Eventually, Something Has to Give

Scared Emotionless.

My feet slammed against the pavement as I bolted across the empty street. My knees were protesting against my body’s weight, my ankles wanted to fold underneath me and chest ached for the slightest bit of air from being winded and running. But I didn’t stop.

I could feel warm blood run from the cut on my shoulder and down my arm making my hoodie stick to the skin and wound. My body was shaking from how scared I was but at the moment it was the only thing pushing me on further, faster, deeper.

I ran like my life depended on it, ok scratch that, my life did depend on it.

Slipping around the corner of a deli, I saw people that were inside, stare at me as I flew past but none made a single movement to help. Of course they wouldn’t help me; they probably didn’t even see me fly past but the couple of guys that was hot on my heels.

For them to chase me through the streets like this was rear because of the fact they try so hard not to get caught. I guess today I’m just more unlucky than normal making them not care if they did get caught or not. I hope they did, I really, really did. Sadly my luck never worked that well.

Feeling dizzy from the lack of air I took a sudden turn into a very small alley way behind the deli and the shop next to it. It was that small there was hardly any room for a person let alone wheelie bins. I slipped past two bins and shoved one to the side before collapsing between the two, in my crap attempt of a hiding spot.

My head spun and for a long moment I thought I was going to pass out. I clawed my hand at the wall to feel something that was real so I knew I was still here as my vision was covered in black vision blocking spots. I blinked hard to try and see something – anything.

“Damn we lost her!”
“Yeah and that was getting fun, did you see her? She looked like she was going to flake out at any moment.”
“Even before she started running she looked out of it! I can’t believe someone could be so weak.”
“Yeah, well, let’s go now I have my brother to pick on. Not as entertaining as her but it will do until tomorrow.”
“We’ll get that freak tomorrow.”

Without wanting to, I felt myself slump against the wall when my vision fully left for a few long very scary minutes. When I did get it back I forced myself to stand, only to fall back down again hard, my back slamming into one of the bins making it topple over.

This was when I finally let myself break down in tears and sobs. I didn’t know if it was from everything or because there was simply no one there to help me.


Gasping for a breath of air my eyes snapped open. Cold beads of sweat ran down the side of my face, making me quickly pull the blanket around my body in a death grip. Blinking, I realised I had no idea where the hell I was making me freeze in terror.

As a small scream left my lips the room door flew open roughly slamming against the wall.

Right away the person pulled me into their arms making me start thrashing around to make them let go. It didn’t work at all because the person held me in a death grip no matter how much I shoved them back and kicked my legs. The blanket wrapped around me didn’t help either.

“Larissa, calm down!” Someone said. “You’re at my place, you stayed overnight remember?”

Blinking hard, I stopped moving to focus my eyes on Jared’s worried stricken face. He looked that scared and worried for a split second I thought he would start crying. I gasped in shock when I realised he was the one I was shoving away when all he was doing was calming me down.

So those guys chasing me really didn’t happen again – it was a dream.

“I’m sorry-I-“
“Are you ok? You’re screaming scared the fuck out of us, was it another dream?” He said so quickly his words almost ran into each other.
“I...It was a dream. I didn’t know I was screaming or anything. Sorry for scaring you.” I whispered.

I tried to pull away gently from him but he obviously was having none of that when pulled me back tight into his arms.

“Nothing to be sorry about. I know your dreams can get...bad, I was more afraid someone had broken in and was hurting you.”
“No.” I sighed. “I was hiding in a small alley way hiding from two guys chasing me.” I muttered.

Normally I didn’t explain much of my dreams like that so I could try and forget them easier. But I guess today it might help or something. After yesterday...I just...yeah.

Jared held me tighter running his hand up and down my spine in a soothing way. I placed my head on his shoulder staring across the room blankly.

“Did they, actually do that?” He asked sounding slightly choked. “Like chased you, and then made you hide in an alley way to escape them?”
“Yeah.” I breathed.

I never told every single detail to him. When I first told him anything he said if I didn’t want to I didn’t have to say everything that they did to me, only enough so he could understand. I was that grateful for that at the time I almost started crying when he said it.

Because I ended up telling Tanner near on everything and mum half of it, I didn’t want to say it all in fine detail again and if I can help it I’ll try not to again, at least in large amounts. The dreams I have are close enough to reliving it, I don’t want to remember it all and say it in one story like manner. I might actually finally lose my mind if I did.

“Well you’re safe now.” Jared whispered.

I said nothing nor moved, but it was true. As long as I was around him and Tanner I was safe. Hell I’m starting to think I’m mostly safe around Garrett now after he ‘saved’ me that day. Feeling that and knowing that makes me feel weird, like I was unsure if I should feel that.

...but I feel safer around him than my own dad right now.

Gently Jared pulled away from me showing a small smile. He kissed my cheek before getting off the bed – which was actually his.

“Tanner’s down stairs, he ended up staying the night too. Garrett called me last night and he said he might come around sometime soon, same as the rest of the guys because it’s movie night tonight.”

I nodded looking up at him.

“Came down when you’re ready.” He smiled.

I smiled thankfully at him and he nodded understanding as he turned to leave the room. When he shut the door quietly behind him I sat up better on the bed. I pulled the blanket up and wrapped it around me.

There was no way I could go back to sleep again but I didn’t feel like leaving the room just yet. I guess I have to sometime soon if the guys are coming over though.


With the blanket still wrapped around me I stumbled down the flight of stairs walking into the living room, probably looking like an Eskimo or something, not that I really cared. Making my face blank of emotion I sat on Tanner’s lap and curled up into him without saying a word.

Right now I just wanted someone to hold me and it just so happened I found him before Jared. I sat in the bedroom for about two hours now and I just couldn’t handle being in there by myself anymore or drawing.

“How are you feeling?” He said softly running his hand through my hair.

I shrugged because well I had no idea what to feel. What should I feel right now? My dad hates me; he thinks I’m some sort of freak. I had that dream where I was practically running for my life, I freaked out when I woke up then I sat in an empty bedroom for two hours. Oh yes, I’m just dandy.

“Jared said you were having a dream, they were chasing you?”
“Yeah, it was when I hid in the alley way.” I whispered.

I felt him nod and kiss my temple.

“You’re safe now.” He said with a clear smile in his voice. “And you’ll be safer when everyone gets here.”
“When’s that?”
“Around half an hour I think, they all decided to come here for lunch.”
“Ok.” I nodded.

For once in my life I actually felt the slightest bit happy and excited to see them. Maybe they could cheer me up or something or at least distract me from everything for a couple of hours.

“Mum called this morning too.” He sighed.

I froze slightly before nodding softly.

“What did she say?”
“That after we left she completely exploded on him – which he deserved it – and told him to get his act together. Apparently he was pretty shocked after what you said and didn’t even fire back. He just sat there for a while then left quietly. I think the man has lost him mind honestly.”
“Wouldn’t surprise me.” I mumbled. “His head has always been into work more than anything else. We have enough money to buy another six houses like ours and still be set up for life, but all he does is work no stop.”
“I’m so happy I decided to go to college them work at that place with him, I never want to end up that heartless with my own family.”

Sighing I nodded agreeing. I got offered once but turned it down as well. I rather work at Auntie Rhonda’s cafe until I’m old than work there.

Sighing again I closed my eyes, only just to open them again when the doorbell rang followed by my cousin’s loud footsteps to the front door.
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I actually really like this chapter :) Not sure why...maybe because it came out like I wanted it to?
I hope that no one minds how often I post this story O.o

Random note: The reason why in this story Jared's mum name is Rhonda is because that is one of my auntie's names. When I was starting the story I couldn't think of a name, so I thought of which Auntie I had seen last, which was her. :) Then I got the idea of her owning a cafe in the story because in real life she works in a fish and chips shop xD Amazing how ideas like that pop up aye?

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