bill! You gave me a fucking heart attack! What the hell are you doing here?!” Andreas screamed, clutching his chest.

“Well you called me nine times and sent six texts! I assumed you wanted to know I was alive and wasn’t beaten to death and chucked into a ditch! But no! You’d rather sit here, be stripped, and lose your virginity to your boy toy on your mother’s knew couch!” Bill exclaimed.

Andreas flushed a deep red, realizing they’d been caught. “Sorry Bill we uh…got a little...into things and lost track of time. I was gonna march to Tom’s and rip his nuts off for kidnapping you, but I guess you’re okay. So…what happened? And why- omg you spent the night. OMG! YOU HAD SEX WITH HIM DIDN’T YOU?!”

“Whoa. You slept with Tom Kaulitz? Nice man. He’s a sex god.” Chris smirked.

Andreas snapped his head over to him, giving him a deep glare.

“What? You know you’re way sexier than Tom babe. Just saying Bill’s lucky.”

Andreas only replied with a shy smile, and turned his attention back to Bill.

“Guys! I didn’t have sex with him. After dinner we went to his room to watch a movie and I fell asleep.” Bill explained.

“Oh yeah, how was the date? Where did you go? What did you talk about?” Andreas rambled.

“The date was…okay…” His friend just gave him the look and a bitchy lip pucker knowing he was lying.

“God Andi, it was the best date of my life! We went to that fancy French place on third and we talked about a whole bunch of stuff, and he made me laugh so hard, and he’s gonna call me tonight so we can set up another date!” Bill exclaimed, trying his best not to squeal his heart out.

“Awe! I’m so happy for you Bill baby! So you really like him? This isn’t just one of those times where you get uber horny and do super impulsive things like the time-” Bill quickly cut him off, putting his hand over his mouth, blushing insanely hard.

“I thought we promised never to speak of that again!” he growled.

“We did. But I meant LAST time it happened.” He said innocently.

“Oh…well let’s vow never to speak of that again either.”

“No can do! I have to tell Chris! Chrissy baby you wouldn’t believe what Bill did two months ago!”

“Andreas! You say one more word about that, and I’ll tell Chris about every embarrassing moment in your life since you were four.” Bill threatened. Immediately he shut up with the look of fear in his eyes.

“…Embarrassing moments since you were four eh? Oh Bill, do tell.” Chris grinned.


“What? The time you slipped in the park’s bathroom and fell into a puddle of strange colored “water” isn’t that embarrassing Andi.”

“BILL!” he screamed, staring open-mouthed at his best friend’s evil grin.

“Come on Dre. That’s not that embarrassing.” Chris stated. Since only Bill was allowed to call him Andi, Chris had started calling him Dre. They’d all agreed it was cute and it started to stick.

“Yes it is!” he wined, burying his head in one of the couch pillows.

Chris wrapped his finely muscled arms around his boyfriend and leaned his head on the other’s. “Want me to tell you something embarrassing about me?” Andreas nodded, quivering his lip for affect.

“Alright. This one’s painful and humiliating.”

“When I was thirteen I was going through puberty and got really horny…so I grabbed a cucumber from my kitchen. I was actually dumb enough to start shoving it into my ass when my parents were away. I got so into it and so sweaty, I lost my grip and the whole thing slid into my ass.”

“I started freaking out cause I couldn’t walk without it hurting and was bawling my eyes out. My parents came home an hour later and found me on my bed. I had to explain myself and had to go to the hospital to get it taken out. Needless to say the nurse’s were laughing their asses off the entire time. Plus the doctor was really hot and it didn’t help when he was digging in my ass.” Chris explained.

Andreas managed a hard laugh with Bill, only making Chris smile.

“That’s a good one Chris. But it doesn’t beat when Andi was fifteen and went through a phase. He started humping everything in sight. But…the retard got this crazy idea to try and fuck the vacuum cleaner. In the end, his dick got so swelled it got stuck in the tube and he couldn’t pull it out.” Bill started.

“I remember I was in the shower when he called me crying saying he needed my help. I got over there, to see him on the floor naked, his cock swallowed by the vacuum. After like an hour we couldn’t get it out, so we had to call 911. He sprained it and I’ve never laughed so hard in my life.”

“Shut up Bill! It hurt like hell!” Andreas snapped, palming his crotch. He was surprised to find it still semi-hard from when he and Chris had been swapping spit.

“Andi are you seriously- oh forget it. I’ll leave you two to it, but Andreas, I expect to see you tomorrow, still owning your virginity.” Bill turned around and left, closing the door behind him, a pleasant smirk playing across his lips as he walked back home.

The second the door closed, Andreas and Chris grinned at each other and locked lips once again. “Oh God I want you babe.” Chris moaned as he nibbled on Andreas’ bottom lip and tugged on it gently.

“We’ve only been going out for like three weeks. Don’t you think it’s a little…soon?” he replied with an unsure look.

“It is. And I know. I just need to express my feelings for you. We may have only been together for three weeks so far, but I really like you Dre. And I really want you to know that.”

“Have I told you how corny you are yet?”

“A few times. But I know my corniness turns you on.” He grinned, leaving harsh bites on his necks, leaving newly forming hickeys.

“Bill’s gonna kill me when I show up at his house with ten hickeys.”

“They’re not hickeys. They’re love bites baby.”

“Well then let me give you a few love bites too.” Andreas began leaving a trail of “love bites” on his boyfriend’s neck, as Chris moaned with each lick and each bite.

- - - - - - - - - -

Bill groaned in boredom as he sat upside down on the couch. Nothing was good on TV. Tom probably wouldn’t call till later. He was afraid to go back to Andi’s after almost walking in on him and Chris getting down and dirty.

“You okay Bill?”

Bill lifted his head slightly to see Gordon, his step-father take a seat next to him. He and Gordon were as close as Bill and Simone, which pleased her when she’d worried about how remarrying would affect her one and only.

“I’m fine Gordon. Just dying of utter boredom.” He moaned.

“You can’t TECHNICALLY die of boredom.”

“Shut up! I could so pull it off!”

“Whatever you say. So what’s this your mother told me about tall, rich, and sex addicted?”

“Hey! He is not!”


“We went out last night, so what?”

“So how did it go?”

“…he’s gonna call me tonight and we’ll arrange another date.”

“Well congratulations. Heard you’re last date didn’t go so well.”

“Not at all. But Andi got a boyfriend out of it.”

“Oh God. I don’t like the sound of that.”

“He’s not so bad. He’s a laugh. And they’ve seemed to like chewing on each other’s tongues. As long as he’s happy I have nothing to complain about.” Bill shrugged, flopping over onto his stomach.

“So do you think you’ll be pronouncing going steady any time soon?”

“We’ve been on one date Gordon. One. I don’t think we’ll move that fast.”

“Well you-” he stopped as Bill’s cell phone started ringing.

“Uhm…hello…?” he answered.

“Hey Billa. So how’s about we schedule that date?” Tom asked. Bill could practically see his cheesy grin while he licked his lip piercing.

“Alright. Any ideas?” he asked, shooing Gordon out of the room.

“Well…since my money and power has ceased to woo you, how about we go for a walk, grab a couple of coffees or something and maybe go to the park?”

“…that sounds great Tom. Tomorrow afternoon?”

“Sounds good. Meet me by the park fountain. Let’s hope no one scares us and we fall in again.”

Bill giggled remembering freaking out about his make-up and cell phone and agreed before hanging up.

It wasn’t until Bill smelled his mother’s cooking that he realized how late it was. He’d been on the freaking couch for hours!

“Hey mom. What’s for lunch?”

“Pasta, but it won’t be ready for another thirty minutes. Why don’t you go set out your clothes for your date tomorrow? You always take FOREVER to get ready.”

“…how did you know my date was tomorrow?”

“I’m your mother. I know everything.”

Bill just cocked his hips and gave her a look.

“…AND I was spying on you…” she admitted.

He let out a laugh as he shook his head and skipped up the stairs.

♠ ♠ ♠
Chapter 8. Was gonna be longer, but I sliced it in half. Again, sorry about Be Careful What You Wish For, but I have two very different ways I could go with it, and I STILL don't know which one I like better. *frustration* I aplogize for the delay.

But as an apology, a one-shot should be up soon. Yay! And I'm working on a two-shot. So double yay!

Okay, so random question!
Q: Anyone out there want a Jeffree star one-shot? If so, original character, or celeb? Which celeb? Or which celebs?