‹ Prequel: Cheese and Lamposts

Lamps and Cheeseposts

Bekah's Birthday.

*Bekah's P.O.V.*
It was now a few weeks into August and my birthday was coming up.
“What do you want for your birthday?” Billie asked.
“I don’t really want anything,” I said.
“Babe, you’re turning 18, I’m getting you something,”
“But you don’t have to,”
“But I want to,” he said in the same tone.
“Don’t get me anything big though,”
“Alright, I won’t,” he said turning away. “So do you want me to invite everyone to come to your birthday dinner or do you want it to just be us?” he asked.
“What if we all go out for lunch, and then for dinner it can just be us,” I suggested.
“Sounds great,”
When the twenty-first finally came, Billie woke me up.
“Hey birthday girl,” he said opening the bedroom door.
“Hey baby, what’s that?”
“Breakfast in bed, of course,” he said.
“Aww, thanks baby,”
“Of course, anything for you. Now call me when you’re done, I’m going to clean up the kitchen,” he said walking away and closing the door.
“Alright.” So like he asked, when I was done, I called him.
“Let me take this to the kitchen and I’ll be right back.” About two minutes later he returned.
“What do you want to do today?” he asked.
“Whatever you want to do,” I responded.
“Well,” he said as he began to kiss my neck.
“Ah, I see,”
“What can I say? You’re legal now!” he said as he slipped under the blankets and crawled on top of me.

*Tré’s P.O.V.*
“Call them and see where we’re eating and stuff,” Taylor said.
“Alright,” I said picking up the phone. “Damn, they’re already going at it! It’s only ten!” I said as their answering machine picked up and said, “She’s legal. Now I don’t feel so bad!”
“How do you know?” Taylor asked.
“Because of their answering machine,”

*Billie’s P.O.V.*
“Wow, it’s even better now that you’re eighteen!”
“Maybe I was just holding back, for all you know I could still be holding back,”
“You were holding ba- wait, damn, then what are you really like?”
“Go call whoever that was back,” Bekah said.
“You heard the phone ring? I was too distracted."
“No, I didn’t hear it, but its beeping now, so we have a message,”
“Oh, okay. Then I’ll go see,” I said getting up.
“Hey Tré, what’s up?
“Not my dick like yours has been,” he retorted.
“It isn’t anymore!” I said proudly.
“Dumbass, you act like this was your first time to bang her,”
“It was the first time, legally. Well, the first since February I guess,”
“Whatever, you know its not really 'illegal' since she was seventeen right? Anyways, it doesn't matter. What are we doing for Bekah's birthday?”
“Well, she decided that we could all go eat lunch and it’s just going to be us tonight. Let me go see where she wants to eat. Babe, where do you want to eat lunch?” I asked walking back into the bedroom.
“Chipotle,” she said smiling.
“Alright, meet us at Chipotle around twelve then. Is that good for you?”
“Yeah, I’ll call Amy and Mike now to let them know,”
“Alright, thanks,” I said hanging up.

*Mike’s P.O.V.*
“Hey,” Amy and I said as we walked in and saw Tré and Taylor already sitting at a table.
“Look! I got her balloons! Eighteen balloons,” Taylor said.
“She is gonna fucking kill you,” Amy said.
“Why?” Tré and I asked.
“She hates balloons,” Taylor said laughing.
“She thinks that, and I quote, ‘they are a pain in the ass’,”
“You said she liked them!” Tré said.
“I lied,” Taylor said as Billie and Bekah walked in.
“No,” she said sternly. “Who bought those?” she asked.
“I thought you’d like them,” Taylor said.
“Watch this,” Amy whispered as she nudged me with her elbow.
“I am going to fucking murder you,” she said.
“Babe, what’s wrong? Why don’t you like balloons?” Billie asked her.
“They’re a pain in the ass!” Bekah exclaimed.
“Told you,” Amy said as everyone sat down.
“You guys are going to pay. You know what? Since you guys hate PDA so much,” she said as she stood up, straddled Billie, ran her fingers through his hair, and kissed him heavily.
“Damn,” Billie said gasping for air when she paused. “Piss her off more often, it pays off for me,”
“Ugh…stop, please! I’ll get rid of the damn balloons!” Taylor said as Bekah pulled away.
“Control yourself Billie. We’re not doing that here,” Bekah said walking to the line to get her food as we all followed.

*Bekah's P.O.V.*
“Babe,” Billie said in a whiney voice. “You gotta quit doing that to me,”
“I’m sorry,” I said kissing his cheek after looking down to notice that he was still ‘excited’.
When we were finished eating, Billie got up to go to the bathroom and I followed soon after. I waited outside the co-ed door until he opened it. He started to come out, but I pushed him back in and locked the door.

*Amy’s P.O.V.*
“Where are Bekah and Billie?” Mike asked.
“Billie was in the bathroom and she said she had to go too,” I answered.
“Isn't there only one bathroom here?” Taylor asked.
“Yeah,” Tré answered.
“Then how come neither of them is waiting outside the bathroom?”
“Lovely,” I said rolling my eyes.
“Looks like Bekah lied, she said they weren’t doing that here,” Mike said.
“She didn’t say anything about the bathroom,” Tré exclaimed.
“Would you stop talking about it?” Taylor said.
“What? You act like you’re a virgin,” Tré said kissing her neck.
“But that’s private. You don’t do it in a public bathroom,” she explained.
You might not, but they do,” Mike said laughing.
About ten minutes later, they came back.
“You just couldn’t wait to get home could you?” Taylor asked.
“Of course not!” Bekah answered.
“That was a rhetorical question,” Taylor said.
“I know!” Bekah said.

*Billie’s P.O.V.*
“What do you want to eat?” I asked as we watched T.V.
“You,” she said as she started kissing and biting my neck.
“I meant for dinner,” I said tilting my head.
“So did I,” she said as I stood up.
“Where are you going?” she asked.
“To the bedroom,” I answered.
“No, stay here with me,”
“You didn’t wanna…you know,”
“Yeah, I just wanna do it right here,”
“Oh,” I said as I sat back down.
After we finished we started getting ready to go to dinner at Olive Garden. Once we were there and seated, we ordered and sat in silence.
“What?” she asked after I smiled.
“You’re beautiful,” I said simply.
“Well it’s not that often that I get dressed up,”
“I didn’t mean just right now,”
“Thanks,” she said smiling. “You don’t look so bad yourself,”
We finished eating and sat and talked for a little bit.
“What do you want for dessert?” she asked.
“You,” I replied.
“I think that can be arranged,” she said as I left the money and we walked out of the restaurant and to the car. As soon as we got inside, she went straight to the kitchen.
“What are you doing?” I asked.
“Getting dessert,” she said grabbing a couple cans of whipped cream and a bottle of chocolate syrup.
“I’m still confused,” I said.
“Come one, I’ll show you,” she said walking to the bedroom.