Status: Brand new. Let me know what you think.

She Was The Challenge He'd Been Waiting For.


"Iz, are you alright?" Matt asked the silent girl as she sat on the swings, not moving, just sitting.

The girl had barely said three words to him since they'd left her bedroom and he had a feeling she had bad news to share. He sat beside her, swinging freely, keeping his gaze on the small blonde. Her usually excited, bubbly personality was gone and he wasn't sure he even knew the girl she was today.

"Matt, I have something to tell you."

"Good, I have something to tell you."

Isabella looked up at him and smiled softly, wondering what he could possibly have to tell her. Was Underscore going on tour? Was he breaking up with her? She beckoned him to go first, biting the inside of her lower lip as she tried to think of whatever he might have to say. It was all that thinking that blocked out what he actually said. He looked at her as if he was waiting for an answer. The girl just stared at him, unsure if she heard what she thought or if she was totally wrong.

"Isabella, did you hear me? Do you feel the same way?" He asked in a worried tone, looking desperate for an answer. "I told you I love you."

The blonde opened her mouth to speak before shutting it again. "Matt, I-I- wow... um, I am so flattered. I care strongly for you... I'm just not sure its love, but it could turn into love. I don't want you to think that-"

"Its okay." He sighed. "Look, I know its probably hard for you, but I will wait."

"Matt, we can't..." She sighed. "I care for you, so much... a lot. But I want to be honest with you even if it hurts." Isabella ran a hand through her hair. "I still have feelings for Alex too, and you don't deserve to be in a relationship with someone who isn't all in." She couldn't tell him that she'd almost had sex with Alex or that she was still wondering if she wanted to.

"I thought you chose me, Bella." He spoke quietly, looking down.

"I did."

"But your parents want you to be with him even if he-"

"I'm not choosing anyone, Matt. I need some time to myself, I need to find out who I am and what I want." The girl spoke quietly, not daring to look at the older boy.

"Story of my life, losing a girl to the Gaskarth charm." Matt muttered with another sigh.

"You aren't losing me."

"I guess you were never really mine anyhow." He spoke quietly, his voice barely able to mask the pain he was feeling. The brunette frowned slightly, moving to kiss the girl on the cheek. "I'm gonna go... Just call me whenever you need me."

"Matt, please don't be mad."

"I'm not." He stood up and looked at her. "Iz, you have had a lot of things thrown your way lately and you need to sort yourself out." He moved a hand to her face, stroking her cheek as he looked into her eyes. "I love you and I know that you have strong feelings for me too, so I will wait until you are able to say it back."

Isabella sighed, tears brimming in her eyes as her lips trembled. She didn't want to cry; she cried way too much over these boys and it wasn't worth it. The younger girl stared back at him, hoping that he could sense just how sorry and how guilty she felt. He just smiled sadly, wiping the stray tears that fell.

"I love you, Iz." He repeated once more before turning to the fence, and walking away from her. He didn't even turn back to wave.


Isabella stayed in her bedroom for two days, not talking to anyone, not answering her phone, just sleeping or watching sappy love stories that were nothing like her life. She felt so conflicted and so disgusted with herself. At times, she wasn't sure if she were awake or asleep. She could see Travis. He looked just as she remembered with that same silly grin on his face, his hair a mess and his eyes bright as ever. He was sitting right beside her, telling her it was okay.

"Bella, what is wrong?"

She sighed, leaning into him. She could feel him, smell his usual cologne, his hoodie's soft material against her cheek. He hugged her, told her everything was okay and that she had to listen to her heart, just as she'd heard before. Still, somehow her brother, her hero telling her this made more sense of everything.

"I've been watching over you, and I want to guide you, but I'm not you. I don't know what will help you."

"Mom and Dad love Alex, but he..." She sighed. "And Matt treats me so well...."

Travis sighed. "Only you know what you want, little sister."

Isabella felt tears falling down her face and she frowned. "I just want my brother back." The tears were falling faster and she was clinging to her older brother, knowing that this was all her imagination and soon she'd wake up. He stroked her hair, and spoke soothing words to her, but it didn't make her feel any better.

"Iz, I'm always here for you." He placed a hand on her heart. "Right here."

"I love you Trav."

"I love you Isabella." He smiled softly. "To be honest, I prefer Matt though."

Isabella laughed softly, kissing her brother's cheek. She had a feeling that Travis would've liked Matt. She needed someone to protect her, to understand her as only her brother had been able to. It seemed that Matt understood her better, or, at least, he tried harder to. Even if he looked like every parent's nightmare, Alex actually was. Alex had corrupted her, and she had always wanted to save that for someone special.

"Bells, just take the time you need to figure out what or who you want."

Suddenly Travis was gone, and Isabella was lying awake in her bed. She sighed, running her hands through her blonde hair. Travis had been appearing in her dreams more than usual. It was as if he was the only guidance she needed, and she needed it desperately now. It had seemed so real, she had felt him. She would give up everything just to have her brother back. She felt barely able to even talk to any other males other than him or her father until recently. He was her best friend and her everything, but now that he was gone, who could she turn to?
♠ ♠ ♠
Sorry its been so long, and that it is a little short. I've been less than inspired lately.
Comments might help me, so please tell me your thoughts on the story/the chapter/whatever.