‹ Prequel: Cheese and Lamposts

Lamps and Cheeseposts

New Things

*Billie’s P.O.V.*
Bekah and I didn’t come out of our bedroom until the next morning when we woke up.
“Feel better now that you’ve slept?” I asked Bekah as her eyes fluttered open.
“Gosh, last night was amazing,” she said.
“Up until a few hours ago was amazing. I’m surprised either of us is awake,” I said.
“Yeah, so what are we going to do today?” she asked propping herself up on her elbow and pulling the sheets over her chest.
“I’ve got an idea,” I said wiggling my eyebrows and pulled the blankets over our heads.

*Mike’s P.O.V.*
“Wow, this coffee is amazing,” I said sipping my coffee.
“Why? It’s not anything special,” Amy said laughing.
“Yeah, but compared to the gas station coffee I've had the past two months, this is like heaven in the form of liquid,”
“Nice, so what do you want to do today?” she asked.
“Umm… I don’t know. Wanna go to lunch with everyone today? We haven’t all been together in over two months,” I suggested.
“That sounds great! I’ll call Taylor if you’ll call Billie,”
“Alright,” I said grabbing my cell phone. I waited and waited as the phone continued to ring when finally the answer machine picked up, “Hey, you’ve reached Bekah and Billie. We’re home now for the first time in two months so chances are, we’re doing something way better than talking to you. Leave a message after the beep! *beep*” “Hey Billie, it’s Mike. Amy and I wanted all of us to go out to lunch, so if you’re finished up by then,” I said laughing, “give me a call back so we can let you know where we wanna meet or whatever. Hope to talk to you later, bye man,” I said hanging up.
“All done with what?” Amy asked.
“What do you think? They finally got some privacy without me or Tré interrupting them. I’ll give you one guess at what they’ve been doing non-stop since they got home. I bet they haven’t even slept,” I said laughing.
“Probably not. Anyways, Taylor said that she and Tré wanted to go to lunch as well but for us to pick where we go. So, that being said, where do you wanna eat?” she asked.
“How about Rosa’s?” I suggested.
“Sounds good to me. I’m going to go get ready,” she said walking away to her bedroom. A few minutes later I heard her start the shower and I heard the curtain pulled back. I darted into her bathroom and minutes later I was stepping into the shower. She was facing the other way so didn’t know I was there until I had my arms snaked around her waist.

*Amy’s P.O.V. *
“Just what do you think you are doing in here, mister?” I asked smiling.
“I think you know what I’m doing in here,” he said in a low, raspy voice between kisses he was planting on my neck.
“Do I now? I think you may just have to show me what you’re doing,” I said playing dumb as I looked down and noticed he had already put a condom on.
“Well,” he said turning me around as I placed my hands on either side of his face and kissed him lightly. I rested my hands on his shoulders as he turned once again and pressed me against the wall.
(If you want the scene that belongs right here, let me know and I'll PM it to you.)
*Billie’s P.O.V.*
When I finally left the bedroom, I listened to the message from Mike.
“Babe?” I yelled to Bekah who was still in the bedroom.
“Yeah?” she answered.
“Do you wanna go out to lunch with everyone today?”
“Sure, that’s fine. Call and see where and what time and stuff,”
“Alright,” I said picking up the phone to call Mike.

*Amy’s P.O.V.*
After we had all ordered our food, we sat down.
“I loved your message for your answering machine,” Mike said laughing.
“Thanks!” Billie said laughing as well.
“Did you change it? What does it say?” Bekah asked.
“Yeah, it says since we just got home, we’re probably doing something better than talking to them,” Billie answered.
“Billie!” Bekah said hitting his arm. “What if your mom calls and hears that?”
“It’s not like she doesn’t know we do it,” Billie said.
“How do you know?” Taylor and I asked.
“She’s heard us before,” Billie stated.
“She has?!” everyone asked surprised.
“Oh yeah,” Bekah laughed. “It was a long time ago though. We were still living at her house,”
“Oh yeah,” Billie remembered.
“Had it not been for us thinking to lock the door, she probably would have done more than heard us,”
“Wasn’t that our first time?” Billie asked.
“Yup, Thanksgiving evening, right after everyone left,”
Later after lunch, we all went back to our apartment to hang out and we ended up playing ‘Truth or Dare’, a classic favorite of ours.
“Open question!” Bekah decided.
“Alright, go ahead, ask away,” everyone agreed.
“Where’s your favorite place to do it?” she asked bluntly.
“What kind of question is that?” Taylor asked.
“A good one,” I said.
“The shower,” Mike answered grinning.
“Nice Mike,” Bekah said laughing.
“I personally liked the van,” Billie said proudly. Taylor continued to look at us like we were all freaks.
“What? You act like you’ve never don’t it anywhere but the bed,” Bekah said as Taylor sat silently.
“Whoa, wait a minute, you mean to tell me you’ve kept her on the bed?” Billie asked.
“Well, yeah,” Tré said.
“I know what they’re[i/] doing tonight!” Bekah said.

*Bekah's P.O.V.*
“I guess we can just take the rest of this week to relax before beginning to plan for the wedding,” I said.
“Yeah, I guess so. We’re going to be so busy,” he said.
“I know. I don’t know how we’re going to do anything. We haven’t even set a date yet,”
“March third,” he blurted.
“What? When did you decide that?” I asked puzzled.
“Just now,” he said simply.
“But,” I said getting up to look at a calendar. “Okay, I guess that works, actually. It’s a Saturday,”
“Good!” he said happily. “I’m hungry,” he said complaining.
“You’re always hungry,” I replied.
“So? I’m a growing boy!” he said.
“Okay,” I replied patting his head. “What do you want to eat?”
“Umm…” he said rubbing his chin for a few minutes.
“Okay, I'm ordering pizza then,” I said.
“PEPPERONI!” he yelled.
“Okay, okay. I’ll get pepperoni,” I said picking up the phone to order it.
“Breadstic-“ I started to ask.
“Yes!” he answered cutting me off.
“Yes, marinara, extra please!”
“Do you want a liter of-“
“Root beer!” he said quickly. After I had finished ordering, I hung up the phone and walked back to the couch.
“Sounds like you’ve never ordered pizza in your entire life,” I said sarcastically.
“What do you think I’ve lived off of? You know I can’t cook!”
“Yeah, I know. Trust me, I know,”
“Shut up!”
“Make me,” I said childishly.
“Fine, I will,” he said as he kissed me.

*Tré’s P.O.V.*
“You did what?” Taylor asked.
“Umm…milked a dog?” I said sort of smiling.
“You milked it too?! Babe, you’re so weird!”
“I know, but you love me, so it’s okay,” I smiled.
“Yes, yes I do,” she said kissing me. “So, have you wanted to try other things?”
“No, I didn’t ever want to try dog’s milk, but I couldn’t drink my coffee black,”
“That isn’t what I meant,” she said.
“Then what did you mean?” I asked confused.
“I meant have you ever wanted to try anything else? Like, as in, not just on the bed,” she explained shyly.
“Well, I would be lying if I said that I had never thought about trying anything else,” I said looking away.
“Come on,” she said kissing my cheek then taking my hand and pulling me up.
“Where are we going?” I asked.
“Wherever you want to go. Come on,” she said with a grin.
“Oh, okay. Well then, come on. To the bathroom!” he said as I laughed.