Eventually, Something Has to Give

Little Surprises.

My eyes cracked open to find my bedroom well alight from both sunlight and the ceiling light. Groaning I sat up slowly hearing a few loud satisfying cracks from my joints, telling me than when I did fall asleep again I hardly moved until now.

I can’t even remember falling asleep again, just that I was drawing. Sighing I lifted my hands rubbing the sleep away from my eyes before getting my eyes to focus in the bright room. I blinked a few times and looked around for my sketch pad – to find it on my bedside table. Confused I shook my head and pushed the blankets off me.

I froze. The last thing I remember I was laying on my side on top of the covers drawing...so that means someone had come into my room moved my book then placed the blanket over me. Shit, I really hope they didn’t pay attention to what I was drawing.

I scrambled out of my bed and into the hallway. There was no smell of food or noise from the living room, so that meant Mum wasn’t home, but there was music playing from Tanner’s room. Turning on my heel I headed for his room, I didn’t bother knocking knowing that he wouldn’t hear it over the music. I creaked the door open poking my head around the door frame.

Right away I slammed my hand over my mouth to stop myself from laughing. I watched amused as Tanner jumped around his room to ‘Attack Attack!’ throwing his arms into the air and laughing at himself. I chuckled lightly and entered the room still watching him. It was amusing as well as interesting to see. I for one haven’t done anything like that for ages; I wasn’t as so carefree anymore to even think of it.

Jumping around in a circle he finally spotted me and half froze on the spot. I started laughing but stopped when he ran over to me, grabbing my hand before pulling me into the middle of his room.

“Dance with me!” He yelled bouncing on his toes.
“Isn’t this song a bit hard to ‘dance’ to?” I laughed.

I liked this band but I didn’t want to put my neck out head banging considering I just got out of bed. Tanner nodded and half danced to his stereo, he changed the disk making ‘All Time Low’ flood the room. He walked back over to me and took my hands in his starting to sway. I shrugged to myself and copied him. It wasn’t like dancing with my brother would hurt me.

How I feel at the moment, distractions are the best thing in the world.

Slowly I let myself relax, smiling softly and twirled around with him. After a moment we were completely off beat, but that was fine with us. Laughing the song came to an end and Tanner did a little bow towards me. I did it back making him laugh as he turned the music down so it was background music. Well that was an odd start to the day.

“How are you feeling?”
“Alright I guess.” I shrugged, not really wanting to go into it.

He must have noticed because he nodded smiling. He glanced down at my arm making me do the same. Like I thought it was bruising up a little, but it wasn’t that bad. I shrugged it off.

“I hope you don’t mind that I checked on you this morning, I moved you art stuff for you.”
“No that’s fine, I thought someone did because I didn’t remember putting it away, I don’t even put it on my bedside table. Thanks.”
“You’re welcome and it was about time you got up, it’s like one in the afternoon.”

My draw dropped and I searched for his clock hanging on the wall. He was right, it was 1:15. Whoa.

“Wow.” I muttered making him laugh.
“It’s alright though; you had a long day yesterday so it’s understandable.”

I nodded and looked back over at him. A long day and night.

“Now get dressed woman! We have somewhere to go.”

I opened my mouth to ask but he just simply pointed to the door. I rolled my eyes at him and headed for the door as he yelled for me not to roll my eyes at him. Opening the door I poked my tongue out and ran before he could do anything.


“I don’t know that this is a good idea, after yesterday.” I whispered to my brother as he walked up beside me.
“It will be fine; me, Jared, your friend and the rest of Jared’s mates are here, so you will be fine.”
“If you say so.” I muttered looking down at my feet.
“Yes I say so, now come on. Jared will start yelling from over there if we don’t hurry up.” He said taking my hand. “How do you put up with him all the time?” He joked.
“The same way I manage to put up with you.”

How I said that was meant to come out as a joke but even to my ears it didn’t sound like it. I quickly looked up at Tanner and smirked. He looked relived to notice that it was a joke before his mouth made an ‘o’ shape.

“Meaner! You’re mean!” He gasped.

I shook my head smiling as he started laughing. Suddenly he started walking dragging me with him across the park. I let out a little whine but followed anyway, not like I had a choice in the matter. After walking a few meters we made it to the trees the band was sitting under to be greeted loudly by three people. Pat and Kennedy looked at Tan with small smiles. I’m sure Jared told them about my brother coming home already.

“Hey Tanner, this is Kennedy and Pat.” Jared beamed. “Pat is Tim’s brother; he lives across from your house.”
“Nice to meet you guys! Yeah I think I remember seeing you around Pat.” Tanner smiled.
“Yeah same.” Pat nodded.

Smiling softly I looked around for somewhere to sit and seeing as there wasn’t many places left in the small circle, I ended up sitting between Garrett and John. I shied away from John slightly, because of my obvious reasons. Garrett grinned at me eyes shining happily as I looked at him.

“How are you today?” He asked kindly.
“I’m alright.” I nodded.

I wanted to say ‘fine’ or ‘good’ but there was no reason to lie really. He was a...friend right?

“You?” I asked nicely.
“I’m good.”

I smiled nodding and let my gaze move around the group. Already John was talking with Tan and Jared was talking with Kennedy and Pat. What was obviously their lunch was spread out in the middle with now open bags of chips sitting there and half bottles of cool drink. I guess if I got up earlier we would had lunch with them.

“If you want something to eat or drink go ahead.” Garrett offered.

Nodding I reached out for a clean cup and the bottle of coke. I poured myself a drink and sipped in it, this was actually the first thing I’ve had all day. Probably not the best idea but I didn’t really care at the moment. Placing my drink down I moved so I was sitting with my legs towards John and lent on my right arm towards Garrett. Looking around the group again with soft eyes I started listening to the conversations that was floating around.

I’m starting to think that was one of my talents; listening.

Chuckling at what Pat said I picked up my drink again finishing it off before eating a couple of chips. I wasn’t really hungry at all surprisingly. Feeling someone tap my shoulder I jumped slightly and glanced to the side of me.

When I was it was just Garrett I relaxed. I hated how I was so jumpy at things.

“Would you come with me? I have something to show you.” He smiled.

Blinking I bit my lip hesitating for a second. Apart from yesterday I had never been alone with Garrett and normally I never trusted anyone to be able to. But...he saved me right? I could trust him enough again to be with him?

Slowly I managed to nod. He smiled and got up off the ground as I did the same. He slowly walked away from the group and I followed slowly; unsure. He glanced at me looking worried but then I saw it clink in his eyes.

“We’re just going to my car for a moment, it won’t take long.” He said.

My eyes ran over his face looking for a lie, but saw none so I nodded and walking a little faster wrapping my arms around myself. I could feel two sets of eyes bore into my back but I ignored them, though they did make this situation feel safer. They could see us and could come running of something did happen.

Also Jared trusts Garrett so really if Jared trusts him so much then I could at least trust him enough for this. Right?

As we got to his car, Garrett opened the back passenger door half climbing in to grab something. The back of his car was a bit of a mess, it was obvious that he was one of the people that brought the food here.

“Larissa you went into that art shop for a sketch book right?” He asked digging around still.
“Yeah, I did.”

I raised an eyebrow, what did that have to do with this? I watched as he got back out of the car and handed an object out to me. Blinking I gently took it and gasped lightly when I noticed it was a large A3 sketch book. I looked at him with wide eyes.

“Jared said that was why you went into the shop for, so I thought after what happened I would get this for you.” He smiled shyly scratching the back of his neck.

I blinked glancing down at the book before looking at him again. He...he got this for me? Jared was the only one to do something like this before; Tanner always did something to make me smile like dancing this morning. Garrett, someone that I didn’t fully trust and wasn’t family, did this for me.

I actually felt my eyes water up a little but I blinked a few times to get rid of it.

“T-thank you, so much.” I almost whispered afraid my voice would break.
“You’re very much welcomed.” He smiled with his eyes once again lighting up.

I grinned at him and took a step closer so we were more standing at a normal distance. He shut the door on his car and I held the book to my chest. I actually wanted to hug him for what he did, but I was unsure of it. Shyly I step forward again and he must have understood because he opened his arms for me.

Blushing heavily I took the last step and wrapped one arm around his waist very, very softly. He held me for a short second just as soft before letting me move away. My face felt so damn hot and my heart was going crazy, but I managed to smile at him. He ginned back at me as we started heading back to the others. I’m sure I saw that his cheeks were a little pinker when I pulled away, but who knows I could have just not noticed before.

Quietly we headed back to the group and sat down like we were before. I glanced up at my brother and cousin to see them eyeing us and the book in my lap. Jared was the first one to beam at us. I bit my lip and looked down feeling my face heat up again. Garrett chuckled besides me. I looked at him though my lashes as he grinned offering me some chips from the packet he had in his hand.

I nodded saying a quiet ‘thanks’ as I took some.

Wonders haven’t seised for me in the last two days.
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