‹ Prequel: Cheese and Lamposts

Lamps and Cheeseposts


*Bekah’s P.O.V.*
It had been almost three months since Billie’s proposal. Soon after he had done it, we talked about when we wanted to have the wedding and when we wanted to tell everyone. We decided to have the wedding sometime after the tour and tell everyone just before we left for the tour. Now that I’ve caught you up, we can get back to the story.
*Billie’s P.O.V.*
It was the first time that everyone had been to our apartment so we decided to have our ‘going away to tour’ dinner there.
“Babe, will you get that?” I heard Bekah say from the kitchen as the doorbell rang.
“Yeah,” I yelled from the living room and headed to the door.
“Hi honey!” my mom said coming inside for the first time and hugging me.
“Hey Mom. What do you think?” I asked/
“It’s very nice! I’m so happy for you!” she said as there was another knock on the door.
“Billie!” Tré exclaimed as he came inside and gave me a bear hug. Taylor followed him inside.
“Bekah’s in the kitchen,” I said hugging her.
“Thanks,” she said. Soon after Mike and am showed up as well so the girls went to the kitchen to talk and the guys and I were in the living room watching T.V. and talking about the tour.
“Dinner is ready guys,” Bekah said coming into the living room after a while. We were all seated and were eating. Just as I could tell everyone was finishing up, Bekah gave me a glance hinting that it was almost time to tell everyone. I cleared my throat to get everyone’s attention and then said, “Umm… I kind of have a little announcement to make since we’re all here. Everyone here knows that we leave for the tour tomorrow morning so Bekah and I thought this would be a good opportunity to tell everyone that,” I grabbed Bekah's hand that was resting on the table and smiled at her then continued, “well, we’re engaged,”
“OH MY GOSH!” the girls squealed in unison. “That’s great! Where’s the ring?!” they asked.
“That’s awesome,” Tré said.
“Congrats man,” Mike added as they each hugged me. After the announcement, the girls stayed in the kitchen and talked and the guys and I went to the living room.
*Bekah's P.O.V.*
“So when did he propose?” Amy asked.
“Umm…the night that we moved in here,” I said a bit hesitantly.
“WHAT?! That long ago and you didn’t tell us?!” Amy exclaimed.
“Well, we didn’t want to interfere with the band or anything since it wasn’t long until we left for tour,”
“Good decision. Well, I think I’m going to head home. Bye girls,” Ollie said hugging me.
“Bye Ollie,” I said opening the door for her.
“Call me Mom,” she said smiling and then exiting through the door. As I entered the kitchen again, Amy said, “Whoa, wait. Did you say ‘we’ were leaving for tour?”
“Oh, umm... yeah, I’m going with them,” I responded.
“So you’re leaving me here to be bored with her?!” Taylor asked gesturing to Amy.
“Hey! That’s mean!” Amy exclaimed.
“Like you’d be any less bored with me here,” I said.
“Good point,” Taylor responded.
*Billie’s P.O.V.*
“You didn’t do this just recently, did you?” Mike asked already knowing the answer.
I looked down at my feet and then responded, “No, how did you know though?”
“I could tell there was something up shortly after you two moved in here,” he said.
“Yeah, I could too. It was the same kind of look she had after you two first had sex,” Tré added.
“So then why didn’t you guys ask me about it?” I asked.
“Well, I figured that you would tell us when you two were ready to and I just figured that there was probably some reason that you weren’t telling us,” Mike answered.
“Oh, well…Bekah said that she didn’t want it to get in the way of anything with the band since the tour was coming up,” I said.
“Oh, I see,” Tré said.
“Mike, I think I’m going to go. Are you going to stay for a while?” Amy asked as she walked into the living room.
“Do you need me to drive you home?”
“No, but do you mind if I take your car?”
“No, I'm leaving it for you anyways. Tré can you take me home?” Mike asked.
“Yeah, no problem, that’s fine,” he responded.
“Kay, I’ll see you in the morning then okay Babe?” Mike asked.
“Alright, bye,” Amy said as they kissed and Taylor decided to go with her as well so she kissed Tré goodbye and then the two girls left. A little while later Bekah came into the living room.
“Did you need any help?” I asked her.
“No, it’s okay. I’m already finished,” she said.
“I’m sorry, I would’ve helped,” I said apologetically.
“No really, it’s okay,” she said as she sat down on the couch beside me. “Guess what?”
“What?” I asked.
“I have a surprise for the three of you,” she said.
“What?” Tré and Mike asked in unison.
“I’ll go get the stuff ready,” she said as she walked into our bedroom.
“What the fuck? What does she have planned?” Mike asked.
“I have no idea, this is kind of weird though,” I said.
“I didn’t think she was like that,” Tré said.
“Neither did I, and I’m engaged to her!” I said.
“Okay, Billie, blue, red, or green?” Bekah asked when she came back into the room.
“For what?” I asked.
“Just answer,” she retorted.
“Okay, okay, umm… I guess blue,”
“Mike?” she asked.
“Tré, is green okay?”
“Sure… whatever,”
“Kay, let’s go. Follow me,” Bekah said walking into the bedroom as we all got up to follow her. She went into the bathroom and as I entered I noticed four bottles of hair dye sitting on the counter top.
“What’s this?” I asked.
“You guys kept saying how you wanted to dye your hair so I figured going on tour would be the perfect excuse to do it. I’m doing my tips purple and the colors you picked are the colors your hair will soon be. Now, who’s first?” she asked.
“I guess me,” I said.
After she was finished she finally took the cover of the mirror down so we could see our new hair.
“How do you like it?” she asked.
“Surprisingly enough, I actually do like it,” I said running my hair through my now blue hair.
“Me too,” Mike said.
“Yeah, same here,” Tré added.
“Good I’m glad. I though you would,”
Shortly after that, the guys left and Bekah and I decided to get into bed since we had to wake up early.
“So…” I said.
“So what?” Bekah asked.
“So I heard my mom tell you to call her ‘Mom’,”
“Yeah,” she said smiling.
“I’m really glad you two get along so well. It makes this that much better,” I said as I turned out the light and attempted to fall asleep. After a bit of tossing and turning I still couldn’t fall asleep.
“Are you asleep?” I whispered loud enough for Bekah to hear if she was awake.
“Yup, can’t sleep, you?”
“Same. Thinking about the tour?” I asked.
“Yup. You know, I have an idea,”
“For what?”
“To wear us out and make us tired,” she said.
“And that would be?” I asked.
“I think you know,” she said as she rolled over so that she was on top of me and then began kissing me.