‹ Prequel: Cheese and Lamposts

Lamps and Cheeseposts

Hippos, Dinosaurs, and Robots!

*Bekah's P.O.V.*
We decided to take about a month off from planning the wedding. The guys had a few local shows during that month to pass the time and Taylor, Amy, and I had supported them as we always had. At the show last Saturday, Billie decided to announce that we were engaged and brought me up on stage as everyone cheered.
“What’s this?” Billie asked going through the mail.
“I don’t know. Let’s see,” I said opening the small envelope. “It’s an invitation,”
“To what?” he asked.
“A Halloween party next Friday night,”
“Who is it from?”
“My volleyball coach. Says she wanted to get our team back together one last time,”
“Oh, I see. So are you going?”
“Why not?”
We’re going,”
“Oh, so do we have to like, dress up?” he asked.
“Yeah, it says to wear a costume. Hold on, hello?” I said answering the phone.
“Hey, what’s up?” Amy asked.
“Hey, not much. What about you?”
“I was wondering if Coach Davis sent you an invite for the party next Friday,”
“Yeah, are you going?” I asked.
“Only if you are,” she said.
“Yeah, I was planning on it,”
“Do you think I could take Mike?”
“I’m taking Billie so I don’t see why not,”
“Alright, I guess I’ll talk to you later then,”
“Alright, bye,” I said hanging up.
Billie and I showed up at Coach Davis’ house Friday night about seven fifteen dressed in a long green dress and Billie had his slicked back hair and a thin mustache that I had drawn on with eyeliner.
“Haha, nice,” I said meeting Mike and Amy at the door, as they had just pulled up themselves. She had her hair in a side pony tail and Mike had a ‘Vote for Pedro’ t-shirt on.
“Scarlet O’Hara and Rhett Butler,” Amy said.
“Napoleon and Deb,” Billie said laughing.
“Come on, lets go in,” Mike said knocking on the door. Coach came to the door and opened it and invited us in.
“Amy! Bekah!” Coach said hugging us both. “And who are these boys?” she asked in her sweet laughing tone (although people that weren’t on her volleyball team would not have called her sweet).
“This is my fiancée, Billie,” I said.
“And this is my boyfriend, Mike,” Amy added.
“Congratulations, nice to meet you both,” Coach said.
“Bekah-Boo! Did I just hear you say ‘fiancée’?” a voice said from behind me as we walked into the living room.
“Blair! Yeah, you did,” I said smiling and hugging the girl I had played volleyball with since seventh grade. She was the best libero I had ever seen in my life, and I had watched many different teams play.
“So is this the lucky guy?” she asked pointing to Billie.
“Yes, it is,”
“Watch out, she’s got a strong arm,” Blair said nudging Billie.
“Yeah I know. She’s punched me a few times,” he said rubbing his arm evidently remembering those few times.
“EVERYONE! BEKAH’S ENGAGED!” Blair yelled throughout the house. She was always known to do stuff like that. Shortly after she said this, a very loud ‘WHAT?’ came from everyone.
After a few games and stuff, everyone settled in the living room to talk. Amy and I seemed to be the only ones who hadn’t spent very much time with any of these girls.
“So when is the wedding?” Halli, our all-star setter, asked.
“March third,” Billie answered quickly just as he had when he originally picked the date.
“Everyone be expecting invitations probably sometime after the first of the year,” I said.
We all stayed at the party until about one thirty and then finally started to leave.
“Wait!” Blair said running up to me.
“What?” I asked.
“I have to do it. It’ll be the last time for a while. Ready?” she said attempting to wiggle her eyebrows. “Bekah, Bekah-Boo, I love you. Hippos, dinosaurs, and robots!” she sang to the tune of Scooby-doo.
“What the f- heck?” Billie said remembering who we were around.
“She thought it rhymed when she first made it,” I said to him.
“Yeah, and she won’t ever let me forget that,” Blair said rolling here eyes.
“Nope, I won’t,” I said smiling as we turned to walk out the door to my car.
Later when we got home, we were lying in bed when out of nowhere Billie broke the silence.
“She thought it rhymed?”
“What the fuck made you think of that?” I said sleepily.
“I don’t know, I just found it funny,” he said laughing.
“Go to sleep,” I said laughing and rolling over.