‹ Prequel: Cheese and Lamposts

Lamps and Cheeseposts


To my readers: I will be on vacation for the next two weeks so you're going to have to wait a bit before you get another update unless I get someone else to do it. Hope you enjoy this chapter! Maybe I'll fit a scene in the next chapter as a present for waiting so long. lol. :D

*Bekah's P.O.V.*
“What’s wrong?” Billie asked concerned.
“I’m not sure. She said she would tell me when she got here. She sounded not only irritated, but hurt,” I explained.
“Oh,” he said as I saw her pull up.
“Honey, what’s wrong?” I said opening the door. She had a few tears streaming down her cheeks that had just fallen.
“It’s Mike,” she started, still slightly sobbing.
“Do I need to leave?” Billie asked.
“No, it’s okay. Maybe you can help me understand him,” Amy said as we sat down on the couch.
“What did he do?” I asked.
“I told him about how our shift was with Juan and he went off on how he was the reason for our last breakup and so I told him that it was his jealousy, not Juan. Then I left,” she explained in pretty much one breath to she didn’t speak again for a little while.
“Do you mind if I go call him?” Billie asked.
“No, that’s fine” Amy answered.
“I’d like to talk to him,” I said annoyed.
“Babe, I think it’s better if you don’t. You’ll end up saying something that you’ll regret later,”
“Alright, fine,” I said wrapping my arms around Amy as she cried into my shoulder.
*Billie’s P.O.V.*
“Hello?” Mike answered.
“What the fuck is your problem?” I exclaimed.
“What?” he asked confused.
“Amy just came crying because of you!”
“She’s the one who left!”
“Because you blamed your break up on Juan! He didn’t even do anything!”
“But he could have!”
“You’re right Mike. He could have. Are you really so damn blinded by your jealousy that you think she would care about him like that? You are really lucky to have her Mike, but you’ve got our head so far up your ass that you don’t see that!” I yelled as I hung up the phone.
“Thanks Billie,” Amy said as I walked back into the room.
“Anytime Amy. You don’t deserve to be treated like that; not by anyone,” I said as Amy got up and hugged me.
“Are you going to go home or do you want to stay here?” Bekah asked.
“Do you mind?” she asked timidly.
“Not at all,” I said.
“Thanks guys,” she smiled.
“No problem,” Bekah said hugging her again.
“I think I'm going to take a shower,” Amy said.
“I’ll go get you some towels,” I said.

*Bekah's P.O.V.*
When Billie returned, he sat down on the couch and put his arm around me.
“You don’t have a problem with me working with Juan, do you?” I asked.
“Of course not, what would make you think that?” he asked.
“Nothing, I was just making sure. You know you could tell me if you did right?”
“I know, I trust you so there’s nothing to say,” he said kissing the top of my head.
“I love you,” I said before turning and kissing him.
“I love you, too,” he said putting his arm around me and pulling me closer to kiss me again. Shortly after, he slid his tongue into my mouth and deepened the kiss. When the kiss began to get heated, I pulled away.
“We should stop,” I said out of breath.
“But I don’t want to,” he said pouting.
“Billie, you know we have no self-control. I don’t want to return the favor to Amy of seeing us have sex,”
“Oh yeah, wasn’t it their first time when you walked in on them?” he asked.
“Yes, it was also in your house,” I said laughing.
“Oh yeah,” he said laughing as well. “Do you want me to sleep on the couch tonight so Amy can share the bed with you?”
“If you don’t mind,”
Soon, Amy was out of the shower and joined us in the living room.
“Billie is sleeping on the couch so you can share the bed with me,” I said.
“You don’t have to do that, Billie,” Amy said.
“No, its okay. Bekah's right, I have no self-control and won’t be able to keep my hands off of her,” Billie said.
“I’m surprised you didn’t do it while I was in the shower – unless you did,” she said raising an eyebrow at us.
“No, she made us stop,” Billie said.
“Oh,” Amy said with a laugh.

*Mike’s P.O.V.*
I woke up the next morning feeling like shit. I hadn’t gotten very much sleep because I was thinking about what Billie had told me last night. I walked in to the kitchen and started a pot of coffee. Before I knew it, I drank the last cup and decided a shower would help. I was wrong. A shower didn’t change the fact that Billie was right and that Amy was still upset with me. I picked up the phone and called her house.
“Umm…is Amy there?” I asked when her mom picked up.
“No, she’s at Bekah's apartment still,”
“Alright thanks,” I said hanging up.

*Billie’s P.O.V.*
“It’s Mike,” I said looking at the called ID.
“Answer it,” Amy said.
“Hello?” I answered.
“Can I talk to Amy?” Mike asked.
“What are you going to say?” He sighed and then answered.
“That I was wrong. I should never have thought that anything would happen,”
“No apology?” I asked.
“Of course there will be. Billie, please let me talk to her,”
“Do you want to talk to him?” I asked Amy.
“Do you think I should?” she asked. I nodded and handed her the phone. She took the phone and walked into our bedroom and closed the door.
“Do you think they’ll be okay?” Bekah asked.
“I think so,” I said. A few minutes later Amy walked back into the kitchen.
“So?” Bekah asked.
“We’re going to lunch in thirty minutes,”
“You can borrow some jeans and a t-shirt if you want to,” Bekah offered.
“Alright, thanks,”

*Amy’s P.O.V.*
When I arrived at Chicken Express, I walked inside to the table where Mike was already seated. Noticing me, he stood up and immediately wrapped his arms around me and I wrapped my arms around his slender waist returning the embrace.
“I’m so sorry Amy. I was such a—“
“It’s okay,” I said.
“No, let me finish. I shouldn’t have treated you like that; not the first time a certainly not this time,”
“It’s okay Mike,” I said kissing him.
“I guess I just always felt like at any moment someone else could come along that was better for you than I am,”
“Mike, there’s no one else. You are the only person for me,” I smiled.
“I know, I understand that now. I’m just sorry it took this long,”

*Taylor’s P.O.V.*
“Tré, I'm bored. Can we do something today?”
“What do you wanna do? Hang out with everyone?” he asked.
“Yeah, call Billie,”
“Alright,” he said laughing.
After a little while of talking, Tré informed me that Amy and Mike probably wouldn’t do anything because they had a fight last night and had just made up.
“Are there any shows tonight?” I asked.
“No, but there’s one tomorrow night,”
“Oh really? I didn’t know. You’re just playing it tomorrow,” I said sarcastically.
“Oh yeah, we’re supposed to have practice today. I wonder if we still will,”