Eventually, Something Has to Give

The Things I Do For My Cousin.

Sometimes I wonder how I get myself in the most stupid situations.

Hiding from Jared was something I didn’t do very often and also hated. I guess in a way I wasn’t really hiding but more avoiding him, he was so persistent about me coming over to his house tonight while his friends were there. I’m not exactly sure if I wanted to go or not.

If I stayed home then what would I do here? The answer was simple; nothing. But if I went to Jared’s to stay the night, I could watch movies awkwardly with the guys or read one of my Aunties books. I’m guessing Jared’s parents weren’t home if they knew about the plans for tonight, they usually used the movie nights as a good excuse to go out or spend the weekend away.

Maybe I should go just to make Jared happy; really after all the things he does for me I should do something for him...and his friends aren’t that bad as long as they don’t try and get me out of me “shell” again. I think they know by now not to try, it gets very annoying.

A sudden knock at the front door made me sigh; I looked over at it from where I was sitting on the couch. For a moment I actually debated on answering. Jared knew I was avoiding him for the last day and a half because of tonight. And I felt bad for it. I know he is looking out for me – as always- but...I don’t really like being around people I don’t trust very often, I tend to try and avoid them.

I know he knows that, but still he’s practically dragging me there.

“Larissa I know your home and sitting on the couch, open the door please?” Jared called.

I looked at the door with a dull expression, he knew me way too well. Either that or he can somehow see me sitting here. Shaking my head I hopped off the couch and walked over to the door. I opened it slowly to see Jared’s famous smile. I smiled back at him, I was always happy to see him in any situation; even ones like this.

“I’m sorry but we’ve decided to kidnap you for the night.” He grinned.
“And who is ‘we’?” I asked trying not to sound rude.
“Me and the guys.” He said pointing back at the cars by the curb where Pat waved at me walking from his house across the street.

I kind of gave him a half hearted wave back. I might not trust them but I’m not mean to them, at least I try not to be. I turned my attention back to Jared quickly.

“So are you going to come willingly or not?” He laughed.

I pretended to think about it before smirking. I turned and started running towards my room with his footsteps following me. I laughed and shoved my door open, but before I could take a step inside the room Jared wrapped his arm around my waist catching me. He was much faster than anyone would guess he was. He laughed in my ear easily picking me up off the ground and walking into my room with me.

I chuckled and shook my head as he placed me down in front of my wardrobe softly.

“Five minutes, we’re waiting!” He called walking out of my room.

Well there was no way of backing out now, like I had a choice in the first place. Rolling my eyes I grabbed my black shoulder bag; packed a spare set of clothes in, my notebook, mp3, phone and wallet. Once I had everything I exited the house locking up. Taking a deep breath I walked towards the cars and right to Jared, who was leaning against the silver one.

He smiled at me and happiness sparked in his eyes. I guess maybe living through one night with them will be worth it if Jared was happy about it.

He opened the car door for me and got in shotgun. I climbed into the back quickly shutting the door. I ignored the uneasiness and shyness in my stomach and bit my lip hard. Did I trust the driver to not crash on the way to Jared’s?

“Hi Lara.” John chirped from the driver’s seat with a friendly smile.
“Hey John.” I nodded giving him a small smile in return.

He sent me another friendly smile before turning around to start driving. I bit my lip again and kept it between my teeth the whole short drive to Jared’s. The things I did for my cousin.

The second John pulled into the drive way of the house and shut the engine off, I was out the car. I threw my bag over my shoulder and walked up to the front door. I waited for everyone else to do the same and for Jared to unlock the door.

Just as I was walking in someone bumped gently into my side.

“Sorry Larissa.” Garrett quickly mumbled.
“It’s alright...” I said quietly tailing off.

Garrett smiled and gestured for me to walk in before him. I showed him a small smile and walked in quickly with him following. I walked into the living room and everyone started sitting down on the couches talking. Already I felt awkward and like I shouldn’t be here.

I took my bag off from around me and placed it on the ground right away from everyone.

“Lara, come help me with the food?” Jared asked.

I followed him into the kitchen silently and started grabbing bowls out for all the chips sitting on the bench. I quickly started to empty out the bags to distract me from the bad feelings bubbling around my chest.

I wonder if I was the only one feeling them being here...no one else ever seemed to feel it because normally they all treat me nicely with open arms. Maybe I’m just the weird awkward one...honestly it wouldn’t surprise me. But it still made me wonder, did Jared’s friends wanted or liked the fact I was here?

“Thanks for coming cuz.” Jared smiled poring the drinks.
“I had no choice, I was kidnapped.” I stated numbly.
“I know.” He chuckled. “But still you didn’t argue and throw a fit over it.”

I said nothing to that and Jared laughed.

“I did avoid you though, sorry.” I said not looking at him, I felt bad for it.
“It’s alright, I understand why.” He said softly. “If you don’t feel like watching movies with us you can hang out in my room, I got new sketch pad for you to use.” He offered.

That idea made me smile, but that didn’t last long. The reason why I came here was for Jared to make him happy. I know that if I was to join them watching at least one movie he would be over the moon about it, so maybe I could do that for him. He does so much for me and if there was one thing I could do for him, even if it made me miserable I would do it.

One movie can’t hurt too much right?

And it’s not like John, Kennedy, Garrett or Pat would do anything to me because Jared would have their heads glued onto the end of his guitar...

Like I said before, the things I do for my cousin.

“I’ll watch one, as long as I can sit by you.” I said softly.
“Of course!” He grinned.

I smiled softly and picked up the bowls full of chips before following Jared out the kitchen. We placed the food and drinks on the table and I quickly went back to make the popcorn like I usually did. Apparently Kennedy thinks I make the best popcorn; I’m not sure if I trust for that to be true or not.

After making said popcorn I walked out of the kitchen and before I had the chance to place the bowl on the coffee table Kennedy and Pat was reaching out for it like little kids. I looked at them oddly but handed the bowl to them anyway just for them to start stuffing their faces with the food. Don’t they eat at home or something?

Looking away I moved over to where Jared was sitting and frowned because there was no space to sit next to him. He was on the end of the couch with Garrett next to him. Well, looks like I’m on the floor.

But just before I could sit on the floor in front of him, he nudged Garrett. Garrett looked up at me and quickly moved over making room with a smile spread across his face.

“Uh, thanks.” I muttered.
“No problem.”

Bitting my lip I sat down in the spot and made sure I was closer to Jared than him, mostly out of old habit. Jared chuckled and moved in close to my ear.

“You can trust him not to bite you know.” He whispered.

I glared at Jared and hit his arm making him laugh. I felt Garrett looking at us confused, but I ignored at and glanced at the TV. What I saw on the screen made me smile though. We are going to watch ‘Sleepy Hollow’ one of my favourite movies.

I bet Jared chose to watch that on purpose just for me.
♠ ♠ ♠
Not sure if I like this chapter or not to be honest...but I guess it turned out alright.
Now you know what her name is! :D To be honest again the reason why it wasn't in the first chapter was because I had no idea what it was going to be xD
But all the same, I hope you all liked this chapter.

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