Don't Let the Sun Set


Golden light from the sun trickled in through the car's windows. The low hum of the engine wasn't enough to sooth my nerves and chase away the memories that now seem to haunt me. I turned in my seat and looked through the back window. From the outside, the small town where my family and i had lived seemed like a peaceful, nice place to live, but I knew better. This was a town with people who weren't peaceful or nice, this was a town with a dirty secret, a town whose people hid behind masks. I was glad to be leaving this town but something or rather someone was holding me back. How could I leave, how could I run away when he was still here, still suffering?

"Chris..." ,My sister leaned over in her seat, her dark, coffee brown hair swaying with her movements. I turned to meet her dark brown eyes. She put her hand on my shoulder, I flinched at her touch. "Chris, I know this is hard for you but- "

"No, Celia you don't know how hard this is for just don't...", I turned back to the window. A gentle breeze lifted the leaves of the trees we passed, making them dance in the wind. One tree, off in the distance caught my attention. I smiled, this tree was special, it marked the beginning of a trail that lead to a little bridge, our bridge. I closed my eyes and thought back to everything that had happened on that bridge. All our secret meetings, stolen kisses, whispered words, it didn't matter that we were both boys, it didn't matter that our parents disapproved of us. Nothing else mattered when we sat hand in hand on that bridge, watching the sky change colors as the sun set. We would sit and wish it wouldn't leave us yet, so we could stay together longer. On that bridge all that mattered was our love for each other and being together.

He was so different, he was unlike anyone I've ever met, but I guess that was just another thing I loved about him. But I loved everything about him, his intoxicating forest green eyes, his charcoal black hair with its streaks of chocolate brown, his soft cream colored skin, his slender body and petite figure, his pink lips. I loved the feeling of our lips pressing together. I loved every little thing about him. His appearance alone made him stand out in this small town but the way he spoke and the words he said set him apart from everyone. His thoughts were so different so intriguing, I loved to have him sit in my lap, our feet dangling over the edge of the bridge and listen to him talk.

Despite being with him almost everyday, I didn't know him very well. Its kind of sad that I don't know much about my boyfriend, but he didn't like talking about himself. I knew that he was an only child, his favorite color was green, he really like to hold hands, he loved to draw and his name, Adam.
I felt a hand on my shoulder on my shoulder and turned to look into the worried eyes of my sister, "What is it Celia?"

"Chris, what are you thinking about?'

"My....boyfriend, Adam." Celia's eyes took on a thoughtful look but soon became worried once more. She began asking questions about Adam but as i answered her face paled with each answer.

"Christopher, you know were moving for your own good?" My mother said to me, worry and pity coating her words.

"But Mother, I don't want to leave Adam!" My sister turned, a sad look in her eyes as she spoke to me, "Christopher, there is no Adam, the only Adam ever in this town… was killed around two decades ago."
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ok this is my first one-shot and is for a contest, this is the link to the contest:
the one-shot had to be based on a pic, the pic i got is on the page