‹ Prequel: Cheese and Lamposts

Lamps and Cheeseposts

Wedding plans.

*Bekah's P.O.V.*
It was already the next week and we had a meeting with a wedding planner.
“But I don’t wanna go,” Billie complained still laying in bed.
“Too bad, we’re going,” I said. “Get dressed."
“I told you we shouldn’t have gone,” he said as we got back to the apartment
“Yeah, whatever. I don’t care. We can do this by ourselves. She was absolutely no help,” I said irritated.
“Doesn’t your- never mind,” he said.
“It’s nothing,” he said turning his head away.
“Tell me,”
“No, it’s-“
“Tell me!” I demanded a bit more harshly than I had intended.
“Well, didn’t your dad used to do weddings?”
“Well, yeah,”
“So wouldn’t he kind of have ideas about stuff we at least need to decide on or who to talk to for specific things?” he asked.
“Yea, I guess he would. I could call him I guess,” I said getting my cell phone.
“Dad?” I said as he picked up.
“Rebekah?” he asked surprised.
“Yeah Dad, it’s me,”
“What- how are you?” he asked.
“Confused and stressed,” I replied.
“Why? What’s wrong?” he asked concerned.
“I need help,” I said.
“With what?”
“Planning a wedding,” I explained.
“Yours, I presume,” he said. I could tell he was smiling.
“Yes, mine,” I smiled as I responded.
“Well what do you need to know?”
“Everything you need to decide for a wedding,”

*Mike’s P.O.V.*
“So what do you think Bekah and Billie are doing?"
“She’s probably beating him, and not in a masochistic way, in a ‘if you don’t cooperate, I’m going to beat the living shit out of you’ way,” Amy said laughing.
“Yeah, probably,” I agreed laughing as well.
“Maybe we could go by and help them tomorrow,” I suggested.
“And do what? We don’t know anything about planning a wedding,” she pointed out.
“So? I’m sure there’s something we can do,”
“Alright, I’ll call before we go over to make sure they’re going to be there,”
“What do you want for dinner?” she asked.
“Olive Garden,” I stated simply.
“Isn't that a bit fancy?” she asked.
“Yup, go get ready,” I told her.
“Come and take a shower with me,”
“But I’ll be too tempted to-“ I said as she put two fingers to my lips to silence me.
“I want to be in control this time,” she said with a grin.

*Billie’s P.O.V.*
The next morning we woke up with more of an idea of what we needed to get done. Today we were working on the guest list.
“I never realized how big of a family you hade,” I said looking at her list.
“It’s just my mom, if she comes, and dad; three brothers, plus a sister-in-law and three kids; one sister; both sets of grandparents; my great-grandmother; six aunts; five uncles; and seventeen cousins,”
“That’s a lot of-wait, your great-grandmother is still alive?” I asked surprised.
“Yeah, she’s only 89,” she replied simply. “You know that isn’t the end of my list right?”
“There’s more?”
“Yeah, that was just family. But most friends are mutual so we don’t have to worry about too many people. The only friends I have that you don’t are the ones from volleyball,”
“Yeah, I guess that’s true. How many are on your list, total?”
“A little over fifty I think,” she said estimating.
“Why don’t we just elope?” I asked as she gave me a blank stare. “Guess that means no,” I said looking away.
“Yeah, that means no,” she said as she got up to answer the phone that was ringing.
“Who was that?” I asked as she sat down again.
“Amy, she and Mike are coming over. They’re bringing Subway to us for lunch, too,”
“Oh, that’s cool,” I said trying to get a rough estimate of our guest list.

*Amy’s P.O.V.*
As we walked up to Bekah and Billie’s apartment, I knocked on the door. Soon after, Bekah opened the door to let us in.
“Hey,” she said as we walked into the kitchen. “You can just set that there. I’ll get some plates,” she said pointing to the kitchen table.
“Alright,” we said as we sorted out what went to whom.
“Billie, come eat, Baby,” Bekah called from the kitchen.
“Hey guys,” Billie said walking into the kitchen.
“Here’s your sandwich,” I said handing it to Billie.
“So have you guys gotten anything done?” Mike asked.
“Umm…not much except for the guest list,” Bekah said. “We’re pretty indecisive, but you already know that,” she added laughing.
“Well I didn’t think indecisiveness was the problem,” Mike said.
“What did you think was?” Billie asked.
“Well, usually you two can’t keep your hands off of each other,” Mike stated.
“It’s only the second day. There will be living room sex,” Bekah said.
“Oh, I can't wait,” Billie said.
“I bet you can't,” she said leaning his head back and kissing him on the lips.
“I’m leaving if there’s about to be kitchen sex,” Amy said.
“No, we’ll wait until you two leave for that,” Billie said wiggling his eyebrows.
“Oh, by the way, we have something to tell you,” Bekah said.
“What? You’re pregnant?” I asked.
“Haha, no,” Billie said in a very serious tone.
“I don’t think she meant you, man,” Mike said.
“Fuck you. You know what I mean,” Billie said.
“Anyways! No, I’m not pregnant! We wanted to tell you that I want you to be my maid of honor.” Bekah said looking at me.
“And I want you to be my best man,” Billie added.
“Aww…Bekah, I’d love to,” I said happily.
“Of course man,” Mike replied.