Florida Plates

Florida Plates

You were standing there, where you had asked him to meet you.
He was a little ways away, watching the waves crash down on the Jersey Shore.
You needed him more than ever right now but knew you couldn't have him.
You had to tell himgoodbye forever.

"Gerard?" He turns and smiles slightly.
You hated that you where going tob r e a k his heart but you knew it would never work.
"I need to tell you something." You walk the little ways towards him.

"What is it?" He says.
You were going to miss the way his skin reflected the moons glow.
He grabs you hand and knots your fingers together.
He was so perfect but it wasn't everlasting.
You waited one last moment before telling him goodbye.

"We can't do this anymore." You tell him, staring into his hazel eyes.
He just nods.

"I knew this was coming. Please don't talk to much baby, I don't wanna know."
He pulls you into onelast k i s s.
"Goodbye sweet angel." He says turning away.
You leave him there on the Jersey Shore.

Getting into your car, you head into the direction away from him, away from his perfection.
You knew you should write letters but there was no way you would be able to.
All full of good words,better intentions.
Paper words could only cheapen the moments you shared.
It was for the best, even though he didn't know it.

It would be better if you say nothing at all.
Then, in a while, you could be almost convinced that you'd never happened.
♠ ♠ ♠
There will be a sequel to this one.