Sequel: Take Me Back.
Status: It now has a sequel to continue it --->



Alexander William Gaskarth was the life of the party.

He lived for them, for feeling, and knowing that he could get any girl he wanted. It wasn’t a problem for him. He had the perfect live.

‘Had’ being the key word.

You see, even though he went to any party he could, got wasted every chance he had, and got laid by a different girl every time he was under the influence, he still had a wife, and an unborn child waiting for him at home.

Yes, Alex Gaskarth had tied the knot to beautiful Clara Dyers.

He loved her and his unborn son, he really did. But he was twenty-four. He was made to live it up and party, something that Clara couldn’t do at the moment, because of her status. It wasn’t his fault he wanted to have a little fun, was it?

No, not to him, it wasn’t.

The cheating wasn’t a problem, they had an open relationship. They had agreed that even though they loved each other, and wanted to stay together, they could… well, not “see” other people, but more like sleep with. They both stuck to it, and they both did it.

So, tonight was like any other free night. Alex was at a part that was being hosted by a friend of a friend, and was piss drunk.

A girl around his age with red hair that couldn’t have been natural, and a short black and pink cocktail dress strutted over to him, her breasts hanging out halfway. He sent a smirk her way, and she responded by biting her lip and eyeing him.

It wasn’t too long before they were entering a cheap, one-night motel room, lips locked and fingers roaming. As they fell onto the lumpy, uncomfortable bed, only one thought ran through Alex’s mind.

Oh yeah, life was perfect.


Clara Gaskarth was six months pregnant, and stressed out. Her husband was gone for the night, yet again. He was more than likely whoring around with some groupie, thinking to himself how nothing could go wrong.

Oh, how wrong he was.

She decided. This was it. She was sick and tired of him doing this to her, and she was going to do something about it.

This was the last night she would take this..


Alex woke up the next morning in the unfamiliar setting. A not-so-nice cheap motel room, with a fiery red head sleeping beside him. He groaned, the familiar feeling of a nasty hangover settling in. But he smiled at the thought of knowing that Clara would have something for him when he got home. She always did.

He nursed his headache a bit with what he had before beginning the drive home. His shades were on and the car was silent as he thought about last night. She hadn’t been very good, but not every one of them could be.

He pulled into his driveway, seeing as Clara’s was taking up the closed garage, as normal. He unlocked the door, opening the door to two more than hyper dogs. “Clara?” He called softly, his head still pounding. She didn’t answer. He walked into the kitchen. Empty. The living room was peaceful, and had no one in it, as usual. Neither did the bathrooms, guest room, master bedroom, nor office. He turned around and began walking back to the kitchen, where he had left hi phone. “Baz, Pey, where’s mommy?” He asked them absentmindedly. Baz whined in response.

He dialed the familiar number, only to hear it had been disconnected. He stared at it. What was going on? He walked back to his bedroom, seeing a note taped onto her dresser, her wedding ring taped beside it. He opened the folded note, his eyes, quickly scanning through it.

When you read this, I want you to know that I’m gone. I’ve left. I packed all my shit, and I’ve fled. In all honestly, it is your fault. Every bit of it. I loved you, I really, really did. And I tried to make this work. I was even pregnant with your child!
When you declared that our relationship was open, you forgot one thing. Me. You never really did ask me if I was alright with your ‘open relationship’ idea. At the very beginning, I thought it might be better, I mean, you said this was how it was going to be, and so who was I to fight, when I knew you would only get mad?
I let you do what you pleased, but not once did I ever touch another guy. I loved you too much. Enough to let you forget about me every other night, and go have your way with another fan, just because I knew it was what you wanted. Truth is, I was hurting inside.
Then, a year after you made this ‘deal’, I became pregnant with your child. My first thought was, ‘perfect! Now we can have a normal family.’ But no, I was wrong. I was stupid to ever thing that. You knew I was pregnant with your son, and you still did this! I never had a say in anything!
So I’ve left. Stress isn’t good for the baby, and this lifestyle isn’t either. I’m doing what’s best for me and my child. I’ve already disconnected my phone number, and don’t try to get it from any of the others, because no one has it. Not even Lisa. And you should know that if I’m not going to tell my best friend of my whereabouts, I’m sure as hell not gonna let you know.
I’m moving on, getting a completely new life. I hope you understand that this is what I need. For me and my unborn son.
I hope you fix this problem before you fall too hard again, no one should have to go through this.
With love,
Clara, your tiny dancer.

His heart broke a little more with every word. He should’ve known. He should’ve thought. He shouldn’t have let it all catch up to him.

And for the first time in his life, Alexander Gaskarth felt alone.
♠ ♠ ♠
I kind of like this idea. I may wanna turn it into a full story after the contest. Should I?
Hope you enjoy!

EDIT: It now has a sequel to continue it. Sequel is at top ;)