‹ Prequel: Cheese and Lamposts

Lamps and Cheeseposts


*Billie’s P.O.V.*
It had been another two weeks of touring and we would finally get to go home in about a week and a half. I was so happy, not that I didn’t like touring, but I also liked being at home spending time with everyone. I was really missing my mom and Amy and Taylor.
We were setting up for our show that would start in about three hours. I saw Bekah leaning on a rail looking out into nowhere so I walked up behind her. When I got to her, I wrapped my arms around her waist and kissed her neck.
“Hey you,” she said smiling. Gosh I loved her smile.
“Hey, what are you looking at?” I asked.
“Nothing really, I was just thinking,” she said.
“Thinking about what?” I asked.
“You,” she said as she turned around so her back was now leaning against the rail and my hands were now resting on her hips.
“No you weren’t. What were you thinking about?” I asked again.
She sighed and then responded, “Home. I miss everyone,”
“I know I do too. It’s just a little over a week,” I said.
“I know. I just can’t wait until we get home. You know what I wanna do when we get home?” she asked.
“What?” I asked.
“Lock ourselves in our room and not come out for a week,”
“Hmm… sounds good to me,” I said laughing as I leaned in slightly.
“What, what?”
“Why did you lean in like that?” she asked.
“To do this,” I said closing the gap and pressing my lips to hers.
“Oh, I see,” she said and then continued to kiss me back.

*Amy’s P.O.V.*
“One week,” I said to myself looking at the calendar. “Just one more week and I’ll be back in his arms,” I said as my phone started ringing.
“Hello?” I answered.
“Amy? It’s Ollie,”
“Oh, hi Ollie! How are you?” I asked happily.
“I’m doing fine, what about you?”
“I’m okay. Just counting down the days until they get home,”
“I know what you mean. That’s actually the reason I called. You have the keys to Billie and Bekah's apartment, right?”
“Yeah, why?” I questioned.
“Well, I was thinking we could do something in everyone’s room as a sort of ‘welcome home’ thing,” she explained.
“I think that’s a great idea! I love it!” I exclaimed.
“Good, I thought me, you, and Taylor could go shopping a little later on this week like Thursday or Friday. They get back Monday, right?” she asked.
“Yes, I ‘m not sure what time yet. I’ll let you know,”
“Thanks Amy. I’m going to call Taylor now,”
“Alright Ollie, I’ll call you later, bye,”
“Bye,” she said as I hung up the phone.
Taylor called me later and said that she and Ollie had decided to go on Friday and get anything else we needed on Saturday.
The rest of that week I hung out at home and with Taylor until Friday finally came.

*Bekah's P.O.V.*
“We get to go home in four days,” Billie said taking my hand while we were riding in the backseat of the van with Mike, me being by the window.
“I know,” I said smiling.
“Are you excited?” he asked me.
“I know I am!” Tré exclaimed. “Sorry, I’ll stay out of your conversation,” he added.
“No, it’s okay. We can all talk about it. I know we’re all ready to go home,” Billie said.
“Well, as much as I like touring, I can’t wait to go home and have Amy make me some coffee. Gas station coffee tastes like shit!” Mike said as we all laughed. “Not before I just hold her in my arms for about an hour though,” he added.
“I can’t wait to see Taylor either,” Tré said.
“I love hearing you boys talk about your girls like this,” Frank said getting back on the highway.
“You should have heard Billie during the time Bekah still went to school and that was only for 8 hours! Imagine if she weren’t here for this!” Tré said laughing.
“You’re amazing,” I said softly as I cupped Billie’s face and kissed him lightly. As I pulled away, he put his hand on the back of my neck and pulled my back to kiss him again.
“I love you,” he said between kisses.
“I don’t mind the kissing, but if clothes start coming off, I’m going to throw things at you two!” Mike said. Just as he said this, Billie had stopped kissing me, turned around, grabbed Mike’s face, and kissed him on the cheek.
“Ugh! Get off of me!” Mike said pushing Billie off.
“She likes my kisses,” Billie said childishly.
“Yes I do. Come here,” I said grabbing the neck of his shirt, pulling him back to kiss me. We continued that until the next town that was about thirty minutes away.

*Taylor’s P.O.V.*
Friday morning I woke up to my phone ringing. I answered sleepily, “Hello?”
“Hey, what time do you want me to pick you up, nine-thirty or ten?” Amy asked.
“Ten, I just woke up,” I said.
“Kay, I’ll pick Ollie up first then. See you at ten!”
“Alright, bye!” I said hanging up.

*Amy’s P.O.V.*
It was about nine twenty and I would be at Ollie’s house soon. I pulled into the driveway and she walked out the door and got into the front seat.
“How are you?” I asked.
“Fine, are we picking Taylor up now?” she asked.
“Yeah,” I said pulling out of the driveway. When I pulled up to Taylor’s house, I left the ignition running for Ollie and walked inside.
“Taylor! Get your ass out here!” I yelled after I knew her grandma was gone.
“Coming!” she said hopping out of her bedroom on one foot while trying to put her other shoe on.

*Tré’s P.O.V.*
Friday morning I woke up at a guy’s house we had stayed at last night. I walked into the kitchen where Mike was making coffee.
“Want some?” he asked having already poured himself and Billie a cup.
“Yeah, sure,” I said going to the fridge to get some milk for it. “No milk?”
“Nope,” Billie said.
“You’re drinking it black?” I asked.
“Hell yeah!” Mike said.
“Well, I need milk,” I said.
“You could always milk the dog. She just had puppies,” Billie said sarcastically as he and Mike laughed. I started walking over to the dog.
“Tré! I was kidding!” Billie exclaimed.
“I’m not,” I said trying to find a bowl or something.
“Tré! Stop!” Mike said a bit too late. I poured the milk into my coffee.
“You won’t drink that,” Billie said daringly.
“Watch me,” I retorted and took a gulp. “Mmm…rich, creamy goodness!” I smiled.
“Dude, you’re disgusting!” Billie said.
“That’s wrong man, sick and wrong!” Mike added.
“Hey Babe,” Bekah said kissing Billie on the neck and then his lips as she asked, “What’s sick and wrong?”
“That you are having foreplay at the breakfast table,” I said.
“Mr. Cool here has dog’s milk in his coffee,” Mike said.
“Tré, that is wrong! Oh, and we do much more than that for foreplay,”
“Okay, THAT is wrong!” I said.

*Ollie’s P.O.V.*
After about two hours of shopping for stuff for their homecoming, we decided to get something to eat.
“Hello?” I said answering my cell.
“What are you doing?” Billie asked.
“Having lunch with Taylor and Amy,”
“Oh, girls day out?” he asked.
“Sounds fun. Hey listen, I was calling to let you know that we play our last show on Monday night. So, we’re just going to stay the night and be back Tuesday afternoon,”
“Alright, then I guess we’ll see you then!”
“Yeah, see you then. I love you, Mom,”
“I love you too, honey” I said hanging up the phone.
“I guess we only have to be done by Monday then,” I said.

*Billie’s P.O.V.*
“We get to go home! We get to go home!” Tré said opening the back door to the van.
“I love how much privacy we get,” I said sarcastically.
“I love how you still haven’t taken your hands off of her chest,” Tré said as Bekah moved my hands.
“What time are we leaving tomorrow?” Bekah asked.
“I wanna get home no later than three so I don’t want to leave much later than nine or ten,” I said.
“Kay, I’m gonna go inside and sleep,” Bekah said getting out of the van.
“Goodnight,” I said.

*Amy’s P.O.V.*
“I don’t care who this is, but it better be important,” I said answering the phone that woke me up.
“They’re coming come today!” Taylor yelled into the phone.
“Okay,” I said sleepily. “Oh my gosh! They’re coming home today! I gotta go get ready for it! Bye!” I said hanging up. I spent the rest of the day showering and making myself pretty for when Mike got home.

*Taylor’s P.O.V.*
After Amy hung up with me, I finished getting ready. A few hours later, Amy called and suggested we go finish decorating Bekah and Billie’s apartment.

*Bekah's P.O.V.*
“There’s only an hour left, Baby,” Billie said.
“I’m so excited!” I exclaimed.
“I know me too,” Billie said.
“Actually, it’s only about thirty minutes,” Frank said.
“Yay!” I said like a kid who just got a new toy. We passed the time playing games and then we finally got into town. A few minutes later, we pulled up to our apartment and walked inside.
“Hey!” everyone said greeting each other. Everyone was talking and stuff and I finally looked at Billie, then said, “Kay, Amy, I’d like my key back, and…I really love you guys and all, but we haven’t had our bedroom in two months, so…”
“You gotta go,” Billie finished.
“Oh, right. Sorry. Here’s your key,” Amy said as everyone started to leave as we said bye.
I grabbed a handful of the chest of Billie’s shirt and walked towards the bedroom as he was forced to follow. When we walked into our room, there were a dozen roses lying on the bed and rose petals covering the floor. Billie picked up the card in the roses and read it out loud.
“To the cutest couple we know, welcome home. Have fun! Love Taylor, Amy, and Mom.”
“Aww, how swee-“ I started to say but was cut off by Billie’s lips against mine.
“I love you,” he said after he pulled away slightly.
“I love you too,” I said sliding my hands underneath his shirt.