Status: Brand new. Let me know what you think.

She Was The Challenge He'd Been Waiting For.

Break Your Little Heart.

"What if I was wrong?" Isabella asked softly, hugging Minnie tightly to her chest.

"Wrong?" Kara sighed.

"Well, he said he loves me... Maybe I was-"

"Look, Iz, Alex is my friend, but what he did to you... its unacceptable. You can't just give into him."

The blonde frowned, looking down at Minnie, hoping that the stuffed animal would magically offer her some guidance. Before Alex, the only drama in her life was whether she remembered to take her medicine or not. She didn't understand why everyone was going so crazy about all of this. She'd given Alex her virginity, didn't that tie them together or something? Her mother always said that it was to be saved for marriage... that didn't mean that Alex had to marry her, right?

"Isabella, you're better than that." Kara spoke quietly. "He doesn't deserve you."

"Better than what? Kara, I have nothing left to give... so maybe its best that I go with the boy who I gave it to."

"Then what about Matt?"

Just mentioning his name felt like a slap across the face to Isabella. She sighed, biting her bottom lip. Kara had made a totally valid point. Matt had been there for her when Alex hadn't. He'd held her, and had been patient with her when her so-called boyfriend had left her.

"You're right."

"So who do you want?"

"Matt, but I-"

"No. Go with the one you want. Alex doesn't deserve you after what he did."

The blonde sighed. "Thanks."

"Of course. You know we all love you, Iz, no matter what Alex did, it doesn't have to do with me, or Zack, or Jack or Rian. You know that, right?"

She nodded slowly, sighing.

Kara smiled softly, hugging the younger girl tightly. Isabella awkwardly wrapped her arms around the girl. She didn't know what to do, and it had caused her to be so terribly conflicted about everything. All she wanted was some sort of answer. Kara made it sound so easy, but it definitely didn't feel that way.

"Just think about it, okay?" Kara spoke with a smile.

Isabella nodded.

"I have to go home, but you know that I'm here if you need anything."

She nodded again, curling her knees to her chest, making her look smaller than she was. Isabella was so confused and so hurt that she didn't know where to turn. Her closest friend had offered a solution, but she wasn't so sure.

Matt had told her that he'd wait. He'd give her the time she asked for, but what if he got tired? What if he found someone else? What if he didn't want her anymore? It was something that Isabella had pondered for days. Everytime she reached for her phone to call him, she chickened out. She didn't know what to say or do. She didn't want him to think he was second best to her or something.

The last thing Isabella wanted was to upset him. She didn't understand everything that had happened recently, and it had left her so conflicted. All she wanted was answers. It wasn't that she really wanted to be with Alex... She was disgusted by him, but he had something of hers that no one else could ever have... She felt as if they had to be attached because of that. But she definitely had feelings she couldn't explain for Matt. It was all too confusing.

Isabella lay in bed longer than she was supposed to. According to her strict schedule, she was supposed to have showered and dressed, getting ready for breakfast, but she couldn't. She didn't feel like herself and she was too tired to do anything.

"Bells?" Her mother knocked on her door.

"Go away." She sighed, not daring to open her eyes.

"Honey, are you alright?"

She didn't respond.

"Is this about Alex? He hasn't been around lately and-"

"We broke up." Isabella spoke almost inaudibly.

Her mother stood in the doorway, unsure of what to say. She had really thought that Alex was bringing out the best in Isabella despite her doubts. She stood there silently, waiting for her young daughter to continue.

"Mom, I d-don't want to talk about it."

The older woman frowned, moving into the bedroom and sitting on the bed, placing a hand on her daughter's side, which was covered by bedsheets. She smiled sadly, looking at Isabella. The blonde wasn't showing any sort of expression that she could recognize.She didn't know what to say.

"Did he hurt you?"



Isabella sighed audibly. "I don't... H-he j-just wanted-" She sobbed.

"Isabella, you-"

The blonde began to cry harder, her whole body shaking. "H-he t-told m-e.... h-he s-said h-he l-l-loved m-me."

Mrs. Randall frowned, pulling her daughter into a hug, rocking her back and forth. She wasn't happy that Isabella gave up something sacred to some boy, but there was nothing she could do about it. Clearly, he'd hurt her daughter and had left her a wreck. Isabella just sniffled into her mother's chest, trying to come up with the words she wanted to say.

"He hurt me." She spoke quietly. "A-and w-when w-we finished... h-he j-just left."

"Oh, Bella..." Her mother sighed. "Baby, I'm so sorry."

"I know I'm not normal, but I-I thought.... I d-didn't think h-he'd-"

"I know, honey."

Isabella sighed. "Matt tried to warn me."

"Matt? The boy with the lip ring?"

She nodded.

"Do you like him?"

The girl frowned, but nodded slowly.

"So what are you going to do?"

"I just want to stop hurting." She sniffled.

"Well, honey... Look, I don't know much about this Matt boy, but when you mentioned him, you cheered up, so I think you should see what's there."

"Are you mad?"

"I'm not happy."

Isabella nodded slowly. She had expected her mother to freak out, maybe pull out the bible. It was shocking to her that she was so sensitive to her daughter. Her mother had never really been maternal and wasn't exactly considered close to the girl, but it was okay. It felt nice that her mother was, at least, trying to be concerned and take care of her. She needed her mother more than ever now.

Isabella sighed as she stared out onto the street. It felt strange to her. Like, everything was moving so quickly while she just sat on her swing. Her thoughts were all mixed up and she was angry. There was so much going on that she couldn't stop or slow down. She was anxious and weary and upset, and then she saw a familiar face that made everything okay.

"Hey." Matt smiled softly, as he sat down beside Isabella on the swingset. "I was surprised to hear from you."

"I-I didn't mean to p-push you away." Her voice was a whisper.

Just the sadness in her tone upset him. Isabella was so innocent and lost. Alex had hurt her so much and he didn't even acknowledge it. All the boy knew was that he would never hurt her or let her be put in any harm. He didn't know Isabella as much as he wanted to, but he was anxious for her to let him in.

He nodded slowly. "Are you feeling any better?"

"I figured you could help... you know, cheer me up."

The boy smiled, reaching a hand out to hold hers and squeezed with reassurance. Isabella smiled, looking over at him and staring into his eyes. They didn't show pity, just concern. It made her happy that there was someone out there who didn't pity her. That wasn't what she wanted.

"So what do you want to do?"

Isabella shrugged.

"We could go to the Disney store again." Matt grinned, but it faltered when she didn't react. "Or, we could..."

"Matt, you like me... right?"

"Yes, Iz. I really do."

"And you want to date me... right?"


"Will you take me on a date?"

"S-sure." He blinked a couple times. She'd totally caught him off guard, but he was happy nonetheless.

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Stephen Gomez story - would you read it?
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