‹ Prequel: Cheese and Lamposts

Lamps and Cheeseposts

Thanksgiving at Bekah's grandma's

Sorry about it being so long for this update. I've had volleyball this past week twice a day so I haven't had much time to write nor have I had many ideas. Again, sorry. Hope you enjoy this chapter! I enjoy comments! :D

*Bekah's P.O.V.*
Thanksgiving morning, I got up early to bake a pecan pie to take for dinner today. While I was waiting for it to finish, I went into the bathroom to get ready. I heard Billie sit up and look into the bathroom from the bed.
“Why are you up so early?” he asked sleepily.
“Because it’s Thanksgiving and we have stuff to do today,” I explained.
“Oh yeah, I forgot,” he said getting up from the bed and pulling a pair of jeans on. He walked into the bathroom and looked at himself in the mirror.
“I swear you check yourself out in the mirror more than I do,” I said finishing up my eyeliner.
“I have to make sure I keep my amazing figure,” he said in a girly voice as he ran his hands down his torso. I laughed and rolled my eyes as I walked out of the bathroom and into the kitchen to check on the pie. I put it into the refrigerator and went back to the bedroom to wait for Billie to get done.
“Why are you brushing your hair?” I asked.
“Because you’re supposed to…?” he said slowly.
“That’s never made you do it before,”
“Well, we’re going to be around a lot of people today, my family, your family,”
“Don’t brush your hair for them. I want them to see you how you look everyday. Don’t do anything special just for them,” I said walking over to him and ruffling his hair.
“So are you ready then?” I asked.
“Yeah,” he said as we walked into the living room and I went to get the pie out of the refrigerator. We walked out of the house and got into the car.

*Billie’s P.O.V.*
“Hey, come in!” Mom said when we got to the door.
“This is for later,” Bekah said handing her the pie as my mom took it into the kitchen.
“Thanks,” she replied. “So why are you here so early?”
“We’re going over to my grandparent’s house for a little while, so we thought we would drop the pie off and spend a little bit of time here before we went over there,” Bekah explained.
“Oh I see,” Mom said.
“We should probably go actually,” I said looking at the time.
“Yeah, you’re right,” she said as we said goodbye to Mom and we went back to the car. About halfway there, Bekah broke the silence.
“You know, we don’t have to go. I never told my mom I was going for sure,”
“Babe, we’re already almost there. You need to see your family; you haven’t in so long,”
“I know,” she said letting out a long sigh. Within a few minutes we were driving down her grandparent’s long driveway. We walked up to the door; she knocked twice and opened the door. I heard a lot of voices from inside. It sounded just the way a house should on Thanksgiving Day.
“Rebekah!” a person who I assumed to be her grandmother said.
“Hey Grandmother,” she said softly as she hugged her.
“This is my fiancée, Billie,” she said turning to me.
“It’s nice to finally meet you,” she said hugging me. Bekah introduced me to her grandpa, her aunt and uncle, a few of her little cousins, and one of her brothers.
“There he is!” Bekah said as a guy with a tall orange Mohawk walked inside. She ran up and hugged him and then hugged the woman standing behind him.
“Billie, come here!” she said waving at me. “Billie, this is my brother, Freddie, and his wife, Barbara,”
“Hey man, how’s it goin’?” Freddie asked.
“Pretty good, yourself?”
“Awesome,” he replied.
“Oh my gosh, it’s really him!” Barbara said not to anyone in particular.
“Yes, it’s Billie,” Bekah said laughing. “Barbara loves Green Day. She thought I was lying when I told her I was getting married to their amazingly hot front man,”
“Oh, well it’s a pleasure to meet you,” I said as she put her hand out for me to shake. “Wouldn’t you rather a hug?” I said laughing as I pulled her into a hug.
“Wow, thanks!” she said.
“It’s no problem,” I said letting out a laugh.
“Are you staying to eat?” Bekah's grandmother asked. Bekah looked at me questioningly.
“We can if you want to,” I mouthed to her.
“I think we might have some dessert but then we’ll probably have to go. I don’t want to eat a big meal before tonight,” she answered.
“Alright, that’s fine. If you change your mind though, there is plenty to eat,”
“Thanks Grandma. Come on, let’s get some fudge. This will be the best fudge you’ve ever tasted,” Bekah said grabbing my hand and pulling me into the kitchen.
“Wha—“ I started but was cut off when she shoved a piece into my mouth. “Mmm…”
“You like it, don’t you?” she asked.
“Mhm,” I mumbled with my mouth still full.
We stayed for a while longer and we spent the majority of that time talking to Freddie and his wife.
“Well, I think we’re going to go,” Bekah said.
“Alright,” was murmured from a few different people we exchanged hugs with everyone. Her mom walked past me and directly to her and tried to hug her. Bekah just stood there as her mom said bye only to her.
“If you aren’t going to acknowledge the man I'm going to marry, then don’t expect me to acknowledge you,” she said as she began to walk towards the door. I followed her and we both got into the car; her on the drivers side.
“I hate her,” she said starting the car.
“You don’t hate her,”
“Yes I do. I hate her,”
“She loves you though,” I said.
“If she really loved me then she would respect the fact that I’m in love with you,”
“Just give her some time,”
“Billie, it’s been over a year now. I think I've given her enough time,”
It was fairly quiet the rest of the way back to Mom’s house. I think it was just better for her if we didn’t talk about her mom so much.